Womens health Flashcards
Contraceptive patch, missed patch
week 1/2 -
if delay <48 hrs - change immediately, nil further precautions
If >48hrs - change immediately, barrier contraception 7 days, ? emergency contra if UPSI in past 5 days
Week 3 - remove immediately, start new patch on usual day of next cycle
delay is starting new cycle - 7 days barrier
Risks/ benefits COCP
Advantages - reduced risk ovarian + endometrial, reduced risk colorectal
Disadvantages - inc risk breast/cervical, inc risk VTE/stroke
Absolute CI COCP
> 35 and smoking >15
Migraine w/ aura
Hx thromboembolic disease/stroke/ischaemic HD
Breast feeding <6w postpartum
Uncontrolled HTN
Major surg (stop 4w before)
+ve Amtiphospholipic antibodies
Current breast Ca
COCP - 2 or more missed pills
week 1 - consider emergency coontra
week 2 - no need for contra
week 3 - omit pill brekak
Emergency contra
1.5 mg levonorgestrel - 72 hrs, rpt if vom within 3 hrs, restart contraception immediately. Inhib ov
30 mg Ulipristal - 120hrs, NB Caution in severe asthma, 5-day break before contraception, 7 day break breastfeeding. inhib ov
IUD - withing 5 days UPSI or up to 5 days after expected ovulation date, inhib implant
Contraception - method of action
Inhib- ov - COCP, desogestrel, Depo, implant
POP - thicken cervical mucus
IUS - prevent proliferation
IUD - dec sperm motility
postpartum contraception
nil req for first 21 days
Can start POP at any time
If breastfeeding - COCP CI for 6 w
Lactational amenorrhea - 98%^ effective for the first 6mo if woman only breastfeeding
Antenatal care - 8-20w
8-12w - booking bloods/urine + uterine culture
Check HIV/HepB/Syph
10-14w- dating scan
11-14 - downs screening (inc nuchal)
18-21 Anomaly scan
Antenatal care >21w
28w - second screen anaemia, 1st dose anti-D if Rh -ve
34w - second dose anti-D
36w - offer ECV if indicated
amenorrhoea, lower abdominal pain, shoulder tip pain, PV bleed
Bleeding in early preg, vomiting, uterus large for dates
Hydatidiform mole
ROM then immediate bleeding
Vasa praevia
Fetal brady sometimes seen
Drugs CI in breastfeeding
Abx - cipro, tetracycline, chloramphenicol, sulphonamides
Carbimazole, methotrexate, amiodarone
Common CTG findings
Baseline Brady - inc fetal vagal tone, maternal BB
Baseline tachy - maternal fever/inf, hypoxia
Early dec - brady for curation of contraction - innocuous
Late dec - Brady which lags the onset of contraction and does not return to normal till 30s after contraction ends - fetal distress
Chicken pox in preg
If nil prev vacc - Oral aciclovir/valaciclovir on day 7-14 after exposure
If pregnant woman dev chicken pox - give Aciclovir if presents within 24 hours of onset of rash
Antenatal testing - inc HCG, dec PAPP-A, dec AFP, thickened nuchal (11-13+6w)
Antenatal testing - Dec HCG, dec AFP, inc PAPP-A, thick translucency
Edwards syndro
Antenatal testing - raised AFP
Neural tube defects
Tx and monitoring for eclampsia
Pre-eclampsia = pregnancy induced HTN >20, proteinuria
Tx = magnesium sulphate to prevent and treat seizures, give once decision to deliver has been made
Monitor Urine output, reflexes, RR and sats while giving
Best anti-epileptic to use in pregnancy and breastfeeding
Best = lamotrigine
Avoid Na Val (neural tube defects)
Most anti-epileptics ok while breastfeeding
Tx for GDM
If fasting glucose <7 - advise of diet/exercise and recheck in 2w
If not met - metformin
If >7 - start short acting insulin
If 6-6.9 and evidence of macrosomnia/hydramnios - offer insulin
Tx for existing DM in preg
Stop orl hypoglycaemic agents (apart from metformin) and start insulin
Tx for HIV in pregnancy
If viral load <50 - vaginal birth (otherwise Csec)
Start Zidovudine inf 4 hours before c sec
neonate - if maternal load <50 - PO zidovudine 4-6. If >50 - triple therapy
Avoid breastfeeding
Induction of labour
Bishop score:
<5 - labour unlikely to start without induction
5-8 - high chance spontaneous labour
Induction methods:
- membrane sweep
- Vaginal PGE2
- Oral prostaglandin E1
- maternal oxytocin infusion
- amniotomy
If score < 6 - vaginal prostaglandins or oral misoprostol
If >6 - amniotomy and an intravenous oxytocin infusion