Workplace - Diversity & Inclusion Flashcards
Bringing together people who have different beliefs, racial and ethnic backgrounds, or different identities.
Views on Diversity
Viewing diversity defensively–as a matter of legal or ethical compliance–to viewing it strategically–as a valuable asset that an orgz can use to compete.
Diversity of Thought
This view focuses on valuing the unique perspectives individuals bring to orgz.
Visible v. Invisible Diversity Traits
Visible: generally those external physical characteristics that are easily recognizable. (ethnicity, race, gender, nationality)
Invisible: attributes that are not readily seen, such as diversity of thought, perspectives, and life experiences. (education, family status, values, beliefs, working style)
Refers to a focus on promoting fairness and justice via orgz structure, distinct from the notion of equality.
The goal of equity is not to provide everyone with the same level of support, which would be equality.
Layers and Dimensions of Diversity
(Inside) Personality: your style, your characteristics
Internal Dimensions: assigned at birth, gender, have no control over
External Dimensions: results of life experiences, income, religion, education, appearance
(Outside) Orgz Dimensions: based on an individuals position in the orgz, union member, job title, department
The extent to which each person in an orgz feels welcomed, respected, supported, and valued as a team member.
Inclusion v Diversity
Diversity asks who do we bring into our orgz?
Inclusion asks how do we make them feel welcome when they get here?
An orgz recruits a diverse workforce but, consciously or otherwise, promotes assimilation rather than inclusion.
Covering Affects Workers’ Behavior Along 4 Dimensions:
- Appearance: blend in
- Affiliation: avoiding behaviors associated with their identity group
- Advocacy: avoiding engaging in advocacy
- Association: avoiding associating with members of their identity group
Benefits of D&I
- Improved creativity and innovation
- Recruitment and retention: widens your net so much more
- Market strengths
- Branding: employer branding w/ recruiting
- Global integration and local differentiation: being inclusive to local aspects
3 Main Reasons Why a Strategic Approach is Required
- Priority: D&I efforts will always have a lower priority than more immediate concerns.
- Complexity: D&I’s complex problems need a strategic, orgz-wide solution.
- Resistance: D&I involves major orgz change–and change is hard.
Costs of D&I
- Teams that nonproductive, and untimely
- Inceased costs for training & recruitment
- Increased mgmt time
- Difficulties in communication
- Blurred branding, image, and marketing efforts
- The impact of the stereotype threat: managers rely on biases in the workplace
- Global integration and local differentiation
- Up front costs for designing and implementing a diversity strategy and programs
Embracing Diversity
An Org must truly embrace diversity and integrate varied lifestyles, beliefs, and needs into its business culture to lead to true change.
Diversity Initiatives that Get Results
- Voluntary training
- Self managed teams
- Cross training
- College recruitment targeting women and minorities
- Mentoring for women and minorities
- Diversity task forces
- Diversity managers
Diversity and Inclusion Process
- Executive Commitment
- Preliminary Assessment
- Infrastructure Creation
- System Changes
- Training
- Measurement and Evaluation
- Evolution and Integration
- Executive Commitment
Without exec level leadership serving as role models and advocates, D&I cannot become a priority or demand resources
- Preliminary Assessment
- To identify current needs in order to set corresponding priorities, goals, and objectives
- To provide benchmarks against which the success or failure of D&I strategies can be measured
- Infrastructure Creation
- Divesity Councils: a task force created to define the D&I initiative and guide the process
- ERG: AKA affinity group or network group, is a voluntary group for EEs who share a particular diversity dimension
- Strategic Alliance: formal links with national and global diversity orgz
- System Changes
Review and revise to align with diversity goals:
- Orgz systems
- Operational processes, procedures, and practices
*policy review, recruiting, succession planning, supply chain, marketing, CSR==>should all be reviewed to align with D&I
- Training
- Diversity awareness courses, to help ppl develop a greater sensitivity to the opportunities and challenges of working in an increasingly dynamic and diverse orgz
- Diversity mgmt courses, to equip executives to manage diverse teams effectivley and foster an inclusive work environment
- Professional development opportunities, which help female, LGBT, and ethnically diverse EEs and others build skills to enable their success.
- Measurement and Evaluation
- Process measures assess ‘how we did, what went well, what didnt and why’. Ex: the # of EEs participating in a mentoring program and their feedback on the experience
- Results measures assess the difference it made to the orgz. Ex: was there a decrease in turnover and how much did that save the orgz?
HRs Role to Ensure the D&I Strategy Positively Influences:
- Policies/Procedures-to promote diversity
- Individual-attitudes and behaviors
- Managerial-skills and practices
Individual Attributes/Behaviors
Relational Skills:
- Emotional Intelligence
- Intercultural Wisdom
- Building Trust
- Managing Conflict
- Negotiatin
- Global Mindset
==>Instilling these qualities throughout the orgz is a critical outcomes-based HR responsibility
Ways to Increase Managerial Skills and Practices
4 T’s: travel, transfer, train, teams
*This builds cultural awareness
Policies & Procedures to Promote Diversity
HR’s Challenge is to ensure that every policy applies equitably and fairly across:
- All diversity dimensions including gender, sexuality, race, cutlure
- All functions including IT, finance, manufacturing
- All global locations including mix of highly diverse cultures
Dimension Specific Issues
Each diversity dimension presents unique issues and challenges (sex, age, religion, race, personality)