WOP: Applied Performance Practices summary & Chapter 5 slides Flashcards
How does the perception of money differ between men and women?
Men attach more value to money than women. Women see money in terms of things they can do with it and men see it as a symbol of power and autonomy.
Name a way in which perception of money is different across cultures
People in countries with high power distance have a high priority for money.
What are the four types of objectives of rewards?
Membership- and seniority based rewards
Job- status based rewards
Competencies rewards (based on certain competencies)
Performance based rewards
What is the effect of membership based rewards?
Reduces turnover but doesn’t really affect performance
How are jobs status judged for rewards and what is taken into account
Through job evaluation and skill, effort, responsibility and job conditions
What is the effect of job status based rewards?
Improves fairness but also competitiveness
What are the different performance based rewards?
Individual, team and organisation rewards
What plan is associated with team rewards?
Gainsharing plan- The employee’s bonuses is calculated from the unit’s cost reduction and productivity increase
Name and describe three plans associated with organisational rewards
Employee stock ownership plan is where the organisation encourages the employee to buy company stock (employee discount)
Stock options is when the organisation gives the employee an opportunity to buy company stock at a set date at a predetermined price
Profit-sharing plan is one that bases the bonuses to employees on the previous years level of corporate profits
Generally what is the effect of very large rewards within an organisation
Lower performance
Name five methods in making rewards more effective
Tie rewards to performance, Make sure rewards are relevant, Use team rewards for interdependent jobs, Make sure rewards are valued and look out for unexpected consequences such as employees creating problems to solve them
Name a method of tying rewards to performance
Objective performance measures
What type of rewards do highly productive people prefer?
What can improve intrinsic motivation in employees
Properly designing a job
What is meant by job design?
The process of assigning tasks to a job including the interdependency of those tasks with other jobs.
What is meant by job specialisation?
Job specialization is the result of a division of labour in which work is subdivided into separate jobs assigned to different people (e.g: a highly specialized job)
What is the effect of job specialisation?
Improves efficiency
What is meant by scientific management
Systematically partitioning work into its individual elements and standardising tasks to increase efficiency
Name a problem with job specialisation
One of the problems of job specialization is that it can become so specialized that they soon become tedious, trivial and socially isolating
What are the effects of job specialisation on quality?
Specialization can improve quality, but can also decrease quality if it is too tedious. Also, by performing one small part of the overall work, employees have difficulty striving for better quality or even noticing flaws with that overall output.
What does the motivator-hygiene theory state?
Employees experience job satisfaction when they fulfill growth and esteem needs (called motivators), and they experience dissatisfaction when they have poor working conditions, low job security, and other factors categorised as lower-order needs. Employees are primarily motivated by growth and esteem needs, not by lower level needs
What function does the job characteristics model serve?
It relates the motivational properties of jobs to specific personal and organisational consequences of those properties. There are five core job dimensions that produce three psychological states.
Name the five core job dimensions
Skill variety, Task identity (whether it is required to complete or whole part), Task significance, Autonomy, Job Feedback (the extent to which people can tell if they’re doing a good job)
What three psychological states do these core job dimensions lead to?
Skill variety, task identity and task significance = meaningfulness. Autonomy = responsibility. Job feedback = knowledge pf results.
What is the purpose of the job characteristics model?
It overlooks social characteristics and information processing demands and uses three main strategies that can increase the motivational potential of jobs
Name the three main strategies to increase the motivational potential of jobs and list their benefits
Job Rotation- This increases skill variety, decreases health risk from repetition and increases workforce flexibility through supporting multitasking.
Job enlargement- adding more tasks to one job; adds skill variety and also efficiency and flexibility. Should be matched with autonomy and job knowledge.
Job Enrichment- This is letting an employee have more responsibility for scheduling, coordinating and planning their own work. This can be achieved by assigning highly interdependent tasks in one job.
What is meant by the term empowerment?
A psychological concept in which people experience more self-determination, meaning, competence and impact regarding their role in the organization.
What factors influence empowerment?
Job characteristics influence the degree to which people feel empowered. To support empowerment, corporate leaders must trust employees and take more risks. Cultural and organisational conditions can influence the extent to which people feel empowered.
What is meant by self-leadership?
The specific cognitive and behavioural strategies employed to achieve personal goals and standards through self-direction and self-motivation.
What five main activities of self leadership follow each other in a sequence?
Personal goal-setting- goals are self determined and requires high self awareness
Constructive thought strategies
Designing natural rewards
Self reinforcement- ( administering a reinforcer to oneself at a specified time after achieving something. eg break after certain task.)
What different forms of constructive thought strategies are there?
Self talk is the internal dialogue of talking to oneself and mental imagery is mentally practising a task and visualising its successful completion.
How do self leadership strategies fare across cultures?
They are relevant across cultures
What personality traits are more likely to be better at self leadership strategies?
High conscientiousness and extraversion
What factor has a large impact on the extent to which employees engage in self leadership?
Work environment
What different factors contribute to different types of motivations to contribute to work behaviour?
Needs and rewards contribute to personal motivation. VIE theory, Goal setting and self regulation contribute to goal motivation. Equity (fairness) and job design contribute to socio-environment motivation.
What is meant by VIE theory
Vroom’s expectancy theory assumes that behaviour results from conscious choices among alternatives whose purpose it is to maximise pleasure and to minimise pain, an employee’s performance is based on individual factors such as personality, skills, knowledge, experience and abilities.
List Maslow’s hierarchy of needs in ascending fashion
Physiological, safety, social, esteem, self actualisation
What determines what the main motivator is according to Maslow?
If a lower need is satisfied, the following need becomes the main motivator
What satisfies higher order needs according to Maslow?
Self actualisation - Creative and challenging work, participation in decision making and job flexibility and autonomy
Esteem- responsibility of important job, promotion to higher ranked position, positive reinforcement form boss
What satisfies lower order needs according to Maslow?
Social- friendly coworkers, interaction with customers and friendly supervisor
Security- Job security, Safety needs met, base compensation and benefits
Physiological- fair work hours, fair breaks and physical comfort on the job
What were the criticisms of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Little support for theory, Especially for its
hierarchical structure; Needs hierarchy is not universal and Needs change faster than Maslow predicted
Name another needs theory and the basis behind it
The learned needs theory by McClelland which is based on the idea that needs are amplified or suppressed through self- concept, social norms and past experience
What needs were included in McClelland’s learned needs?
Need for achievement (nACH), affiliation (nAFF) and power (nPOW)
What personality traits are associated which each learned need?
nACH- needs clear feedback, is moderate in taking risks
nAFF- Seeks approval from others, conforms to other’s wishes, avoids conflict
nPOW- Needs to control his or her own environment
Differentiate between two different types of power
Personalised power- strives especially for influence or respect for him or herself
Socialised power- strives to use power to help people
What roles in organisations are associated with which levels of learned needs
Successful entrepreneurs are associated with a strong performance need (nACH), Decision makers are associated with a low need for connection (nAFF) and effective leaders have a high need for socialised poor (nPOW)
Are these needs ‘fixed’ in people?
No, needs can be “learned” (more accurate, enhanced or attenuated)
Compare characteristics of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
Intrinsic - needs, complex tasks, quality
Extrinsic- rewards, simple tasks, quantity
What is the idea behind expectancy theory?
Work effort is directed toward behaviors that people believe will lead to desired outcomes
What factors play a part in VIE theory
Expectancy x instrumentality x Valence
According to the expectancy theory diagram; _______ is needed to get ________ this is affected by _________. This should then lead to _________, partly depending on ________. How this is perceived depends on ________.
According to the expectancy theory diagram; effort is needed to get performance this is affected by expectancy. This should then lead to an outcome, partly depending on instrumentality. How this is perceived depends on valence.
How do you increase E-to-P (expectancy)
Properly select and train employees with right skillset and knowledge, Ensure role clarity and give sufficient resources (time + training) and give good feedback.
How do you increase P-to-O (Instrumentality)
Accurately measure performance, Be clear what good performance is, Explain how performance is linked to rewards
How do you increase outcome valences (valence)
Make sure rewards are valued and individualised
What are the requirements of a good goal?
Specific and sufficiently challenging
When is goal setting most effective according to certain factors?
Specific Measurable Achievable (but challenging) Relevant Time framed (due date and review) Exciting (not just compliant) Reviewed (feedback)
Differentiate between two forms of justice
Distributive justice is the perceived fairness of the outcomes we receive relative to our contributions and the outcomes and contributions of others
Procedural justice is the perceived fairness of the procedures used to decide the distribution of resources
What is meant by equity theory?
A theory explaining how people develop perceptions of fairness in the distribution and exchange of resources
Give an equation which represents equity theory
Own contributions + outputs/ Other’s contributions + outputs = Perception of equity or inequity
Give 7 methods of reducing equity tension with an example for each
Reduce inputs - Reduced effort
Increase outcomes - ask for raise
Increase other input - Ask other to do more work
Reduce other outcome - worse jobs/ conditions
Change beliefs about comparison
Change object of comparison - someone closer to you
Leave situation - leave company