Word List 01 Flashcards
- Journalists do not divulge their sources.
v. to make known (something private or secret)
فاش کردن، افشاء کردن، بروزدادن
- Viruses can be spread inadvertently by email users.
adj. marked by or resulting from carelessness; negligent - سهو، غیر عمدی
SYN accidentally OPP deliberately
- She delivered a panegyric on the president-elect.
n. a formal eulogistic composition intended as a public compliment - ستایش آمیز، مدیحه، ستایش
- draconian measures to control population growth
adj. exceedingly harsh or very severe / very strict and cruel - مربوط به دراکو مقنن سختگیراتن، قوانین حقوقی سخت وبی رحمانه، اژدهایی
- It was a hodgepodge of theories.
n. a mixture of different things - همه چیز درهم، چیزدرهم و بر هم
- CCTV provided incontrovertible evidence that he was at the scene of the crime.
adj. impossible to dispute SYN indisputable - غیر قابل بحث، بدون مناقشه، بی چون و چرا، بدون مباحثه مسلم
OPP controvert v. رد کردن، هم ستیز کردن، مخالفت کردن، منکر شدن
- We offer impartial advice on tax and insurance.
adj. not partial or biased - بی طرف، بیغرض، راست بین عادل، منصفانه
SYN fair OPP biased
- Malaria is endemic in many of the hotter regions of the world.
adj. prevalent in or limited to a particular locality, region, or people - مختص یک دیار، بومی بیماری همه گیربومی مخصوص اب و هوای یک شهر یا یک کشور
- All she gave him to eat was two minuscule pieces of toast.
adj. very small and tiny SYN minute, diminutive
کوچک، خرد، حرف کوچک
- He inherited a lucrative business from his father.
adj. producing wealth SYN profitable
سودمند، پرمنفعت، نافع، موفق
- Victims of the crash will be compensated for their injuries.
- v. to offset an error, defect, or undesired effect
- v. to serve as or provide a substitute or counter balance
تاوان دادن، پاداش دادن عوض دادن، جبران کردن
- a long, discursive article
adj. moving from topic to topic without order; rambling - سرگردان
adj. marked by analytical reasoning - استدلالی، برهانی،
- The idea of heaven presupposes the existence of God.
v. to suppose beforehand SYN assume
v. to require as an antecedent in logic or fact
پیش پنداشتن، از پیش فرض کردن، در بر داشتن، متضمن بودن
- Jackson acted as an intermediary between the two parties.
n. / adj. acting as a mediator
میانجی، وساطت کننده مداخله کننده، وساطت مداخله
derogate from something
- Louis XIV clearly thought it derogated from his dignity as a ruler.
v. to cause to seem inferior
v. to make something seem less important or less good
باطل کردن، فسخ کردن (قسمتی از چیزی را)، کسرکردن، تخفیف دادن، کاستن عمل موهن انجام دادن
- an overbearing father
adj. often trying to control the behavior of other people in an annoying or unwanted way SYN domineering (سلطه جو)
مغرور، از خود راضی، منکوب گر، طاقت فرسا، غالب، قاطع، سلطه جو
- a zealous supporter of the government’s policies
- No one was more zealous than Neil in supporting the proposal.
adj. marked by fervent partisanship for a person, a cause, or an ideal
enthusiastic and eager
be zealous in (doing) something
enthusiastic and eager
فدایی، مجاهد، غیور، باغیرت هواخواه
SYN impassioned, fervent, fiery
- These questions are extraneous to the issue being discussed.
adj. not important SYN irrelevant - غیر اصلی، تصادفی، فرعی
adj. coming from the outside - خارجی، خارج از قلمرو چیزی،
- His new book is just a rehash of his previous ones.
v. to use the same ideas again in a new form that is not really different or better – used to show disapproval - بحث های قدیمی را دوباره بصورت جدیدی مطرح کردن، تکرار مکررات چیز تکراری
- She gave him a perfunctory smile.
adj. acting with indifference, showing little interest or care SYN cursory, casual - باری بهر جهت، سرسری، بی مبالات
- Then there was his manner, a curious compound of humour and severity.
v. to form by combining separate things - ترکیب کردن، آمیختن
v. to make worse
- She has a lifestyle which most people would envy.
v. to feel a desire to have what someone else has SYN covet
رشک، حسد، حسادت، حسدبردن به، غبطه خوردن
- These are purely defensive weapons, not designed for attack.
adj. in a situation which you are forced to defend or protect someone or something OPP offensive
پدافندی، دفاعی، تدافی، حالت تدافع، مقام تدافع
- the child’s unbounded energy
adj. not limited in any way SYN boundless
- a specious argument/claim
adj. seeming to be right or true, but really wrong or false SYN misleading
خوش منظروبدنهاد، دارای ظاهر زیبا وفریبنده، ظاهراصحیح،
- She said that her life seemed aimless after her children left home.
adj. not having a goal or purpose
بی مقصد، بی مرام، بی اراده ، بی هدف
It has to be said it was rather ingenuous of him to ask a complete stranger to take care of his luggage.
adj. having or showing the innocence, trust, and honesty that young people often have
صاف و ساده، بی تزویر، رک گو، اصیل
- Maths is an intrinsic part of the school curriculum.
adj. belonging to the essential nature of a thing OPP extrinsic
intrinsic nature/quality/value/property of something
ذاتی، اصلی، باطنی، طبیعی ذهنی، روحی، حقیقی، مرتب شایسته
- The accident was the inevitable consequence/result/outcome of carelessness.
adj. sure to happen SYN unavoidable,
نا چار، نا گزیر، اجتناب ناپذیر، چاره نا پذیر، غیر قابل امتناع، حتما، حتمی الوقوع، بدیهی
- an intransigent attitude
- Unions claim that the management continues to maintain an intransigent position.
adj. completely unwilling to change SYN stubborn, resolute, obduracy
سخت گیر، سر سخت
- As a writer, he took the role of a detached observer of life.
adj. not influenced by emotions or personal interest
A detached person does not show any emotional involvement or interest in a situation
adj. not joined or connected OPP involved
- I never trust anything he says - the man’s an inveterate liar.
adj. firmly and long established; deep-rooted
دیرنه، ریشه کرده، معتاد، سرسخت، کینه آمیز
adj. persisting in an ingrained habit; habitual
inveterate liar/smoker/womanizer etc: someone who lies a lot, smokes a lot etc and cannot stop
- Her backhanded compliments annoyed everyone.
adj. oblique or indirect
طعنه آمیز
adj. having derogatory or insulting implications
a backhanded remark or compliment seems to express praise or admiration but in fact is insulting
- She was quite affable at the meeting.
adj. friendly and easy to talk to SYN pleasant, easygoing, cordial, genteel
دوست داشتنی
- The film combines whimsy and tragedy in equal measure.
n. a way of thinking, behaving, or doing something that is unusual, strange, and often amusing
بوالهوسی، هوس، تلون مزاج، وسواس، دمدمی
- a tenacious religious tradition that is still practised in Shinto temples
adj. not easily letting go or giving up
adj. very determined to do something
سرسخت، محکم، چسبنده سفت، مستحکم، استوار
adj. continuing for a long time
- a sardonic smile/look/comment
adj. scornfully or cynically mocking
adj. humorous in an unkind way that shows you do not respect someone or something:
طعنه آمیز، کنایه آمیز، وابسته به زهر خنده
- a firm that investigates commercial skulduggery
n. secret or dishonest behavior or activity
رفتار زیرجلکی وخائنانه، تقلب
- Their business operations are perfectly legitimate.
- That’s a perfectly legitimate question.
adj. being in compliance with the law - قانونی
adj. valid or justifiable
v. to make (something) real, accepted, or official or to show that (something) is fair or reasonable
حلال زاده، درست، بر حق قانونی، مشروع، قانونی
- The book contains numerous plagiarized passages.
v. to reproduce or otherwise use as one’s own
(plagiarist) آثار ادبی دیگران را سرقت کردن