Opthal Flashcards
eye pain, semi dilated, non-reacting pupil
Decreased visual acuity
Haloes around eyes, corneal oedema
Acute angle closure glaucoma (=rise in IOP secondary to an impairment of aqueous outflow)
Tonometry -> inc IOP
Tx - pilocarpine eye drops, BB - definitive = surg
Tx options for age related macular degen
Dry - anti-oxidant vitamins can slow progression
Wet - VEGR
Acute onset eye pain
Pupil small and irregular
Red eye, photophobia, blurred vision, lacrimation
Anterior Uveitis (Inflammation of the anterior portion of the uvea)
Tx - urgent opthal rv, Atropine (dilated pupil to relieve pain), steroid eye drops
Anterior Uveitis associated conditions
Ank spont
Reactive Arth
Small irreg pupils
No response to light but repose to accommodate
Argyll-Robertson pupil (ARP)
Accommodation Reflex Present (ARP) but Pupillary Reflex Absent (PRA)
Causes - DM, Syphilis
Bilat inflam of eye lids, grittiness/discomfort, eyelid margins red and swollen
Mx - hot compress, lid hygiene
Gradual onset reduced vision, faded colour vision, light appear brighter (glare), halos around lights
Cataracts (F>M, inc with age)
Tx - surgery
Sudden painless unilat loss of vision, RAPD, red spot on pale retina
Centra retinal artery occlusion
Sudden painless unilat loss of vision, widespread hyperaemia, severe retinal haemorrhages
Central retinal vein occlusion
Blurred unilateral vision, scotomas (blind spots), floaters
Opthal - areas of retinal whitening, retinal spots
Opthalmoscope = pizza pie finding
inf; toxoplasmosis, CMV (in immunocomp), syphilis, TB
AI; Sarcoid, Behcets, SLE
Classification for diabetic retinopathy
- Mild = 1 or more microaneurism
- Mod - microA, blot haemorrhages, hard exudates, cotton wool spots
- Severe = Blot H and MicroA in all 4 quadrants
ProliferativeDR (more common in T1DM)
- retinal neovascularisation
Episcleritis vs SCcleritis
Epi = not painfull
Asso w/ IBD, RA
Scleritis = Painfull
Asso w/ RA, SLE, Sarcoid, Granulomatosis w/ polyangitis
Use phenylphrine drops to differentiate - if eye redness improves after drops -> episcleritis
red, painful, watery eye
Photophiobia, dec visual acuity
Flourescein staining shows branching ulcer
Herpes simples keratitis
Topical aciclovir and immediate referral to opthal
Vesicular, burning rash around eye
On tip of nose
Herpes Zoster Opthalmicus
Rash on tip of nose = Hutchinsons sign
Tx - PO antiviral Tx for 7-10 days
Unilateral dilated slow reacting pupil
abesnt knee/ankle reflexes
Holmes-Adie pupil
Classification and staging for hypertensive retinopathy
Keith-Wagener classification:
I - Arteriolar narrowing and tortuosity
Increased light reflex - silver wiring
II - Arteriovenous nipping
III - Cotton-wool exudates
Flame and blot haemorrhages ( ‘macular star’ )
IV- Papilloedema
red eye pain in contact lens wearer, gritty sensation, photophobia
Keratitis (commonly staph a/pseudonomas / environmental factors
Unilateral eye pain, worse on movement
Decrease in visual acuity
Poor colour discrimination
Central scotoma
Optic neuritis
Causes; MS, DM, Syphilis
Ix - MRI brain with contrast
Tx - steroids
Peripheral visual field loss - nasal scotomas progressing to tunnel vision
Decreased visual acuity
Optic disk cupping
Primary open angle Glaucoma
Fundoscopy - optic disk cupping, optic disk pallow, bayoneting of vessels
Mx for POAg
aim of treatment - lower intra-ocular pressure to prevent progressive loss of visual field
1- offer 360deg Selective laser trabeculoplasty
2 - Prostaglandin analogue eye drops (latanoprost)
3 - Beta blocker eye drops (timolol), Carbonic anhydrase inhib eye drops(dorzolamide), Sympathomimetic eye drops (brominodine)
Finding on swinging light test - both eyes appear to dilate when light shone in affected eye
RAPD (Marcus-Gunn pupil)
Causes of RAPD - retinal detachment, optic neuritis (MS)
pt presenting with tunnel vision and night blindness
Retinitis pigmentosa
Occular manifestations of RA
Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (most common)
Episcleritis, scleritis
Corneal ulcers
Sudden loss of vision
Flashes of light in peripheral field of vision
Posterior vitreous detachment