Paediatrics Flashcards
Hand foot and Mouth
- Organism
- Presentation
- Ix
- Rx
- Coxsackie A16/Enterovirus 71 - contagious and often occurs at nursery in outbreaks.
- Mild upset, sore throat, mild fever, oral ulcers, vesicles on the palm and sole of feet.
- Clinical
- Symptomatic Rx only. Cam go to school
- Cause
- Presentation
- Ix
- Rx
- Telescoping of the bowel into another segment. Proximal to or at the level of the ileocecal valve.
- 6-9 months/ Colicky pain, red jelly stool, drawing legs up to abdomen, sausage shaped mass.
- USS, AXR, Clinical
- Air sufflation
- Cause
- Presentation
- Ix
- Rx
- Feature in exomphalos, congenital diaphragmatic hernia and intrinsic duodenal atresia.
- Volvulus may occur. Bile stained vomit.
- Upper GI contrast study and USS
- Laparotomy
Deafness in children;
1. Causes
- Conductive; Glue ear, Down’s syn
- SN; usher syn, pendred syn, rubella congenital infection, meningitis, head trauma.
- Cause
- Presentation
- Ix
- Rx
- AD disorder (2 parents = 25% likelihood) mutation in fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 gene.
- Short limbs, short fingers, large head, flattened nasal bridge, trident hands and lumbar lordosis
- Genetics, clinical
- Nil
- Cause
- Presentation
- Ix
- Rx
- Parainfluenza virus
- 6months - 3yo. Stridor, barking cough, fever, coryza, increased work of breathing.
- Paeds assessment, viral PCR, clinical.
- Oral dexa (0.15mg/kg) to all kids.
Emergency - high flow O2 and nebulised adrenaline.
Ebsteins anomaly
- Causes
- Presentation
- Ix
- Rx
- Lithium in utero
- Ventriclisation of the right atrium and tricuspid incompetence. Small RV. Associated with WPW
- Echo, ECG
- Nil
Meconium aspiration
- Define
- Risks and causes
- Aspiration of meconium causing RDS. Common in the neonatal period.
- More common in post-term deliveries, maternal HTN, pre-eclampsia, chorioamnionitis, smoking.
Febrile convulsions
- Causes
- Presentation
- Ix
- Rx
- Seizure provoked by fever in healthy kids.
- Between 6mo and 5yo. Often in a viral infection, brief seizure, most often GTCS.
- Ix for epilepsy if not clear febrile convulsion
- Manage at home w/ water and paracetamol. Do not require admission unless seizure >5min. However any child w/ first seizure should be admitted. ~30% have another febrile convulsion.
If recurrent, rectal or buccal midazolam
Innocent murmur - Describe ???
Soft, systolic, short, symptomless, sitting/standing.
Venous hum - due to turbulent blood flow from the great veins to the heart. Continuous blowing just below clavicle.
Still’s murmur - Low pitched lower L sternal edge.
- Causes
- Presentation
- Ix
- Rx
- Bordetella pertussis
- Incubation 10-14days.
- 2-3 days preceding coryza then coughing bouts w/ vomiting and central cyanosis. Inspiratory whoop. Infants may have apnoeic spells.
- Coughing causes subconjunctival haemorrhages and anoxia (seizures)
- Lasts 10-14 weeks. - Nasal swab + culture.
- PCR & Serology - Admit infants under 6mo
- Notify PHE
- Oral azithromycin
- Contact prophylaxis
- Vaccination @ 2,3,4mo and 3,5yo
- Causes
- Presentation
- Ix
- Rx
- AD inherited, loss of function of the retinoblastoma tumour suppressor gene on chromo 13.
- Absence of red-reflex.
- White pupil.
- strabismus
- vision problems - Slit lap exam
- head CT - Enucleation
- Radio
- chemo
- Photocoag
Pyloric stenosis
- Causes
- Presentation
- Ix
- Rx
- Hypertrophy or the circular muscles of the pylorus.
- Projectile vomiting, often after feeds.
- Non-bilous
- Constipation and dehydration may be present
- Olive mass in upper abdomen
- Visual peristalsis
- Hypochloraemia, hypokalaemia acidosis due to vomiting. - USS
- Ramstedt pyloromyotomy
2 points for each; A = active movement P = >100bpm G = Grimace and other A = Pink all over R = Strong and crying
1 point for each; A = Limb flexion P = <100bpm G = Grimace only A = cyanosed extremities. Pink body R = Weak
0 points if absent
GORD in kids
- Causes
- Presentation
- Ix
- Rx
- Risks = preterm delivery. Neuro disorders.
- Typically develops before 8 weeks.
- Vomiting and regurg
- Often Put weight on okay. - Clinical
- Position more upright in feeds.
- smaller feeds
- Thickened feeds
- Alginate (Gaviscon)
- PPI or H2 if faltering growth, distress and refusing feeds etc occurs.
Hirschsrungs disease
- Causes
- Presentation
- Ix
- Rx
- Aganglionic segment of bowel due to developmental failure of the parasym Auerbach and Meissner plexuses.
- Failure or delay in passing meconium.
- Constipation - Gold standard = rectal biopsy
- Anorectal manometry
- DRE followed by explosive diarrhoea - Resect the bad part
Cerebral palsy
- Causes
- Presentation
- Ix
- Rx
Disorder of movement and posture due to non-progressive brain lesion.
- Antenatal - cerebral malformation, congenital infection
- Intrapartum - birth asphyxia and trauma
- Post-partum - haemorrhage, trauma and meningitis. - Abnormal tone
- Delayed milestones
- Abnormal gait
- Learning difficulties
- epilepsy
Can be; spastic, dyskinetic, ataxic or mixed. - Clinical
- Brain imaging - MDT approach
- Manage Sx
- Spasticity = surgery, splints, baclofen.
Roseola Infantum
- Causes
- Presentation
- Ix
- Rx
- Human herpes virus 6 (sixth disease)
- Incubation period of 5-15days. - High fever lasting a few days followed by a maculopapular rash starting on chest and spreading to limbs.
- Febrile convulsions
- Diarrhoea
- Cough
- Nagayama spots on the uvula and soft palate. - Clinical
- Anti-pyretics.
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia
- Causes
- Presentation
- Ix
- Rx
- Most common cancer in kids.
- 2-5yo - Features are those of bone marrow failure;
Anaemia - lethargy and pallor
Neutropenia - infection
Thrombocytopenia - bleeding and bruising.
- Others = bone pain, HSM, fever, testicle swelling. - FBC - anaemia, thrombocytopenia, neutropenia.
- Blood film showing blasts.
- Clotting - DIC
- Raised LDH
- Immunophenotyping; Philadelphia chromo etc. - Induction of remission (Vincristine +anthracycline + cyclophosphamide), consolidation, maintenance (6-mcp & MTX).
- CNS prophylaxis.
- General supportive care; replace RBC + GCSF + Antibiotics/fungals + Allopurinol.
- Stem cell Tx
Kawasaki disease
- Causes
- Presentation
- Ix
- Rx
- UK.
- Vasculitis w/ suspected viral trigger. - High grade fever >5days. resistant to anti-pyretics.
- Conjunctival injection
- Bright red, cracked lips
- Strawberry tongue
- Cervical lymphadenopathy
- Swollen and red hands and feet.
- Desquamation of the soles and palms.
- High dose aspirin (beware Reye’s syn)
- Serial Echo for aneurysms.
Nocturnal enuresis
- Causes
- Presentation
- Ix
- Rx
- Constipation, DM, UTI, abuse
- Unwanted urination at night in a kid 5yo or older in the absence of congenital or acquired defects or the neuro or uro tract. - Pissing at night
- Look for cause; DM, infection, constipation etc.
- Rx triggers.
- Lifestyle; toileting before bed, fluid limitation
- Reward system; star chart
- Enuresis alarm (1st line <7yo)
- Desmopressin (1st line >7yo)
Slipped capital femoral epiphysis
- Causes
- Presentation
- Ix
- Rx
- UK
- Related to trauma or more chronic course. - Obese boys 10-15yo
- Slippage of the capital femoral epiphysis.
- Risk of Avascular necrosis.
- Displaces postero-inferiorly
- Hip, groin, medial thigh or knee pain
- Loss of internal rotation of the leg in flexion. - AP and lateral (frog leg) view.
- Emergency due to avascular necrosis risk
- Internal fixation across the growth plate.
Paediatric BLS
Kids compression to breath ratio = 15:2
Puberty - first signs
Males = Increase in testicular size around 12yo
Females = Breast buds 11.5yo
- Menarche at 13 (11-15)
Severe asthma attack in children
- SpO2 <92%
- PEF 33-50% best or predicted
- Too SOB to talk or feed
- HR >125 (>5yo) or >140 (1-5yo)
- RR >30breath (>5yo) or >40 (1-5yo)
- Use of accessory muscles
Life threatening asthma attack in kids
- SpO2 <92%
- PEF <33% of best or predicted.
- Silent chest
- Poor resp effort
- Agitation
- Altered consciousness
- Cyanosis
- Causes
- Presentation
- Ix
- Rx
- Respiratory syncytial virus
- Acute bronchiolar inflammation.
- More serious in those who are premature, congenital heart disease, CF. - Most common in 3-6mo.
- Coryza prodrome
- Dry cough
- wheeze + fine inspiratory crackles
- Feeding problems
- -> 999 if; apnoea, severe resp distress (grunting, chest recession, RR >70, cyanosis) - Clinical
- Immunofluorescence of nasopharyngeal secretions; RSV. - Supportive
- Humidified oxygen if sats <92%
- NG feeding
- Suction of secretions.
Edward’s syndrome
- Micrognathia
- Low ears
- Rocker bottom feet
- Overlapped fingers
Patau syndrome (tri 13)
- microcephaly
- Small eyes
- Cleft palate
- Polydactyly
Fragile X
- Learning difficulties
- Macrocephaly
- Long face
- Large ears
- Huge balls
Noonan syndrome
- Webbed neck
- Pectus excavatum
- Short
- Pulmonary stenosis
Prader-willi syndrome
- Hypotonia
- Hypogonadism
- Obesity
Congenital hernia management
- Diaphragmatic - repair
- Inguinal - Repair
- umbilical - manage conservatively, resolves.
Brachial Plexus Injury
Erbs palsy
- Damage to C5/6 roots
- Winged scapula
- Breech baby
Klumpke’s Paralysis
- Damage to T1
- Loss of intrinsic hand muscles
- Traction