WOD 21-40 (9/28-10/17) Flashcards
- kerfuffle
a disturbance or fuss typically caused by a dispute or conflict
- ritzy
fancy or stylish in ways that one might consider impressive or showy
- proselytize
to try to persuade people to join a religious cause, group
- critique
a careful judgement in which you give your opinion about the good and bad parts of something
- emblazon
to decorate the surface of something, usually with a name, slogan picture
- languid
showing or having very little strength, energy, or activity
- onus
a responsibility, obligation, or burden
- atone
to make amends; to provide or serve as reparation or compensation
- gargantuan
very large in size or amount
- proffer
to present (something) for acceptance
- spiel
a fast speech—often one that has been rehearsed or given before—that is usually intended to get someone to buy something or to agree to something
- avuncular
kind of friendly like an uncle
- bombinate
to make a sustained murmuring similar to a buzz or drone
- mnemonic
assisting or intended to assist memory; technique for improving one’s memory
- rabble
a large group of people who could become violent; a great mass or regular people as contrasted with the elite
- decorous
marked by propriety and good taste; correct
- transmogrify
to change something significantly, often with humorous or jarring effect
- cadence
referring to various rhythmic or repeated motions, activities, or pattern of sound, or an inflection of the voice
- frenetic
marked by excitement, disorder, or anxiety-driven activity; frantic
- hyperbole
extreme exaggeration; describing something as much better or worse than it really is.