Women's health Flashcards
Urinary incontinence
- Causes
- Presentation
- Ix
- Rx
- Age, previous pregnancy, high BMI, hysterectomy, FHX.
- Classified as; Urge (overactive detrusor), stress (leakage on stress), mixed and overflow (mainly males) 3. Bladder diary. Vaginal exam for prolapse, Urine dip for DM or UTI. Urodynamics.
- Bladder retraining. Oxybutynin, tolterodine. Mirabegron. Kegels.
VTE in pregnancy management
Four or more of the below indicate LMWH should be used immediately until 6 weeks post-natal.
- Age >35
- BMI >30
- Parity >3
- Smoker
- Gross varicose veins
- Current pre-eclampsia
- Immobility
- FHx or personal Hx of unprovoked VTE
- Low risk thrombophilia
- Multiple pregnancy
3 RFs = LMWH from 28 weeks until 6 weeks after birth. - Avoid warfarin and DOACs
COCP Advice & Risks
- If taken within first 5 days of cycle. no need for further contraception.
- If taken at any other point - condoms should be used for the first 7 days.
- Take same time every day
- Take for 21 days then stop. however not required.
- Efficacy reduced when; N&V, liver enzyme inducing drugs.
- Risks = clots, MI and stroke, Breast Ca and Cervical Ca.
- Causes
- Presentation
- Ix
- Rx
- Implantation of fertilised ovum in the fallopian tube (not in the uterus)
- Lower abdo pain and bleeding following 6-8 weeks amenorrhoea.
- BHCG >1500, USS
- MTX as a single dose. repeat if levels have not fallen. Surgical laparoscopy. Salpingectomy/salpingotomy.
Contraception postpartum
- Require contraception day 21 postpartum.
- POP can be used.
- Progestogen only implant
Avoid all combined contraceptives. NO COCP
HRT prescribing
- Cyclical combined HRT if LMP was <1y ago.
- Continuous combined HRT if LMP was >1y ago or they have been using cyclical for 1y or 2y post LMP in premature menopause
Vaginal Discharge
- Bacterial vaginosis.
- Fishy, green. Low pH.
- Oral metronidazole - Trichamonas vaginalis
- Strawberry cervix on exam (red with point of exudate). musty, frothy, green discharge.
- Oral metronidazole - Gonorrhoea
- Thin, purulent mild smelling discharge + Dysuria, bleeding and dyspareunia.
- IM ceftriaxone 500mg + oral azithromycin 1g - Candida
- Thick white discharge
- Local clotrimazole pessary or oral clotrimazole (CI in pregnancy)
Active management of third stage of labour
- Uterotonic drugs
- Deferred clamping and cord cutting >1min after delivery but less than 5.
- Controlled cord traction for placental separation.
- Drugs = 10IU oxytocin
TOP HCG levels
- It is normal for a urinary pregnancy test to return positive for up to 4 weeks post TOP.
- HCG has a stepwise decrease.
- Further than 4 weeks requires more Ix
Emergency contraception
- Levonorgestrel - up to 3 days but ASAP is better. 1.5mg of levonorgestrel (progesterone).
- Ulipristal acetate (progesterone receptor modulator) up to 5 days afterwards.
- Copper coil - up to and over 5 days and if high BMI
Management of a missed miscarriage
- Expectant - wait for 7-14 days
- Medical - Vaginal misoprostol. (contact Dr if bleeding hasn’t started in 24hrs) + antiemetics and pain relief.
- Surgical - vacuum.
Cancerous HPV subtypes
16 and 18
- If positive refer to colposcopy
Post term pregnancy complications
Fetal - Reduced placental perfusion
- Oligohydramnios
Maternal - Increased rates of labour intervention; section + forceps.
- Increased rates of IOL
Placenta Praevia
- Causes
- Presentation
- Ix
- Rx
- Placenta lying wholly or partly in the lower uterine segment - obscuring to os.
- Associated w/ multiparity, multiple pregnancy, previous section. - Shock
- No pain
- Uterus non tender
- High lying foetus
- Small bleeds before large haemorrhage. - USS to locate, looked for at 20 week scan.
- Vaginal USS if safe - is more specific. - If low lying placenta a 20 weeks;
- Rescan at 34 weeks.
- Still low at 34 weeks, scan every 2 weeks.
- If low at 37 weeks or high presenting part - Section.
- Admit all those w/ bleeding.
Ovarian Cysts
- Causes
- Presentation
- Ix
- Rx
- Benign cysts are common.
- Physiological cysts =
a) Follicular - common. Due to non-rupture of the dominant follicle or failure of atresia.. Commonly regress after a few menstrual cycles.
b) Corpus luteum cysts - more likely to present with intraperitoneal bleeding.
- Benign germ cell tumours =
a) Dermoid cyst - Lined with epithelium, most common in women under 30. Torsion risk.
- Benign epithelial tumours =
a) Serous cystadenoma - resembles ovarian cancer.
b) Mucinous cystadenoma - common, large. - Subfertility
- Often incidental findings
- Torsion
- Dyspareunia
- Pressure effects locally - Bimanual exam
- Pregnancy test (ectopic)
- Cancer markers in complicated cyst; CA-125, LDH, AFP and BHCG
- RMI = USS score + Menopausal status + ca125 - Expectant management in simple cysts.
- Surgical cystectomy or drainage in all which are symptomatic, complex or large.
COCP Contraindications
- More than 35yo and smoking <15 cigs a day
- BMI >35
- FHx of thromboembolic disease
- Controlled HTN
- Immobility
- BRCA gene
- Migraine w/ aura
- Personal Hx of thromboembolic disease
- Breast feeding <6 weeks post-partum
- Uncontrolled HTN
- Breast Ca
- DM
Gynaecological causes of Abdominal Pain
- Mittelschmerz - mid-cycle pain w/ little systemic disturbance. Often settles w/ conservative Rx.
- Endometriosis - Menstrual irregularity, infertility, deep dyspareunia. USS shows free fluid and laparoscopy shows lesions. Rx medically or surgery if severe or complex.
- Ovarian torsion - sudden onset, deep colicky pain. Vomiting and distress. Vaginal exam shows adnexal tenderness. USS free fluid. Laparoscopy is diagnostic and treatmentive.
- Ectopic - pregnancy Sx w/o evidence of intra-uterine pregnancy. Rupture + circulatory collapse. USS shows no pregnancy in-utero. Beta HCG is elevated. MTX or laparoscopy or laparotomy.
- PID - BL lower abdo pain + discharge. Dysuria. peri-hepatic pain (fitz hugh Curtis) w/ chlamydia. Pregnancy test -‘ve, high vaginal swab.
Types of miscarriage
- Threatened = painless vaginal bleeding before 24 weeks. Os is closed.
- Missed = dead fetus before 20 weeks w/o expulsion.
- Light vaginal bleeding.
- Os is closed
Inevitable = Heavy bleeding w/ clots.
- Os is open
Incomplete = Not all products evacuated
- Pain and bleeding
- Os is open
Recall for smear following treatment of CIN 2
- 6 months after Rx .
- In the community
COCP and surgery
- Stop 4 weeks previous.
Bishops score for IOL
- Looks at cervical dilatation, effacement, consistency, position and foetal station.
- Score over 8 is likely to achieve successful vaginal birth.
- Scores less than 6 usually require cervical ripening.
Methods for IOL with a low bishops score
- Membrane sweep
- Insertion of foley catheter
- Vaginal prostaglandins
Hormonal therapy in Breast Cancer
- Tamoxifen for 5 years in pre- and peri-menopausal women.
- Post-menopausal - letrozole or anastrozole. Aromatase inhibitors.
- Herceptin for HER2 +’ve.
- Pregnancy induced HTN
- Associated with proteinuria (>3g/24hrs)
- Occur after 20 weeks gestation.
Endometrial carcinoma
- Linked to HNPCC
Cholestasis of pregnancy
- Causes
- Presentation
- Ix
- Rx
- UK
- Bile stasis and back flow.
- Worse w/ twins
- More linked to premature birth. - Itching, intense and worse palms, soles and abdomen.
- Jaundice
- Raised bilirubin. - LFT
Liver USS - IOL at 37 weeks
- Ursodeoxycholic acid
- Vit K
Menorrhagia Investigations and Management
- Vaginal USS - Does not require contraception =
- Mefenamic acid 500mg ads or tranexaminc acids 1g ads. Started on first day of period.
Requires contraceptions =
- Mirena coil is first line.
Mirena coil
- 99% effective
- Levonorgesterel prevents endometrial proliferation and thickens cervical mucus.
- Associated with initial frequent bleeding then lighter or absent periods.
Nuchal translucency scan
- Performed at 11-13 weeks
- Looks for; Downs, congenital heart defects, abdominal wall defects.
Premature ovarian failure
Onset of menopausal Sx and elevated gonadotrophin levels before the age of 40.
- Causes; idiopathic, chemo, autoimmune, radiation.