Working Memory Flashcards
Describe K.F - had lesion it perisylvian cortex
Reduced digit span (approx 2)
Preserved long term memory
Shows double dissociating between long term memory and short term memory
Describe H.M (bilateral removal of the temporal lobe)
Kept having seizures ( severe amnesia)
Could no longer store anything in long term memory
Only had short term memory’s and procedural memory
Draw Atkinson and shifting modal model
Environmental . Sensory . Short term – rehearsal –>long t
Input /. Memory /. Memory <–retrieval – memory
|. ~rehearsal
Info can be lost by decay/ interference or a combinations at each stage
What does the serial model day about info that is going into long term memory
Must if through short term memory and be rehearsed to get into long term memory
What is the evidence against a unitary short term memory store and show by Baddeley and hitch (1974)
Patients with short term memory deficits did not show generalised cognitive deficits
Baddeley & hitch
Ppts able to do task with concurrent memory load
What is the evidence for a multi- component model?
1) phonological similarity effect (the similar words are harder to remember)
2) word length effect (immediate memory short short words is feather than long words)
3) articulately suppression ( with visual presentation of words, irrelevant speech removes phonological similarity effect and word length effect)
People with short term memory deficits don’t show these when words are presented visually
What has been said about individual differences in working memory
Reasoning ability is little more than working memory capacity?
What is the model of working memory by Baddeley and hitch
Visio-spatial > central > phonological Episodic
Sketch pad >. Executive >. Loop. Buffer
Central executive= working part of working memory
Most important but least understood component of working memory
Coordination if resources, attentional control, processing and manipulation of stored information
What did the study by kyllonen & christal on reasoning tests do
Gave ppts reasoning test: e.g guess the odd one out
And working memory test:
Don’t know results
What did the study by Kane and engle 2002 do
Gave ppts complex span task and simple span task
Both load onto ‘working’ component of working memory
Complex requires retention of information in working memory and in assist ion requires the active processing, manipulation and updating of this information
Simple span requires retention of information in working memory
What can we conclude from the studies on working memory and fluid intelligence
‘Working’ component of working memory predicts fluid intelligence
Simple short term memory does not
What does fluid (or general) intelligence involve
The executive attention component of working memory
What did Kane and engle say about fluid intelligence
Memory representations are maintained in a highly active state in the presence of interference and these representations may reflect action plans, goal states, or task- relevant stimuli in the environment
What did Duncan et al 2012 show a correlation between
Rule working memory and culture fair IQ
What did Duncan 2013 say about fluid intelligence
Effective fluid intelligence involves construction of a ‘mental program’ for task performance - subdivide goals into sub-goals to break down complex problems into manageable chunks
Finish: intelligence> working memory >
What is Goldman - rapid : standard model of working memory
Sub stained delay. - Baddeleys WM
Activity in PFc. - Storage buffers
Sustained activation in PFC during the delay period of a WM task reflects a neuronal WM ‘template’, a temporary representation if to be remembered information
What is the neuropsychological evidence for a role of the PFC in working memory (petrides & Milner (1982)
Self- ordered WM task given to patients with frontal and temporal cortex lesions
Patients instructed to touch one picture per sheet of paper and not to touch the same picture twice
Patients with frontal lesions disproportionately impaired
What evidence is there for the role of the PFC in working memory from monkey neurophysiology (funahashi)
Single neurons in the monkey PFC encode specific spatial locations during the delayed period of a WM task
Evidence for direct coding of to be remembered information in PFC
What versus where in monkey memory: what does the ventral PFC and dorsal PFC process
Ventral PFC : object working memory
dorsal PFC : spatial working memory
What evidence is there from monkey neurophysiology against a standard model - Rao
Task integrated WM for objects and WM for location over half of neurons showed both object and location selectivity
Neurons in PFC adapt flexibility to represent task relevant information
What were the classification of neurons in monkey neurophysiology
Attention, memory or hybrid
Majority if neurons selective for the remembered location
Suggests PFC neurons are more important for attentional selection than WM per se
What did the study by petrides et al 2000 do (against standard model)
Tested monkeys with lesions to inferior temporal or inferior frontal cortex
Self ordered task with manipulation if a) stimulus set size and b) delay
Results: temporal cortex - working memory.Frontal cortex - monitoring
Prefrontal lesions in humans only impair working memory under conditions if distraction
What did Owen et al show
Spatial and no spatial tasks activated overlapping prefrontal cortex regions
Evidence against the idea that spatial and non spatial information are represented in different parts if the PFC during WM
Can neurons in the brain be tunes of individual faces
What is the multivoxel pattern analysis
Takes advantage of fine grained patterns of activation in the brain
Uses machine learning techniques to teach an algorithm about the pattern of neural activation associated with a particular stimulus
Algorithm is then a me it decode what the subject is looking at simply by viewing their pattern of brain activity
Rudimentary form if mind reading
What was the alternative view of WM being an emergent property - postle 2006
Of the brain can represent it, the brain can also demonstrate working memory for it, working memory functions are produced when attention is directed to systems that have had evolved to accomplish sensory representation or action related functions. From this perspective, working memory May Simone be a property that emerges from a nervous system that is capable of representing many different kind if information, and that is endowed with flexibility deployable attention
How does spatial working memory operate via dual coding mechanism
A perceptual code involving rehearsal of spatial information via covert shifts of spatial selection attention to memorised locations
A motor code involving a representation of the target in relation to the views body
What did awh show about spatial working memory
Operates via attention to memorised locations
What did postle & d’esposito show about spatial memory
It operates by encoding locations of targets in an egocentric frame of reference essential for carrying out motor commands