Words from Extensive Classes Flashcards
diǎndī* {F}
n. ①droplet ②a bit; a crumb ③〈med.〉 intravenous drip
3 [gr:F] average occurrences per million characters of text
qǐshì {D}
v./n. enlighten; inspire | Tā de jīngyàn gẹ̌i wǒ hěn dà qǐshì. 他的经验给我很大启示。 His experiences greatly inspired me. ◆n. 〈rel.〉 apocalypse
shuǎngkuai {D}
s.v. ①refreshed; comfortable ②frank; straightforward; outright | ²Tā shuōhuà shuǎngkuai. 她说话爽快。 She speaks frankly. ◆adv. with alacrity; readily
[rǎng] - shout, yell
[rāng] - 嚷嚷 rāngrang shout
嚷¹rǎng {E} v. ①shout ②make noise
嚷rāng {B} b.f. 嚷嚷 rāngrang
náshǒu {E} s.v.
①adept; expert; good at | Tā ³huà yóuhuà hěn náshǒu. 他画油画很拿手。 He’s really good at oil painting. ②confident (in) ◆n. one’s special skill/ability/etc. | Nèige fànguǎn de shīfu yǒu shénme náshǒu hǎo cài? 那个饭馆的师傅有什么拿手好菜? What is the specialty of the chef at that restaurant?
jiāyáo n. good/choice food; delicacies M:fèn 份
adv. extremely, particularly
unusual; extraordinary; abnormal ◆adv. extremely; particularly; exceedingly
25.5 [XHPC:46] average occurrences per million characters of text
adj. diligent, industrious
s. v. industrious; hardworking | Zhōnghuá mínzú shì ge qínláo de mínzú. 中华民族是个勤劳的民族。 The Chinese are a hardworking people.
n. Gentlemen
shēnshì {D} n. gentlemen; gentry M:²wèi
n. demeanor, manner
fēngdù* {D} n. demeanor; bearing | Tā hěn yǒu fēngdù. 他很有风度。 He carries himself well.
2.8 [XHPC:5] average occurrences per million characters of text
adj. full, sheer
shízú* {D} v.p. 100 percent; out-and-out; downright | Quánbān nánshēng gègè shì shízú de lánqiú mí. 全班男生个个是十足的篮球迷。 All the boys of the class are diehard basketball fans.
v. to supervise and urge
dūcù {D} v. supervise and urge
v. to fight, to come to blow
dǎjià {C} v.o. fight; scuffle; come to blows | Bụ̀yào gēn tóngxué dǎjià. 不要跟同学打架。 Don’t fight with your schoolmates.
13.3 [XHPC:24] average occurrences per million characters of text
adj. hard to get along with, on bad terms.
bièniu {D} s.v. ①awkward; difficult; not to one’s liking ②exasperated; vexed; frustrated ③hard to please; difficult to deal with; perverse; quarrelsome | Nǐ zhège rén zhēn bièniu. 你这个人真别扭。 You’re so difficult to please/deal with. ④can’t see eye to eye | Tāmen cháng nào bièniu. 他们常闹别扭。 They’re often at odds.
adj. getting along well, on friendly terms
róngqià {D} s.v. with mutual understanding; on friendly/good terms | Tāmen zài róngqià de qìfēn zhōng jìnxíngle huìtán. 他们在融洽的气氛中进行了会谈。 They had a discussion in a very friendly atmosphere.
adj. close, intimate
qīnmì* {D} s.v. close; intimate | Tā shì wǒ qīnmì de péngyou. 他是我亲密的朋友。 He’s my close friend.
8.9 [XHPC:16] average occurrences per million characters of text
v. to ignore, to neglect
hūlüè {D} v. neglect; overlook; lose sight of
v. to envy, to be jealous
jídù {D} v. ①be jealous of; envy ②hate
9 [gr:D] average occurrences per million characters of text
滔滔不绝[—絕] tāotāobùjué {D} f.e. talk on and on ◆n. glibness
3.3 [XHPC:6.5] average occurrences per million characters of text
[talk forty to the dozen;never weary or saying;keep on talking] 比喻像流水一样连续不断
嘲笑 cháoxiào {D} v. ridicule; deride; laugh at | Dàjiā dōu cháoxiào tā dạ̌nxiǎo. 大家都嘲笑他胆小。 Everyone laughed at his cowardice.
15.5 [XHPC:28] average occurrences per million characters of text
嘲笑cháo xiào
讨好[討-] tạ̌ohǎo(r) {E} v.o./v. ①toady to ②have one’s labor rewarded | Bié gàn fèilì bù tạ̌ohǎo(r) de shì(r). 别干费力不讨好的事(儿)。 Don’t undertake a thankless task.
1.7 [XHPC:3] average occurrences per million characters of text
郑重[鄭-] ¹zhèngzhòng* {D} s.v. serious; earnest | Wǒ zhèngzhòng de xuānbù tuìchū zǔzhī. 我郑重地宣布退出组织。 I formally declared that I was quitting the organization.
8.9 [XHPC:16] average occurrences per million characters of text
慎重,谨慎小心。《红楼梦.第一九回》:「黛玉见他说的郑重,且又正言厉色,只当是真事。」《文明小史.第二三回》:「洋人去后,万帅回辕,见制军待洋人那般郑重, 自己也就收拾一间西式屋子出来。」
当面[當-] dāngmiàn(r) {C} adv. face to face; in one’s presence; openly | Shìqing zuìhǎo dāngmiàn(r) shuōqīng. 事情最好当面说清。 It’s better to explain everything face to face.
12.2 [XHPC:22] average occurrences per million characters of text
人家 rénjia {C} pr. ①sb. else | Bié dòng rénjia de dōngxi. 别动人家的东西。 Don’t touch other people’s things. ②I (used by females) ③fiancé’s family | Tā yǐjing ²yǒule rénjia le. 她已经有了人家了。 She’s engaged to be married. See also rénjiā
人家 rénjiā(r)* {B} n. ①dwelling; household ②family ③sb. else’s house See also rénjia
附和 ²fùhè {D} v. echo; chime in with | Tā jiù huì yị̄wèi fùhè shàngsi. 他就会一味附和上司。 He only knows how to chime in with his boss.
5.0 [XHPC:9] average occurrences per million characters of text
大伙儿[–兒] ¹dàhuǒr* {B} n. 〈coll.〉 us; we; we all; everyone | Dàhuǒr dōu zhīchí tā. 大伙儿都支持他。 We all support him.
58.1 [XHPC:105(大伙儿)] average occurrences per million characters of text
和睦 hémù {D} n./s.v. harmony; amity
9 [gr:D] average occurrences per million characters of text
近义词 和好,亲善
反义词 不和,抗争,争执,争吵
宽容[寬-] kuānróng {E} s.v. tolerant; lenient | Tā duì biéren hěn kuānróng. 他对别人很宽容。 He’s tolerant toward others. ◆v. pardon
5 [gr:E] average occurrences per million characters of text
1。 宽大容忍
2.。 宽恕
近义词 优容
反义词 偏狭,苛刻,严厉,严格
疑惑 ¹yíhuò* {D} n./v. ①be perplexed/uncertain ②doubt | Tā yī̠ liǎn de yíhuò. 他一脸的疑惑。 He looks uncertain. ③suspect
6.6 [XHPC:12] average occurrences per million characters of text
疑惑 yíhuò
(1) [puzzle]∶迷惑,不理解
(2) [feel uncertain;be not convinced]∶怀疑,不相信
(3) [unpeaceful]∶疑虑不安,犹豫不定
反问[-問] fǎnwèn* {C} v. ask (a question) in reply | Lǎoshī fǎnwèn ²dào: “Nǐ shuō ne?” 老师反问道: “你说呢?” “What do you think?” asked the teacher in return. ◆n. rhetorical/negative question
◎ 反问 fǎnwèn
(1) [ask in reply;counter with a question]∶反过来问提问的人
(2) [rhetorical question]∶用疑问语气表达与字面相反的意思
瞬间[-間] shùnjiān {E} adv. in a twinkling
2.8 [XHPC:5] average occurrences per million characters of text
◎ 瞬间 shùnjiān
[in a twinkling;split-second] 一眨眼的工夫,转瞬之间
鸦雀无声[鴉-無聲] yāquèwúshēng {E} f.e. silence reigns | Jiàoshì li yāquèwúshēng. 教室里鸦雀无声。 Silence reigns in the classroom.
1.7 [XHPC:3] average occurrences per million characters of text
◎ 鸦雀无声 yāquè-wúshēng
[silence reigns and not a crow or sparrow can be heard] 安静,无一点声息
启蒙[啟-] ¹qǐméng* {E} v.o. ①instruct the young; initiate ②enlighten; free sb. from prejudice/superstition ◆n. primer
5.0 [XHPC:9] average occurrences per million characters of text
◎ 启蒙 qǐméng
(1) [impart rudimentary knowledge to beginners;initiate]∶传授基础知识或入门知识
(2) [instruct very young]∶教小孩(如幼儿园和初级小学)
(3) [enlighten]∶开导蒙昧,使之明白事理
247 任 [rèn] appoint; no matter; 任务 task; 任何 any [Rén] (surname)
任²rèn {C} v. ①serve in a position ②appoint to a position ③allow ◆n. official post ◆m. term of office | Měiguó zọ̌ngtǒng yī̠ rèn sì nián. 美国总统一任四年。 One term of office for an American President is four years. ◆conj. no matter (what/how) | Rèn tā zěnme shuō, wǒ dōu bụ̀ xìn. 任他怎么说, 我都不信。 I don’t believe him no matter what he says. ◆b.f. ①trust 信任 xìnrèn ②any 任何 rènhé
任Rén {E} n. Surname
● 任
rèn ㄖㄣˋ
- 相信,信赖:信~。
- 使用,给予职务:~命。~人唯贤。
- 负担,担当:担~。~课。
- 职务:就~。到~。~重道远。
- 由着,听凭:~凭。~性。~意。~从。~随。听~。放~自流。听之~之。
- 不论,无论:~何。~人皆知。
● 任
rén ㄖㄣˊ
- 中国古代女子爵位名。
- 中国古代南方的一种民族乐曲。
- 姓。
英语 trust to, re
v. to refute, to retort
反驳[-駁] fǎnbó* {D} v. refute; retort; negate | fǎnbó zhè piān wénzhāng de lùndiǎn 反驳这篇文章的论点 to refute the thesis of this article
7.2 [XHPC:13] average occurrences per million characters of text
◎ 反驳 fǎnbó
[retort;rebute;confute;disprove] 提出反对的理由辩驳
v. to realize, to be aware
意识[-識] yìshi* {C} n. consciousness; mentality See also yìshi dào
89.1 [XHPC:161] average occurrences per million characters of text
◎ 意识 yìshi
(1) [consciousness]∶人的头脑对于客观物质世界的反映,是感觉、思维等各种心理过程的总和
(2) [be conscious of;awake to;realize]∶觉察;发现
v. to practice, to implement
实行[實-] ¹shíxíng* {B} v. put into practice/effect; practice; implement | Míngnián kāishǐ shíxíng xiàshízhì. 明年开始实行夏时制。 Daylight saving time will be implemented next year.
106.8 [XHPC:193] average occurrences per million characters of text
◎ 实行 shíxíng
[practice;practise] 实际施行
—————–国语辞典实行shí xíng ㄕˊ ㄒㄧㄥˊ
adj stern, severe
严厉[嚴厲] ¹yánlì* {C} s.v. stern; severe | Wǒ fùqin kàn shàngqu hěn yánlì. 我父亲看上去很严厉。 My father looks stern.
15.5 [XHPC:28] average occurrences per million characters of text
◎ 严厉 yánlì
[stern;severe] 严肃而厉害;不宽容
v. to keep within bounds, to restrain
约束[約-] ¹yuēshù {D} n./v. ①control; restrain; bind; dominate | Tā zhège rén shì yuēshù bụ̀zhù de. 他这个人是约束不住的。 There’s no holding him. ②〈lg.〉 dominate
5.0 [XHPC:9] average occurrences per million characters of text
◎ 约束 yuēshù
(1) [bind;commit] 束缠
(2) [check;restrain;control;restrict] 限制管束使不超越范围
(3) [oath (treaty) of alliance] 盟约,规约
遵上之约束。——清· 洪亮吉《治平篇》
adj kindly, amiable
和蔼的笑容 amiable smile
10.5 [XHPC:19] average occurrences per million characters of text
adj gentle, kindly
héqi* {D} s.v. kind; polite; amiable ◆n. harmony; friendship
Bié shāngle héqi. 别伤了和气。 Don’t hurt our friendship. M:tuán 团
n. expression in one’s eyes
{C} n. ①sight; vision; view ②gaze; look ③perspicacity; shrewdness
34.3 [XHPC:62] average occurrences per million characters of text
adj. of an elder - kindly, affable
cíxiáng* {D} s.v. kind
11.1 [XHPC:20] average occurrences per million characters of text
跨 [kuà] step, stride; straddle; go beyond
v。 to step, to stride
跨¹kuà* {B} v. ①step; stride ②straddle ③cut across; go beyond
v. to decide for oneself, to be one’s master
zìzhǔ* {C} v. be one’s own master; take the initiative | hūnyīn zìzhǔ 婚姻自主 marry sb. of one’s own choice
11.1 [XHPC:20] average occurrences per million characters of text
adv. don’t, needn’t
甭 [béng] (abbr. 不用 búyòng) (=甮) there’s no need to
甭béng* {C} aux. 〈topo.〉 don’t; needn’t (contraction of bụ̀yòng) | Jìrán huì qǔxiāo le, nǐ jiù béng lái le. 既然会取消了, 你就甭来了。 Since the meeting has been canceled, you needn’t come.
v. to break away from, to separate oneself from
脱离[脫離] tuōlí* {B} v. separate oneself from; be away from; be out of | Bìngrén tuōlíle wēixiǎn. 病人脱离了危险。 The patient is now out of danger.
v. to entice, to tempt
诱惑[誘-] yòuhuò {D} v. ①tempt; seduce; lure | Rúguǒ yǒurén yòng jīnqián yòuhuò nǐ, nǐ néng dǐzhì ma? 如果有人用金钱诱惑你, 你能抵制吗? Can you resist it if someone tries to seduce you with money? ②attract; allure
v. to be incomparable, to be unparalleled
无比[無-] ¹wúbǐ {C} v.p. unparalleled; matchless | Kǎoshangle dàxué, ²tā ²xīnli wúbǐ zìháo. 考上了大学, 她心里无比自豪。 She’s very proud of passing the university entrance examination.
v. to yearn for, to look forward to
向往 xiàngwǎng* {D} v. ①yearn for; look forward to | Wǒmen dōu xiàngwǎng xìngfú de shēnghuó. 我们都向往幸福的生活。 We all long for a happy life. ②admire and try to imitate
adj. lonely, solitary
孤独[-獨] ¹gūdú* {D} s.v. lonely; solitary; lonesome; single; reclusive | Wọ̌ yǒushí juéde hěn gūdú. 我有时觉得很孤独。 I sometimes feel lonely.
6.6 [XHPC:12] average occurrences per million characters of text
to cry, to weep
kū bízi {E} v.o. 〈coll.〉 cry; wail; whimper
5 [gr:E] average occurrences per million characters of text
n. short while, moment
piànkè* {D} n. a short while; a moment
11.1 [XHPC:20] average occurrences per million characters of text
n. step, place
bùfá {D} n. step; pace
7.2 [XHPC:13] average occurrences per million characters of text
v. to surround, to encircle
包围[-圍] bāowéi* {C} v. surround; encircle ◆n. encirclement | chōngchū bāowéi 冲出包围 break through the encirclement
38.2 [XHPC:69] average occurrences per million characters of text
v. to be anxious to, to be dying or itching to
恨不得 hènbude {C} r.v. very anxious to; itch to | Wǒ hènbude mǎshàng jiù zǒu. 我恨不得马上就走。 I wish to go immediately.
10.0 [XHPC:18] average occurrences per million characters of text
n. in front of, close to
跟前 gēnqián* {B} p.w. (place word/locative word) ①in front of; before ②close to; nearby | Tā jiù zhù zài gēnqián. 她就住在跟前。 She lives nearby. ③the time just before See also gēnqian
跟前 gēnqian p.w. ①living with one | Tā gēnqian yǒu ge nǚ’ér. 她跟前有个女儿。 She has a daughter living with her. ②nearby See also gēnqián
n. reunite
团圆[團圓] ²tuányuán {D} n./v. reunion | Wǒmen bùjiǔ jiù huì tuányuán de. 我们不久就会团圆的。 We will have a reunion soon. ◆v.p. round
9 [gr:D] average occurrences per million characters of text
n. recently, lately
近来[-來] jìnlái* {B} adv. recently; lately; of late | Nǐ jìnlái shēntị̌ hǎo ma? 你近来身体好吗? How’s your health lately?
20.5 [XHPC:37] average occurrences per million characters of text
yùnniàng {D} v. ①brew; ferment (lit./fig.) ②have a look at/into | Qǐng dàjiā xiān yùnniàng yị̄xià zhège tí’àn. 请大家先酝酿一下这个提案。 Please have a look at the proposal first. ③make preparations; get ready
3.3 [XHPC:6.5] average occurrences per million characters of text
chànà {D} n. instant; split second
7.7 [XHPC:14] average occurrences per million characters of text
fǎncháng* {D} s.v. unusual; abnormal; perverse; anomalous | Jīntiān lěng de fǎncháng. 今天冷得反常。 It’s unusually cold today.
6.1 [XHPC:11] average occurrences per million characters of text
mányuàn* {D} v./n. blame; complain; grumble | Bié hùxiāng mányuàn le! 别互相埋怨了! Stop your mutual recriminations! See also máiyuàn
7.7 [XHPC:14] average occurrences per million characters of text
to show understanding and sympathy
tǐliàng* {D} v. ①make allowances for ②be considerate of | ²Tā nénggòu tǐliàng biéren. 她能够体谅别人。 She is considerate of others.
listless, in low spirits
wújīngdạ̌cǎi {E} f.e. listless; depressed
5 [gr:E] average occurrences per million characters of text
v. to plan
guīhuà* {C} v. program; plan | Wǒmen yào yǒu yị̄ ge zọ̌ngtǐ chéngshì guīhuà. 我们要有一个总体城市规划。 We should have an overall city plan.
23.8 [XHPC:43] average occurrences per million characters of text
v. to endure, to hold out
熬 [áo] boil, stew; endure [āo] boil, cook in water
熬¹áo {C} v. ①boil; stew | Yòng wénhuǒ áo shí fēnzhōng. 用文火熬十分钟。 Boil ten minutes over low heat. ②decoct ③endure; hold out | Kǔ rìzi zǒngsuàn áo dàotóur le. 苦日子总算熬到头儿了。 I finally made it through the hard days. ④stay up late or the whole night
熬²āo {E} v. cook in water; boil
adj. very long, endless
màncháng* {C} s.v. very long; endless
13.3 [XHPC:24] average occurrences per million characters of text
adj. quiet, silent
jìjìng {D} s.v. quiet; still; tranquil; calm | Gēshēng dǎpòle yèwǎn xiàoyuán de jìjìng. 歌声打破了夜晚校园的寂静。 Songs broke the silence of the campus at night.
16.0 [XHPC:29] average occurrences per million characters of text
n. manuscript, contribution
gǎojiàn {D} n. manuscript; contribution M:fèn/piān 份/篇
9 [gr:D] average occurrences per million characters of text
nándé* {C} s.v. ①hard to come by; rare | Tā zhēnshi nándé de yǎnyuán. 他真是难得的演员。 He’s an exceptionally gifted actor. ②fortunate; lucky ◆adv. ①seldom; rarely | Nǐ nándé lái, duō ²zuò yị̄huìr ba. 你难得来, 多坐一会儿吧。 You rarely come, so please sit a while longer. ②fortunately; luckily
xīnténg {D} s.v./v. ①love dearly | Fùmǔ dōu xīnténg zìjǐ de háizi. 父母都心疼自己的孩子。 All mothers and fathers dearly love their children. ②feel sorry; be distressed
yǎnshì* {D} v. cover up; gloss over | Tā jílì yǎnshì zìjǐ de wúzhī. 他极力掩饰自己的无知。 He tried hard to cover up his ignorance.
7.2 [XHPC:13] average occurrences per million characters of text
yǐnmán* {D} v. conceal; hide | Tā xiàng fùmǔ yǐnmánle zhēnxiàng. 他向父母隐瞒了真相。 He concealed the truth from his parents.
3.3 [XHPC:6.5] average occurrences per million characters of text
láodao* {E} v. 〈coll.〉 ①chatter; be garrulous ②nag | Bụ̀yào zhěngtiān láodao. 不要整天唠叨。 Don’t be nagging all the time.
5 [gr:E] average occurrences per million characters of text
chīkǔ {C} v.o. bear hardship
8.3 [XHPC:15] average occurrences per million characters of text
xīnwèi {E} s.v. be gratified
5 [gr:E] average occurrences per million characters of text
běnshi {B} n. skill; ability; capacity See also ²běnshì
16.0 [XHPC:29] average occurrences per million characters of text
zhòuwén(r) {C} n. wrinkles; lines | Liǎn shang qǐle zhòuwén(r). 脸上起了皱纹。 Wrinkles have appeared in the face.
16.0 [XHPC:29] average occurrences per million characters of text
dùnshí* {C} adv. immediately; at once
19.9 [XHPC:36] average occurrences per million characters of text
bùyóude {C} v.p. can’t help | Dàjiā dōu zhème shuō, bùyóude nǐ bụ̀ xìn. 大家都这么说, 不由得你不信。 Everybody says so, you just have to believe it.
rèlèiyíngkuàng {D} f.e. tearful; eyes moistening | Wǒmen gǎndòng de rèlèiyíngkuàng. 我们感动得热泪盈眶。 We were moved to tears.
[bāi] break off with fingers and thumb; 掰腕子 arm wrestling
掰bāi {D} v. ①nip off with fingers and thumb ②work the fingers | bāizhe shọ̌uzhǐ suàn 掰着手指算 count on one’s fingers ③force apart with the hands ④〈coll.〉 sever (the relationship with); break up (with) | Gēn tā bāi! 跟他掰! Break up with him!
Break off some bread
¹jūgōng* {D} v./n. bow (to sb.) | Xiàng yéye jūgōng. 向爷爷鞠躬。 Bow to grandpa. ◆adv. 〈wr.〉 discreetly
12.2 [XHPC:22] average occurrences per million characters of text
搀[攙]²chān {D} v. help by the arm; support sb. with one’s hand
掺/搀[摻/攙]/¹chān {D} v. mix | Niúnǎi li chānle hěn duō shuǐ. 牛奶里掺了很多水。 The milk is mixed with a lot of water.
[káng] carry on the shoulder [gāng] lift with both hands
扛káng {B} v. ①carry on one’s shoulders ②〈coll.〉 stand; bear; tolerate
扛¹⁰gāng b.f. lift (a heavy object) 扛重机 gāngzhòngjī
fēixiáng* {D} v. circle in the air; hover
5.0 [XHPC:9] average occurrences per million characters of text
啃 [kěn] gnaw, nibble
啃²kěn {D} v. ①gnaw; nibble ②〈slang〉 kiss
to bite into an apple for example
jiǎobàn* {D} v. stir; agitate; mix | Shǐyòng qián, xiān jiǎobàn yị̄xià. 使用前, 先搅拌一下。 Stir before using.
11.1 [XHPC:20] average occurrences per million characters of text
挎 [kuà] carry on arm or over shoulder; 挎包 kuàbāo satchel
挎²kuà {D} v. carry on the arm, over the shoulder, or at the side
jìnglǐ {B} v.o. ①salute; give a salute ②extend one’s greetings ③〈court.〉 respectfully yours (letter closure) ④present; gift ⑤religious cult
[liàng] dry in air or sun
晾⁴liàng {D} v. ①dry in the air/sun; air; sun | Bǎ ²shī yīfu liàng chūqu. 把湿衣服晾出去。 Take out the wet clothes to dry in the air. ②〈coll.〉 snub; ignore
moon cake
yuèbǐng* {E} n. moon cake M:²kuài/⁴hé 块/盒
5 [gr:E] average occurrences per million characters of text
qīngchén {C} n. early morning | Qīngchén kōngqì xīnxiān. 清晨空气新鲜。 The air is fresh in the early morning.
15.5 [XHPC:28] average occurrences per million characters of text
yíngmiàn* {D} v.o. head-on; face-to-face | Yíngmiàn guòlai yị̄ ge jǐngchá. 迎面过来一个警察。 A policeman came from the opposite direction.
múyàng(r)* {B} n. ①appearance; looks | Nǐ yéye shì shénme múyàng(r)? 你爷爷是什么模样? What did your granddad look like? ②matrix; mold ◆adv. approximately; about; around | Tā yọ̌u wǔshí suì múyàng(r). 他有五十岁模样。 He’s around fifty.
dǎliang {C} v. ①measure with the eye; estimate; size up | Wǒ shàng-xià dǎliangzhe nàge rén. 我上下打量着那个人。 I was sizing him up. ②think ③suppose; reckon
22.1 [XHPC:40] average occurrences per million characters of text
番²fān {C} m. kind ◆v.m. (for times/occurrences) | Gǎnxiè nǐ de yī̠ fān hǎoxīn. 感谢你的一番好心。 Thank you for your kindness.
[cuō] 搓弄 rub with hands; 捻搓 twist
搓¹cuō {C} v. rub with the hand
chíyí* {D} v. hesitate
14.9 [XHPC:27] average occurrences per million characters of text
bàituō {E} v. 〈court.〉 request sb. to do sth. ◆f.e. 〈TW〉 ①Please! ②Give me a break!
5 [gr:E] average occurrences per million characters of text
bǎojīngcāngsāng {E} f.e. have experienced many vicissitudes of life
5 [gr:E] average occurrences per million characters of text
liúlù {D} v. betray/reveal unintentionally | Tā liúlù chū yī̠ sī gāngà shénqíng. 他流露出一丝尴尬神情。 He revealed a bit of embarrassment.
9.4 [XHPC:17] average occurrences per million characters of text
pǔshí* {D} s.v. ①simple; plain ②sincere and honest; guileless
9 [gr:D] average occurrences per million characters of text
guòyú* {D} v.p. too; excessively | Tā guòyú zìxìn. 他过于自信。 He’s overconfident. ◆v. exceed
8.3 [XHPC:15] average occurrences per million characters of text
cāoláo {D} v. ①work hard | Fùqin cāoláole yị̄bèizi. 父亲操劳了一辈子。 My father worked hard all his life. ②take care | Zhèi jiàn shìr qǐng nín duō cāoláo. 这件事儿请您多操劳。 Please take care of this matter. ③look after
2.2 [XHPC:4] average occurrences per million characters of text
húxū* {E} n. beard; moustache; whiskers M:bǎ/²gēn 把/根
10.0 [XHPC:18] average occurrences per million characters of text
qị̌mǎ* {D} s.v. rudimentary; minimum; elementary | Zhè shì qị̌mǎ de yāoqiú. 这是起码的要求。 This is the minimum requirement. ◆adv. at least | Qị̌mǎ yǒu sān ge xuésheng bù jígé. 起码有三个学生不及格。 There are at least three students who failed the exam.
7.7 [XHPC:14] average occurrences per million characters of text
kǒuyin* {E} n. ①voice ②local/regional accent ③oral speech sounds
5.0 [XHPC:9] average occurrences per million characters of text
xiāng-zhèn {E} n. ①village and town ②small town
5 [gr:E] average occurrences per million characters of text
yuánxiān* {C} n. originally; at first ◆attr. former; original | Yuánxiān zhèlǐ zhị̌yǒu yị̄ ge xiǎo shāngdiàn. 原先这里只有一个小商店。 In the past, there was only one small shop here.
10.5 [XHPC:19] average occurrences per million characters of text
cáifeng* {C} n. tailor; dressmaker M:²wèi 位 See also cáiféng
18 [gr:C] average occurrences per million characters of text
gạ̌ngkǒu* {C} p.w. port; harbor M:ge/⁴zuò 个/座
6.6 [XHPC:12] average occurrences per million characters of text
sīwen* {D} s.v. refined; gentle; genteel | Tā kàn shàngqu hěn sīwen. 他看上去很斯文。 He looks very refined. See also sīwén
9 [gr:D] average occurrences per million characters of text
xīnyǎnr {D} n. ①heart; mind ②intention | Tā duì nǐ méi ān hǎo xīnyǎnr. 他对你没安好心眼儿。 He didn’t have good intentions toward you. ③intelligence; cleverness | Tā méi xīnyǎnr. 他没心眼儿。 He’s not a complicated person. ④unfounded misgivings ⑤tolerance
¹xìnyù* {D} n. prestige; credit; reputation
9 [gr:D] average occurrences per million characters of text
¹qīpiàn {B} v. cheat; dupe | Tā qīpiànle wǒ. 他欺骗了我。 He cheated me.
13.3 [XHPC:24] average occurrences per million characters of text
¹xuéwèi {C} n. academic degree; degree | ²Tā yǒu bóshì xuéwèi. 她有博士学位。 She has a doctorate.
2.2 [XHPC:4] average occurrences per million characters of text
yīliú* {E} attr. ①first-class; first-rate; top-grade | Zhèlǐ de fúwù shì yīliú de. 这里的服务是一流的。 The service here is first-class. ②the same kind; of the same kind
5 [gr:E] average occurrences per million characters of text
zhụ̌guǎn* {D} v. be responsible for; be in charge of | Wǒ zhụ̌guǎn shēngchǎn. 我主管生产。 I’m in charge of production. ◆n. person in charge; boss; chief | ²Tā shì wǒmen de zhụ̌guǎn. 她是我们的主管。 She’s our chief. M:²wèi 位
4.4 [XHPC:8] average occurrences per million characters of text
²zhùshǒu {C} n. assistant; aide M:míng 名
12.7 [XHPC:23] average occurrences per million characters of text
gǔgàn {C} n. ①backbone; mainstay
15.5 [XHPC:28] average occurrences per million characters of text
xiǎoxīnyìyì {D} f.e. with great care; cautiously
9 [gr:D] average occurrences per million characters of text
¹xǐyuè* {C} s.v. happy; joyous
12.7 [XHPC:23] average occurrences per million characters of text
[bō] poke, turn, stir; 拨钟 set a clock; 拨电话 dial a phone
拨[撥]²bō {C} v. ①move with a hand/foot/stick/etc.; turn; stir; poke | bō biǎo 拨表 set a clock | bō diànhuà 拨电话 dial a telephone | Xiān bō líng, zài bō hàomǎr. 先拨零, 再拨号码儿。 First dial zero, then the number. ②allocate | bō zījīn 拨资金 allocate funds ◆m. (for groups of people) | Wǒmen fēn jǐ bō zǒu. 我们分几拨走。 Let’s divide into several groups and go.
réngjiù {C} adv. still; as before | Zhè tiáo ²jiē réngjiù shì lǎo yàngzi. 这条街仍旧是老样子。 This street still looks the same. ◆v.p. remain the same
28.8 [XHPC:52] average occurrences per million characters of text
yǐnyuē {C} v.p. indistinct; faint | Wǒ yǐnyuē tīngjiàn yǒu yīnyuè shēng. 我隐约听见有音乐声。 I faintly hear the sound of music.
14.9 [XHPC:27] average occurrences per million characters of text
húnshēn {C} n. from head to foot; all over
49.2 [XHPC:89] average occurrences per million characters of text
xiànr* {D} n. stuffing; filling (of food)
9 [gr:D] average occurrences per million characters of text
¹cànlàn {C} s.v. magnificent; splendid; resplendent
20.5 [XHPC:37] average occurrences per million characters of text
¹diànjì {C} v. remember with concern; worry about | Wǒ yī̠zhí diànjìzhe nǐ de shēntǐ. 我一直惦记着你的身体。 I’m constantly concerned about your health.
6.1 [XHPC:11] average occurrences per million characters of text
diūrén {D} v.o. lose face ◆s.v. disgraceful | Táoxué zhēn diūrén. 逃学真丢人。 Playing truant is disgraceful indeed.
6.1 [XHPC:11] average occurrences per million characters of text
¹xuànyào* {E} v. show off; flaunt | Tā xǐhuan xuànyào tā de cáifù. 他喜欢炫耀他的财富。 He likes to flaunt his wealth. ◆v.p. bright; brilliant
5 [gr:E] average occurrences per million characters of text
miànzi* {D} n. ①outer part; outside; face ②reputation; prestige; face | Tā xiǎng tōngguò zhè ²jiàn ²shì wǎnhuí miànzi. 他想通过这件事挽回面子。 He wants to save his reputation through this matter. ③feelings; sensibilities ④〈coll.〉 powder
11.1 [XHPC:20] average occurrences per million characters of text
gūfù {C} v. let down; fail to live up to; disappoint; be unworthy of | Bụ̀yào gūfù fùmǔ de qīwàng. 不要辜负父母的期望。 Don’t let the parents down.
5.0 [XHPC:9] average occurrences per million characters of text
qīwàng* {D} v. expect/hope earnestly | Fùmǔ duì wǒ qīwàng hěn gāo. 父母对我期望很高。 My parents place high hopes on me. ◆n. expectation; hope
10.0 [XHPC:18] average occurrences per million characters of text
liúliàn {D} v. ①be reluctant to leave (sb./place) ②recall with nostalgia | Wǒ liúliàn zhège měilì de dạ̌oyǔ. 我留恋这个美丽的岛屿。 I miss this beautiful island.
6.1 [XHPC:11] average occurrences per million characters of text
kāilǎng {D} s.v. ①open and clear ②sanguine; optimistic | Tā xìnggé kāilǎng. 他性格开朗。 He’s a happy person. ③broad-minded and outspoken ◆v. clear up (of weather)
7.2 [XHPC:13] average occurrences per million characters of text
xiánhuà {C} n. ①digression ②gossip | ²Tā xǐhuan shuō biéren de xiánhuà. 她喜欢说别人的闲话。 She likes gossiping about people. ③complaint
12.7 [XHPC:23] average occurrences per million characters of text
fēngqù {D} n. humor; wit ◆s.v. interesting; funny; humorous | shuōhuà fēngqù 说话风趣 talk wittily
6.1 [XHPC:11] average occurrences per million characters of text
ēnyuàn {E} n. ①feeling of gratitude or enmity | Bụ̀yào jìjiào gèrén de ēnyuàn. 不要计较个人的恩怨。 Don’t be swayed by personal feelings. ②past kindness or old scores
5 [gr:E] average occurrences per million characters of text
娇气[嬌氣] ¹
jiāoqì {D} s.v. ①fragile; delicate ②squeamish; finicky
9 [gr:D] average occurrences per million characters of text
伶俐 ¹
línglì* {D} s.v. clever; bright; quick-witted
2.2 [XHPC:4] average occurrences per million characters of text
tiǎobō {D} v. ①incite; sow discord | Yǒurén zài tiǎobō wǒmen de guānxi. 有人在挑拨我们的关系。 Someone is sowing discord between us. ②provoke; irritate ◆n. provocation
5.5 [XHPC:10] average occurrences per million characters of text
气质[氣質] ¹
qìzhì {E} n. ①temperament; disposition | ²Tā qìzhì gāoyǎ. 她气质高雅。 She has an elegant style. ②gas; gaseous substance
2.2 [XHPC:4] average occurrences per million characters of text
容貌 ¹
róngmào* {E} n. facial features; looks
1.7 [XHPC:3] average occurrences per million characters of text
fúqi {D} n. happy lot; good fortune | Zhè wèi lǎorén zhēn yǒu fúqi. 这位老人真有福气。 This old man has good fortune.
3.3 [XHPC:6.5] average occurrences per million characters of text
[lǒu] hug; drag, pull [lōu] hold in the arms
lǒu {C} v. hold in one’s arms; hug
[shí] pick up from the ground; ten (=十); 收拾 put in order [shè] 拾级 climb stairs
拾⁸shí {B} v. ①pick up ②collect ◆b.f. put in order 收拾 shōushi ◆num. ten (on checks/etc.)
拾¹⁰shè char. 拾级 ²shèjí
[níng] twist, wring; pinch [nǐng] 拧上 screw on, 拧松 unscrew [nìng] stubborn/pigheaded (拧劲 stubbornness)
拧[擰]¹níng* {E} v. ①twist; wring | Bǎ nèi ²kuài ²shī ⁴bù níng yī̠ níng. 把那块湿布拧一拧。 Wring out that wet cloth. ②pinch; tweak
拧[擰]nǐng {C} v. ①screw ②differ; disagree ◆s.v. wrong; mistaken | Quán nǐng le. 全拧了。 It’s all wrong.
拧[擰]²nìng {E} s.v. 〈topo.〉 pigheaded
¹tóuzhì* {D} v. throw; hurl | Shìwēizhě xiàng jǐngchá tóuzhì shíkuài. 示威者向警察投掷石块。 The demonstrators hurled stones at the police.
eg shot put
¹piāoyáng* {C} v. wave; flutter; fly | Guóqí zài kōngzhōng piāoyáng. 国旗在空中飘扬。 The national flag is flying in the sky.
[xiù] embroider; 绣像 embroidered portrait
绣[繡]²xiù {C} v. embroider ◆b.f. embroidery 绣鞋 xiùxié 苏绣 Sūxiù
[pō] sprinkle; rude & unreasonable; 活泼 huópo lively
泼[潑]³pō {C} v. splash; spill; sprinkle ◆s.v. ①acerbic ②detestable ③impetuous; bold and vigorous
[qiān] lead along (by hand, halter, etc.); 牵牛下地
牵[牽]²qiān {B} v. lead along (by holding the hand/halter/etc.); pull | Tāmen shǒu qiānzhe shǒu zǒu guòlai. 他们手牵着手走过来。 They’re coming hand in hand. ◆b.f. involve; implicate 牵连 qiānlián
[qiā] pinch; dig nails into; pick (flowers); cut off, nip; choke
掐¹qiā {D} v. ①pinch; clutch; strangle; choke ②〈slang〉 fight ◆m. 〈topo.〉 handful/bunch/pinch/etc.
²xuē {E} b.f. pare; whittle; cut (reading used mostly in compound terms) 削弱 xuēruò 剥削 bōxuē See also ²xiāo
5 [gr:E] average occurrences per million characters of text
yànjuàn* {E} v. be weary of | Wọ̌ yǐjing yànjuànle zhèzhǒng shēnghuó. 我已经厌倦了这种生活。 I’m fed up with this sort of life.
2.2 [XHPC:4] average occurrences per million characters of text
¹yànwù {C} v. detest; be disgusted with | Wǒ fēicháng yànwù tā de xíngwéi. 我非常厌恶他的行为。 I’m disgusted at his behavior.
13.8 [XHPC:25] average occurrences per million characters of text
tǎngruò {C} conj. if; supposing; in case | Tǎngruò cuòguò zhège jīhuì, nǐ huì hòuhuǐ de. 倘若错过这个机会, 你会后悔的。 You will regret it if you miss this chance.
13.8 [XHPC:25] average occurrences per million characters of text
¹fājué {C} v. ①find; detect; discover ②realize | Zuòyè jiāo shàngqu yǐhòu, tā fājué yǒu yī̠ xiē cuòwù. 作业交上去以后, 他发觉有一些错误。 After submitting his homework, he found some errors.
22.7 [XHPC:41] average occurrences per million characters of text
chéngnuò {E} v. promise to do sth.; commitment | Jìrán chéngnuò le, jiù yị̄dìng yào zuòdào. 既然承诺了, 就一定要做到。 Since you promised, then you must do it.
5 [gr:E] average occurrences per million characters of text
cǎoshuài {D} s.v. ①rash | Zhège juédìng tài cǎoshuài le. 这个决定太草率了。 This decision is too rash. ②sloppy | Tā zuòshì hěn cǎoshuài. 他做事很草率。 His work is sloppy.
9 [gr:D] average occurrences per million characters of text
duìkàng {D} v. resist; oppose ◆n. antagonism; confrontation
6.1 [XHPC:11] average occurrences per million characters of text
尝试[嘗試] ¹
chángshì* {D} v. attempt; try | Wǒ chángshìzhe xiẹ̌ xiǎoshuō. 我尝试着写小说。 I’m trying to write a novel.
3.3 [XHPC:6.5] average occurrences per million characters of text
mángmù {C} s.v. ①blind ②lacking insight or understanding | Zài zhège wèntí shàng, tā de xíngwéi hěn mángmù. 在这个问题上, 她的行为很盲目。 On this problem, her actions seem thoughtless. ③reckless; aimless | Niánqīngrén bù yīnggāi mángmù zhuīqiú míngpái chạ̌npǐn. 年轻人不应该盲目追求名牌产品。 Young people should not indiscriminately seek out brand products.
22.7 [XHPC:41] average occurrences per million characters of text
[chéng] ride (a vehicle); multiply [shèng] chariot
乘³chéng {B} v. ①ride | Chéng jǐ lù chē? 乘几路车? Which bus do we take? ②take advantage of; avail oneself of ③〈math.〉 multiply; times | Wǔ chéng sān děngyú shíwǔ. 五乘三等于十五。 Five times three is fifteen.
乘⁵shèng b.f. 〈trad.〉 carriage drawn by four horses 乘马 shèngmǎ 大乘 Dàshèng
chuǎnqì {E} v.o. ①breathe deeply; pant; gasp ②take a breather | Zánmen zuòxia chuạ̌nchuǎn qì ba. 咱们坐下喘喘气吧。 Let’s sit down and take a break.
12.2 [XHPC:22] average occurrences per million characters of text
ráoshù {E} v. forgive
5 [gr:E] average occurrences per million characters of text
qiǎngpò {C} v. force (sb. to do sth.); coerce | Tā qiǎngpò dàjiā fúcóng tā. 他强迫大家服从他。 He forces everyone to obey him.
23.2 [XHPC:42] average occurrences per million characters of text
shíshī {C} v. put into effect; implement | Xīn de zhāoshēng guīzé jiāng zài míngnián shíshī. 新的招生规则将在明年实施。 The new admissions regulations will be carried out beginning next year.
13.3 [XHPC:24] average occurrences per million characters of text
bụ̀liào* {C} adv. unexpectedly
14.4 [XHPC:26] average occurrences per million characters of text
měngliè {C} s.v. fierce; vigorous; violent
24.9 [XHPC:45] average occurrences per million characters of text
zǐdàn {C} n. bullet; cartridge M:¹kē/fā 颗/发
26.0 [XHPC:47] average occurrences per million characters of text
mièshì* {D} v. ignore; scorn; despise; flout
3.3 [XHPC:6.5] average occurrences per million characters of text
yǎnguāng(r)* {C} n. ①eye ②sight; foresight; insight; vision ③view; way of looking at things | Bụ̀yào yòng lạ̌o yǎnguāng(r) kàn wǒ. 不要用老眼光看我。 Don’t judge me by what I used to be. ④intention; desire
[dīng] stare at
盯¹dīng {C} v. gaze/stare at
fènnù {B} s.v. indignant; angry | Fènnù de xuésheng shàngjiē yóuxíng. 愤怒的学生上街游行。 The angry students took to the streets and marched in protest.
27.7 [XHPC:50] average occurrences per million characters of text
yúchǔn* {C} s.v. stupid; foolish; silly
3.3 [XHPC:6.5] average occurrences per million characters of text
jiāhuo* {C} n. 〈coll.〉 ①implement; tool ②guy; fellow ③pistol; dagger ④penis ⑤thingamajig
57.0 [XHPC:103] average occurrences per million characters of text
kěwù* {D} s.v. hateful; abominable
8.3 [XHPC:15] average occurrences per million characters of text
[shuǎ] 玩耍 play; 戏耍 tease; 耍戏 play
耍shuǎ* {C} v. ①play (role/tricks/etc.) | Bụ̀yào duì wọ̌ shuǎ tàidu. 不要对我耍态度。 Don’t be rude to me. ②gamble ③play with; display; flourish (a sword/etc.) ④make fun of sb.; fool sb. | Nǐ shì zài shuạ̌ wǒ a! 你是在耍我啊! You’re making fun of me! ◆n. Surname
liúmáng {C} n. ①hoodlum; hooligan; gangster ②hooliganism; indecency M:ge/míng 个/名
13.8 [XHPC:25] average occurrences per million characters of text
扁 [biǎn]
flat; inscription; 扁担 biǎndan carrying pole [piān] 扁舟
扁¹biǎn {B} s.v. ①flat ②crushed ③underestimated | bǎ biéren kànbiǎn le 把别人看扁了 underestimate others
扁⁵piān char. 扁度 piāndù 扁舟 piānzhōu
xīyáng* {E} n. setting sun
liúshén* {D} v.o. be careful; take care; mind
dǎliè {D} v.o. hunt
bụ̀ gù* {C} v. ignore; pay no attention to ◆conj. in spite of; regardless of
zhēngzhá {C} v. struggle | Nà tóu xiǎo zhū zài hóngshuǐ li zhēngzházhe. 那头小猪在洪水里挣扎着。 The little pig was struggling in the flood.
[cuàn] flee, scurry; exile; change wording
窜[竄]¹cuàn* {C} v. ①flee; scurry away ②exile; expel ◆b.f. alter (the wording/etc.) 窜改 ¹cuàngǎi
bǎituō* {C} r.v. cast/shake off | bǎituō wàilái gānshè 摆脱外来干涉 shake off external interference
sǐwáng* {C} v. be dead/doomed
qiàqiǎo {D} adv. by chance; fortunately | Wǒ qiàqiǎo yọ̌u nǐ yào kàn de shū. 我恰巧有你要看的书。 I happen to have the book you want to read.
háowú* {B} v.p. completely lack ◆adv. not in the least | Duì dàjiā de bāngzhù tā háowú biǎoshì. 对大家的帮助他毫无表示。 He showed no gratitude for everyone’s help.
dǐkàng* {C} v. resist; stand up to
bùwèi* {D} n. ①position; place ②aspect; part
especially of the human body
bēicǎn {D} s.v. miserable; tragic | Tā de shēnghuó hěn bēicǎn. 他的生活很悲惨。 His life is miserable.
wèimiǎn* {D} adv. ①rather; truly | Nǐ zhèyàng zuò wèimiǎn tài guòfèn le. 你这样做未免太过分了。 What you’ve done really goes too far. ②inevitably
cánrěn {D} s.v. cruel; ruthless
liángxīn {E} n. conscience | Zhège rén méi liángxīn. 这个人没良心。 This person has no conscience.
16.6 [XHPC:30] average occurrences per million characters of text
fēnglì {D} s.v. ①sharp; keen | Dāopiàn hěn fēnglì. 刀片很锋利。 The razor blade is very sharp. ②incisive; sharp; poignant
chánrào* {E} v. ①twine; bind; wind ②worry; harass ◆n. entanglement
hàofèi {D} v./n. consume; expend
quēkǒu(r) {D} n. ①breach; gap; opening ②indentation ③〈mach.〉 notch ④weakest link ◆s.v. inadequately fed
jǔshìzhǔmù {D} f.e. attract worldwide attention
{E} f.e. ①too impatient to wait ②urgent
{B} v. rely/depend on | Yào yīkào zìjǐ. 要依靠自己。 Rely on yourself. ◆n. support; backing
借助 ¹
jièzhù* {D} v. have the aid of; draw support from | Zhè ²dào shùxué ²tí kẹ̌yǐ jièzhù jìsuànqì lái jiějué. 这道数学题可以借助计算器来解决。 This math problem can be solved with the help of a calculator.
miạ̌nqiǎng* {C} v. ①force sb. to do sth. | Bié miạ̌nqiǎng tā. 别勉强他。 Don’t force him to do it. ②do with difficulty ◆s.v. unconvincing; strained | Zhège jìhuà hěn miạ̌nqiǎng. 这个计划很勉强。 This plan may not work. ◆adv. ①reluctantly; grudgingly | Tā miạ̌nqiǎng xiàole yị̄xià. 他勉强笑了一下。 He forced a smile. ②barely enough | ²Tā miạ̌nqiǎng néng shuō jǐ jù Fạ̌yǔ. 她勉强能说几句法语。 She can speak only a little French.
¹jīgòu {C} n. ①mechanism ②organization; organ ③internal structure of an organization
39.8 [XHPC:72] average occurrences per million characters of text
2519 栋
[dòng] ridgepole
栋[棟]⁴dòng {D} m. (for houses)
xìngzhìbóbó {E} f.e. full of zest/enthusiasm
5 [gr:E] average occurrences per million characters of text
¹zhuānchéng* {D} n. special trip | Wǒ zhuānchéng lái jiàn nǐ. 我专程来见你。 I took this trip specially to see you.
²xiūyǎng {D} n. ①accomplishment; training; mastery ②self-cultivation | Wáng lǎoshī hẹ̌n yǒu xiūyǎng. 王老师很有修养。 Teacher Wang is a highly cultivated man. ◆v. recuperate; convalesce
10.0 [XHPC:18] average occurrences per million characters of text
jiēlián* {C} v. join together; adjoin ◆adv. ①in a row; in succession | Zhège yuè jiēlián fāshèle liǎng kē wèixīng. 这个月接连发射了两颗卫星。 Two man-made satellites were launched in succession this month. ②repeatedly
22.1 [XHPC:40] average occurrences per million characters of text
涉及 ¹
shèjí {D} v. involve; touch upon | Zhège ànzi shèjí dào zhèngfǔ guānyuán. 这个案子涉及到政府官员。 This case involves government officials.
7.7 [XHPC:14] average occurrences per million characters of text
yǐnsī* {E} n. ①personal secrets ②privacy
5 [gr:E] average occurrences per million characters of text
fạ̌ngǎn {D} v. be disgusted with; dislike | Tā de fāyán lìng rén fạ̌ngǎn. 他的发言令人反感。 His speech revolted people. ◆n. ①bad reaction ②antipathy
9 [gr:D] average occurrences per million characters of text
huǒyào* {C} n. gunpowder M:bāo/pī 包/批
24.3 [XHPC:44] average occurrences per million characters of text
rěnnài {C} v./n. patient; forbearing | Rěnnài shì yǒu xiàndù de. 忍耐是有限度的。 There’s a limit to what one can bear.
7.2 [XHPC:13] average occurrences per million characters of text
zhuóxiǎng {D} v. consider; take into consideration | Bụ̀yào zhǐ wèi zìjǐ zhuóxiǎng. 不要只为自己着想。 Don’t only consider yourself.
7.2 [XHPC:13] average occurrences per million characters of text
策划/画[-劃/畫] ¹
cèhuà {D} v. plan; plot; engineer | Yǒurén zài mùhòu cèhuà. 有人在幕后策划。 Somebody is plotting behind the scenes.
2.8 [XHPC:5] average occurrences per million characters of text
dáchéng* {C} r.v. ①reach (an agreement) ②accomplish (a task)
2.8 [XHPC:5] average occurrences per million characters of text
口气[-氣] ¹
kǒuqì* {C} n. ①tone; note ②manner of speaking; tone of voice | Nǐ de kǒuqì zhēn dà. 你的口气真大。 You sure talk big. ③implication See also kǒuqi
口气[-氣] kǒuqi(r) n. tone/expressiveness of speech See also ¹kǒuqì
huǎnhé* {C} v. relax; ease up; mitigate; appease | Tā shìtú huǎnhé jǐnzhāng de qìfēn. 他试图缓和紧张的气氛。 He tried to ease the tension. ◆n. détente; calm; moderate; mild
suíyì* {D} adv. as one pleases
7.2 [XHPC:13] average occurrences per million characters of text
éryǐ* {D} v.p. (imparting finality) that’s all | Zhǐ buguò sǔnshīle yī̠bǎi kuài qián éryǐ. 只不过损失了一百块钱而已。 One hundred dollars’ loss is all.
16.0 [XHPC:29] average occurrences per million characters of text
设置[設-] ¹
shèzhì* {D} v. set/put up; install
10.0 [XHPC:18] average occurrences per million characters of text
dònglì {C} n. ①(motive) power; force; impetus ②〈phy.〉 power; dynamic force
40.4 [XHPC:73] average occurrences per million characters of text
gùrán {C} conj. ①no doubt ②of course
23.8 [XHPC:43] average occurrences per million characters of text
kěnqiè {D} s.v. earnest; sincere | Tā de yǔqì hěn kěnqiè. 他的语气很恳切。 He sounds sincere.
wúfēi {D} adv. nothing but; than; simply; only
10.0 [XHPC:18] average occurrences per million characters of text
zhīyīn {E} n. ①understanding/intimate friend ②lover ③sb. well-versed in music
5 [gr:E] average occurrences per million characters of text
kèhù {E} n. client; customer M:²wèi/ge 位/个
5 [gr:E] average occurrences per million characters of text
chíjiǔ* {C} s.v. lasting; protracted
13.8 [XHPC:25] average occurrences per million characters of text
bēngkuì {D} v. collapse; fall apart
5.5 [XHPC:10] average occurrences per million characters of text
guǒduàn* {D} s.v. resolute; decisive
3.3 [XHPC:6.5] average occurrences per million characters of text
zhǎndīngjiétiě {D} f.e. resolute and decisive
3.3 [XHPC:6.5] average occurrences per million characters of text
sīwéi* {C} n. 〈phil.〉 thought; thinking | Nǐ de sīwéi fāngshì yọ̌udiǎnr guài. 你的思维方式有点儿怪。 Your way of thinking is a bit strange. ◆v. think; consider
27.1 [XHPC:49] average occurrences per million characters of text
put up; hang over; lift together [dá] 搭/答茬儿
搭¹dā {B} v. ①put up; construct ②hang over ③join together ④travel by or take (a conveyance) | Dā Mǎ xiānsheng de chē. 搭马先生的车。 Get a ride with Mr. Ma. ⑤lift together ⑥add (money/etc.)
2671 磅 [bàng] pound (unit of weight) [páng] 磅礴 pángbó permeate [bāng] 砰磅
磅²bàng {C} m. ①〈loan〉 pound ②〈print.〉 point (type) ◆n. scales ◆v. weigh | Bǎ zhèige bāo bàng yị̄xià, kàn yǒu duō zhòng. 把这个包磅一下, 看有多重。 Let’s weigh this parcel and see how heavy it is.
磅⁴páng {E} char. 磅礴 pángbó
磅⁵bāng on./b.f. 砰磅 pēngbāng
[kuāng] basket
筐¹kuāng {C} n./m. basket | Zhèi kuāng píngguǒ duōshao qián? 这筐苹果多少钱? How much is this basket of apples?
2129 [sōu] (measure word for boats:) 两艘油船 two tankers
艘¹sōu* {C} m. (for vessels)
[wán] pill; pellet; ball
丸³wán {C} b.f. ①anything like a small ball; pellet 弹丸 dànwán ②pill 药丸 yàowán(r/zi) ◆m. 〈Ch. med.〉 (for pills/etc.)
zhi2xing2 to implement
1744 啥 [shá] (啥子 sházi) what ( = 什么) [shà] (obsolete/dialect pronunciation)
啥shá {D} pr. 〈topo.〉 what | Shá ²shì(r) ya? 啥事(儿)呀? What’s the matter?
啥⁴shà {D} See shá
薪水 xīnshui* {D} n. salary; wages | Tā de xīnshui hěn gāo. 他的薪水很高。 He gets a good salary.
9 [gr:D] average occurrences per million characters of text
弊端 bìduān* {D} n. malpractice; abuse; corrupt practice | Zhège zhìdù shíxíng qǐlai huì yọ̌u hěn duō bìduān. 这个制度实行起来会有很多弊端。 This system in practice will result in a great deal of abuse.
9 [gr:D] average occurrences per million characters of text
◎ 弊端 bìduān
[abuse] 弊害的所在。由于制度上或工作上的漏洞而发生的损害公益的事情
拼命 pīnmìng* {B} v.o. ①risk one’s life ②make a death-defying effort | Nǐ zhè shì zài pīnmìng a! 你这是在拼命啊! You are working yourself to death!
2524 搁(F擱) [gē] put [gé] endure
搁[擱]⁴gē {B} v. put (aside); shelve | Gē nàr ba. 搁那儿吧。 Put it there, please.
搁[擱]⁶gé {E} v. bear; stand; endure
颠倒[顛-] diāndǎo* {D} v. put upside down; reverse; invert ◆v.p. ①confused; disordered; topsy-turvy ②infatuated ◆n. perversion
10.5 [XHPC:19] average occurrences per million characters of text
权衡[權-] ¹quánhéng {E} v. weigh; consider; assess | Ràng wǒ quánhéng yị̄xià. 让我权衡一下。 Let me give it some thought.
5 [gr:E] average occurrences per million characters of text
津津有味儿[—-兒] jīnjīnyǒuwèir {D} f.e. ①do sth. with gusto | Tā kàn diànshì kàn de jīnjīnyǒuwèir. 他看电视看得津津有味儿。 He’s watching TV with great interest. ②be appetizing
5.5 [XHPC:10] average occurrences per million characters of text