Speciality: Endocrinology Flashcards
- Causes
- Presentation
- Ix
- Rx
- Graves’ disease. Toxic nodular goitre. etc
- sweating, tremor, agitation, fast HR, AF, eye disease, thin, heat intolerance.
- TFT - low TSH, high T4/3. Thyroid antibodies.
- If T3/4 are low and TSH is low - consider secondary hypothyroidism - Stop the over-activity and replace w/ thyroxine. Radioactive iodine ablation.
- Propanolol for Sx relief.
- Causes
- Presentation
- Ix
- Rx
- Uncontrolled lipolysis due to inability to use glucose (no insulin) fatty acid break down in the liver to ketones.
- Abdominal pain, diabetic triad, Kussmaul, ketogenic breath.
- High glucose, high ketones, low pH.
- Fluid resus + Insulin + sugar + correction of hypokalaemia.
- Insulin given initially at 0.1unit/kg/hour.
Endocrine response to stress - such as major surgery
Increased - GH, cortisol, renin, ATCH, aldosterone, prolactin, ADH, glucagon.
Decreased - Insulin, TTrone, Oestrogen.
No change - TSH, LH, FSH
Congenital adrenal Hyperplasia
- Causes
- Presentation
- Ix
- Rx
- 21-hydroxylase deficiency etc. AR inherited. Due to low cortisol - increased ATCH secretion. Increased androgens.
- Virilisation in females, or increased androgen secretion in female children.
- Early menarche
- Facial hair - Measuring hormone levels, low cortisol, high hydroxyprogesterone etc.
- Supplement glucocorticoids - reduces hyperplasia and therefore androgen secretion.
T2DM management
- Lifestyle and diet (allow 2 months)
- Metformin (if HbA1c is >58mmol/mol add another drug)
- Gliclazide or sitagliptin (if high BMI as doesn’t cause weight gain)
- Insulin
- Manage HTN (<140/80 w/ no end organ damage or <130/80 w/ end organ damage.
- Lipid management.
Multiple endocrine neoplasia 1
- Parathyroid (hyper)
- Pituitary
- Pancreas (insulinoma or gastrinoma (ulceration))
- MEN1 gene.
- Presents w/ peptic ulcers, galactorrhoea and hypercalcaemia.
- Medullary thyroid cancer
- Parathyroid
- Pheochromocytoma
- RET oncogene
MEN 2b
- Medullary thyroid cancer
- Pheochromocytoma
- Causes
- Presentation
- Ix
- Rx
- Primary hyperparathyroidism, malignancy, sarcoid, acromegaly, thyrotoxicosis.
- Bone, stones, groans, thrones and psychiatric moans.
- Bloods - calcium, parathyroid hormone. Look for causes. VIT D, albumin. ECG (brady, AV block)
- Rx cause.
- Increase urinary excretion, hydrate. Loop diuretics (inhibit reabsorption). Glucocorticoids. Bisphosphonates.
Primary hyperaldosteronism
- Causes
- Presentation
- Ix
- Rx
- Adrenal adenoma (Conn’s syn) or BL idiopathic adrenal hyperplasia.
- HTN, Hypokalaemia (muscle weakness), Alkalosis.
- Aldosterone/renin ration is first line.
- CT abdo - Adrenal adenoma resection.
- Aldosterone antagonist - spironolactone.
Addisonian Crisis
- Causes
- Presentation
- Ix
- Rx
- Sepsis
- Surgery
- Acute exacerbation of chronic insufficiency.
- steroid withdrawal. - Low glucose, low sodium, high potassium.
- History of steroid use. - Bloods - U&E
- Hydrocortisone 100mg IM or IV.
- 1L NACL over 30-60 mins w/ dextrose if hypoglycaemia.
- Continue hydrocortisone every 6 hours until stable.
- Oral replacement after 24hrs and reduced to maintenance over 3-4 days.
Addison’s disease
- Causes
- Presentation
- Ix
- Rx
- Autoimmune destruction of the adrenal glands.
- Reduced cortisol and aldosterone.
- Primary causes = autoimmune, TB, mets, sepsis, HIV and antiphospholipid syndrome.
- Secondary causes = Pituitary disorders. - Lethargy
- weakness
- anorexia
- weight loss
- salt craving
- Hyperpigmentation ) palmar creases and gums.
- Hypotension
- Hypoglycaemia
- Acute Addisonian crisis - ATCH (short synacthen test) - plasma cortisol is measured before and 30mins after giving 250ug IM of synacthen.
- 9am serum cortisol.
- Adrenal antibodies for anti-21-hydroxylase
- Electrolyte levels. - Replacement glucocorticoid and mineralcorticoid.
- Hydrocortisone in 2/3 doses per day.
- Fludrocortisone.
- Education
- double steroids in illness.
Primary Hyperparathyroidism
- Causes
- Presentation
- Ix
- Rx
- often solitary adenoma.
- Hyperplasia
- Multiple adenoma
- carcinoma. - Bones, stones, groans, thrones and moans.
- Polydipsia and polyuria
- Bone pains
- Renal stones
- Hand XR - erosion of terminal phalyngeal tufts (acro-osteolysis) - Raised Calcium and low phosphate.
- PTH may be raised or normal
- Pepperpot skull - Total parathyroidectomy
- Conservative Rx id calcium is low and not Sx.
Thyrotoxic storm
- Causes
- Presentation
- Ix
- Rx
- Surgery
- trauma
- Infection
- acute iodine loading - CT contrast. - Fever >38.5
- Tachycardia
- Confusion and agitation
- N&V
- HF
- Abnormal LFT - Clinical
- TFT - elevated T3/4 and suppressed TSH
- Systemic upset; U&E, CK, LFT, FBC.
- ABG - Once suspected - commence Rx.
- Rx underlying cause.
- Resus; IV fluids.
- BB for HR + propylthiouracil (for thyroid) + steroid (blocks conversion of T4 to T3 and helps with adrenal insufficiency)
- Other = paracetamol, lugols iodine solution (to prevent new hormone synthesis)
- Carbimazole - SE = agranulocytosis - monitor FBC
De Quervain’s thyroiditis
- Causes
- Presentation
- Ix
- Rx
- Following viral infection.
- Presents w/ hyperthyroidism
4 phases;
1 - Hyperthyroidism, painful goitre and raised ESR
2 - euthyroid
3 - Hypothyroid
4 - Thyroid structure and function return to normal. - Thyroid scintigraphy - global reduced uptake or radioactive iodine.
- Usually self-limiting
- Thyroid pain w/ NSAIDS
- severe = steroids.
TFT in different thyroid diseases
- Thyrotoxicosis
- Primary hypothyroidism
- Secondary hypothyroidism
- Sick euthyroid syndrome
- Subclinical hypothyroid
- Poor compliance w/ thyroxine
- steroid
- TSH = low, T4 = high
- TSH = high, T4 = low
- TSH = low, T4 = low
- TSH = low, T4 = low
- TSH = high, T4 = normal
- TSH = high, T4 = normal
- TSH = low, T4 = normal
Monitoring of T1DM
- HbA1c every 3-6 months.
- Target of 48mmol/mol or lower. - Self monitoring 4x daily including before each meal and before bed.
- 5-7mmol/L on waking
- 4-7mmol/L before meals and other times of the day. - More frequent when ill, pregnant, breastfeeding, activity.
Thyroid eye disease
- Causes and risks
- Presentation
- Ix
- Rx
- Graves’ disease
- Autoimmune response against an autoantigen TSH receptor. Retro-orbital inflammation.
- GAG and collage deposition in the eye muscles.
- Risks = smoking - Exopthalmos
- Conjunctival swelling
- optic disc swelling
- Opthalmoplegia
- Inability to close eyes, sore, dry eyes. - Eye exam
- TFT - Topical lubricants
- Steroids
- Radiotherapy
- surgery
Hyperosmolar Hyperglycaemic state.
- Causes
- Presentation
- Ix
- Rx
- Medical emergency.
- Hyperglycaemia results in an osmotic diuresis. dehydration and electrolyte deficiencies.
- Elderly w/ T2DM
- Differentiate from DKA. - Insidious onset.
- Fatigue, lethargy, N&V
- Altered consciousness, headaches, papilloedema.
- Hyper viscosity
- Dehydration, hypotension and tachycardia. - Diagnosis =
- Hypovolaemia
- Marked hyperglycaemia >30
- Raised serum osmolarity >320 - Normalise the osmolality gradually
- replace fluid and electrolytes
- Normalise blood glucose
- Causes
- Presentation
- Ix
- Rx
1) Decreased PTH secretion
- Secondary to surgery; thyroid
- Low calcium and high phosphate
- Radiation
- alcohol
- HH and wilsons disease - destruction of parathyroid glands.
- Main Sx are those of hypocalcaemia
- Tetany; trousseau (BP cuff) and chvosteks sign (parotid tapping)
- Muscle twitching and spasm.
- Prolonged QT - Bloods; calcium, phos and PTH and ALP.
- Typically = Low calcium, high phos, low PTH and normal ALP. - Severe (tetany) - IV calcium.
- Calcium and vit D
- Causes
- Presentation
- Ix
- Rx
- Rare catecholamine secreting tumour.
- Associated w/ MEN 2, neurofibromatosis, von hippel lindau. - HTN
- Headaches
- Palpitations
- Sweating
- Anxiety - 24hr collection of metanephrines/catecholamines
- CT
- Biopsy - Surgical removal following stabilisation;
- Alpha and beta blockade to control BP.
Hypoglycaemia Management
1) Normal GCS - Buccal glucogel
2) Low GCS = IV glucose or IM glucagon
- Causes
- Presentation
- Ix
- Rx
- Pituitary adenoma secreting prolactin.
- Benign - In men - impotence, loss of libido and milk
In women - amenorrhoea, infertility, milk and osteoporosis - MRI
- Sx treated with Bromocriptine (dopamine agonist), inhibit the release of prolactin.
- Surgery - trans-spenoidal.
- Causes
- Presentation
- Ix
- Rx
- Increased potassium loss; thiazides, loop diuretics, laxatives, steroids and Abs, GI losses, Dialysis, hyperaldosteronism.
- Trans-cellular shifts; insulin/glucose therapy, salbutamol, theophylline.
- Decreased K intake - Palpitations
- Muscle weakness
- Hypotonia. - ECG - U waves, T wave flattening, ST segment changes.
- Mild to mode w/o ECG changes; Oral potassium.
- Severe or w/ ECG changes; IV replacement. Cardiac high dependency w/ lots of fluid.
- Causes
- Presentation
- Ix
- Rx
- IgA small vessel vasculitis.
- IgA nephropathy.
- Seen in kids following an infection. - Palpable purpuric rash over buttocks and extensor surfaces of arms and legs.
- Abdo pain
- Polyarthritis
- IgA nephropathy - Clinical
- Analgesia
- Rx nephropathy
- ?steroids