WOD 61-80 (11/7-11/27) Flashcards
- serendipity
luck that takes the form of finding valuable or pleasant things that are not looked for
- encapsulate
to show or express the main idea or quality of (something) in a brief way
- bilious
angry or bad-tempered; sickeningly unpleasant to look at; of or relating to bile
- lapidary
usually the style of one’s writing or speech—that is elegant and precise in a way that suggests similar qualities associated with inscriptions in stone monuments
- doughty
brave, strong, and determined
- intoxicate
to excite or stupefy by or as if by alcohol or drugs; to poison
- crucible
a place or situation that forces someone or something to change; a difficult test or challenge
- magnanimous
having or showing a generous and kind nature
- augur
to show or suggest, especially from omens, that something might happen in the future.
- hummock
a small round hill or mound
- nugatory
little or no consequence; something without operative legal effect
- farce
a ridiculous act, proceeding, or situation; a light dramatic work marked by satirical comedy and improbable plot, or the broad humor characteristic of such
- pell-mell
in a confused and hurried way; in mingled confusion or disorder
- extirpate
to destroy completely; to pull up by the root
- temerity
unreasonable or foolhardy contempt of danger or opposition; recklessness
- leonine
of, relating to, or resembling a lion
- vamoose
to depart quickly
- cornucopia
a curved, hollow goat’s horn or similarly shaped receptacle (such as a horn-shaped basket) that is overflowing, especially with fruit and vegetables
- jejune
behaviors, attitudes, etc. that are immature, childish, or simplistic; uninteresting; boring
- sustain
to provide what is needed for something or someone to exist or continue; to nourish; to suffer or endure