workforce safety and wellness Flashcards
1) The stage of the stress response in which the pituitary gland releases a flood of adrenocorticotropic hormones is:
A) exhaustion.
B) resistance.
C) withdrawal.
D) alarm.
2) Which of the following statements about Kübler-Ross’s five stages of grief is most accurate?
A) These stages are only experienced by patients actually undergoing the dying process.
B) Dying patients experience these stages in their own unique ways.
C) Although people have unique experiences along the way, they do experience all five stages.
D) Health care providers typically experience one to three of the stages when grieving the death of a patient.
dying patients experience these stages in their own unique ways
3) Which of the following best describes those in an ambulance who should use seat belts?
A) All persons on board (care providers, patients, and family)
B) Only the patient, because the requirements of medical care take priority
C) Only those riding in the back
D) Only those seated in the front
all persons on board (care providers, patients, and family)
4) Of the following, which is NOT generally used on scene to minimize hazards?
A) Helmets
B) Body armor
C) Reflective tape
D) Surgical scrubs
surgical scrubs
5) One of the principles of proper lifting is to:
A) hold your breath while lifting.
B) position the load close to your body.
C) pull rather than push when possible.
D) bend at the waist to use the strong muscles of the back.
position the load close to your body
6) Which of the Kübler-Ross stages of grief would be suspected if a cancer patient said to you, “This frustrates me so much. I never saw it coming, and now my family will have to go on without me”?
A) Bargaining
B) Hopelessness
C) Anger
D) Denial
7) Which of the following is an important factor in reducing the risk of infection?
A) Stress management
B) Adequate rest
C) Good nutrition
D) All of the above
all of the above
8) To minimize the stress of shift work, on their days off paramedics should sleep:
A) at the times they sleep on workdays.
B) after a heavy meal or strenuous exercise.
C) at least 12 hours to catch up on lost sleep.
D) at night, regardless of when they sleep on workdays.
at the times they sleep on workdays
9) Which of the following is NOT one of the core elements of physical fitness?
A) Muscular strength
B) Speed
C) Cardiovascular endurance
D) Flexibility
10) When coping mechanisms can no longer buffer job stressors, the likely result is:
A) withdrawal.
B) burnout.
C) eustress.
D) fugue state.
11) Which of the following causes the greatest hazard for EMS personnel?
A) Motor vehicle collisions
B) Violence
C) Suicide
D) Communicable diseases
motor vehicle collisions
12) What is the minimum number of times you should exercise weekly to build cardiovascular endurance?
A) 2
B) 5
C) 3
D) 10
13) Good nutrition habits include:
A) drinking 2-3 cups of coffee a day.
B) eating 1-2 servings of grains or breads daily.
C) enjoying charcoal-cooked foods.
D) bringing low-calorie snacks to work.
bringing low calorie snacks to work
14) You are on a scene at which you have requested and received orders for field termination of resuscitative measures. Which of the following terms should you use when informing the family of the patient’s status?
A) Gone
B) Expired
C) Dead
D) Passed
15) At which of the following times should you wash your hands?
A) Before meals
B) When your hands are visibly soiled
C) After every patient contact and/or decontamination procedure
D) All of the above
all of the above
17) When operating an emergency vehicle, the paramedic should show due regard for the safety of:
A) the patient.
B) the EMS crew members.
C) the general public.
D) all of the above.
all of the above
18) Which of the following is NOT a recommended vaccination for EMS providers?
A) Tuberculosis
B) Hepatitis B
C) Measles/mumps/rubella
D) Influenza
16) The minimum recommended PPE for prehospital providers is all of the following, EXCEPT:
A) reusable equipment.
B) HEPA respirator.
C) protective gloves.
D) protective eyewear.
reusable equipment
19) The most important Standard Precaution the EMS provider can employ as an infection control practice is to:
A) avoid direct patient contact.
B) sterilize all contaminated equipment.
C) wash hands frequently.
D) receive all recommended vaccinations.
wash hands frequently
20) A type of exercise in which muscles are worked through their full ranges of motion to develop muscular strength is called:
A) iatrogenic.
B) isotonic.
C) isolateral.
D) isometric.
21) A patient with suspected or known ________ makes it necessary for the care provider to don a HEPA or an N-95 respirator.
A) pneumonia
C) viral meningitis
D) tuberculosis
22) In addition to gloves, what personal protective equipment should you wear when assisting with childbirth?
A) Protective eyewear and gown
B) Mask, gown, and protective eyewear
C) Mask
D) Protective eyewear and N-95 respirator
mask gown and protective eye wear
23) What can be done to minimize the possibility of developing cancer?
A) Eating broccoli and high-fiber foods
B) Wearing sunblock
C) Risk-assessment screening
D) All of the above
all of the above
24) Which of the following procedures would you use for dealing with a backboard contaminated with blood?
A) Sterilization
B) Cleaning
C) Disinfection
D) Disposal