Word Prefixes Flashcards
Prefixes for Numbers
Define: Prim/i-
Definition: First
Example: Primary (PRI-mar-e)
Def of Example: First
Prefixes for Numbers
Define: Mon/o-
Definition: One
Example: Monocular (mon-OK-u-lar)
Def of Example: Having one eyepiece or affecting one eye.
Prefixes for Numbers
Define: Uni-
Definition: One
Example: Unite (u-NITE)
Def of Example: Form into one part.
Prefixes for Numbers
Define: Hemi-
Definition: Half, One Side
Example: Hemisphere (HEM-ih-sfere)
Def of Example: One half of a rounded structure.
Prefixes for Numbers
Define: Semi-
Definition: Half, Partial
Example: Semipermeable (sem-e-PER-me-ah-bl)
Def of Example: Partially permeable.
Prefixes for Numbers
Define: Bi-
Definition: Two, Twice
Example: Binary (BI-nar-e)
Def of Example: Made up of two parts.
Prefixes for Numbers
Define: Di-
Definition: Two, Twice
Example: Diatomic (di-ah-TOM-ik)
Def of Example: Having two atoms
Prefixes for Numbers
Define: Dipl/o
Definition: Double
Example: Diplococci (dip-lo-KOK-si)
Def of Example: Round bacteria (cocci) that grow in groups of two.
Prefixes for Numbers
Define: Tri-
Definition: Three
Example: Tricuspic (tri-KUS-pid)
Def of Example: Having three cups or points.
Prefixes for Numbers
Define: Quadr/i
Definition: Four
Example: Quadruplet (kwah-DRUPE-let)
Def of Example: One of four babies born together.
Prefixes for Numbers
Define: Tetra-
Definition: Four
Example: Tetralogy (tet-RAL-o-je)
Def of Example: A group of four.
Prefixes for Numbers
Define: Multi-
Definition: Many
Example: Multicellular (mul-ti-SEL-u-lar)
Def of Example: Consisting of many cells
Prefixes for Numbers
Define: Poly-
Definition: Many, Much
Example: Polymorphous (pol-e-MOR-fus)
Def of Example: Having many forms (morph/o)
Prefixes for Colors
Define: Cyan/o-
Definition: Blue
Example: Cyanosis (si-ah-NO-sis)
Def of Example: Bluish discoloration of the skin due to lack of oxygen.
Prefixes for Colors
Define: Erythr/o-
Definition: Red
Example: Erythrocyte (eh-RITH-ro-site)
Def of Example: Red blood cells (-cyte)
Prefixes for Colors
Define: Leuk/o-
Definition: White, Colorless
Example: Leukemia (lu-KE-me-ah)
Def of Example: Cancer of white blood cells
Prefixes for Colors
Define: Melan/o-
Definition: Black, Dark
Example: Melanin (MEL-ah-nin)
Def of Example: The dark pigment that colors the hair and skin
Prefixes for Colors
Define: Xanth/o-
Definition: Yellow
Example: Xanthoma (zan-THO-mah)
Def of Example: Yellow growth (-oma) on the skin.
Negative Prefixes
Define: A-, An-
Definition: Not, Without, Lack of, Absence
Example: Anhydrous (an-HI-drus)
Def of Example: Lacking water (hydr/o)
Negative Prefixes
Define: Anti-
Definition: Against
Example: Antiseptic (an-tih-SEP-tik)
Def of Example: Agent used to prevent infection (sepsis)
Negative Prefixes
Define: Contra-
Definition: Against, Opposite, Opposed
Example: Contraindicated (kon-trah-IN-dih-ka-ted)
Def of Example: Against recommendations, not advisable
Negative Prefixes
Define: De-
Definition: Down, Without, Removal, Loss
Example: Decalcify (de-KAL-sih-fi)
Def of Example: Remove calcium (calc/i) from
Negative Prefixes
Define: Dis-
Definition: Absence, Removal, Separation
Example: Dissect (di-SEKT)
Def of Example: To separate tissues for anatomic study
Negative Prefixes
Define: In, Im- (used before b, m, p)
Definition: Not
Example: Incontinent (in-KON-tih-nent)
Def of Example: Not able to contain or control discharge or excretions
Negative Prefixes
Define: Non-
Definition: Not
Example: Noncontributory (non-kon-TRIB-u-tor-e)
Def of Example: Not significant, not adding information to a medical diagnosis
Negative Prefixes
Define: Un-
Definition: Not
Example: Uncoordinated (un-ko-OR-dih-na-ted)
Def of Example: Not coordinated, not working together
Prefixes for Direction:
Define: Ab-
Definition: Away from
Example: Abduct (ab-DUKT)
Def of Example: To move away from the midline
Prefixes for Direction:
Define: Ad-
Definition: Toward, Near
Example: Adduct (ad-DUKT)
Def of Example: To move toward the midline
Prefixes for Direction:
Define: Dia-
Definition: Through
Example: Diarrhea (di-ah-RE-ah)
Def of Example: Frequent discharge of fluid fecal matter
Prefixes for Direction:
Define: Per-
Definition: Through
Example: Percutaneous (per-ku-TA-ne-us)
Def of Example: Through the skin