WOD 1-20 (9/8-9/27) Flashcards
- mawkish
exaggeratedly or childishly emotional
- facsimile
an exact copy
- obliterate
to remove from existence; to destroy utterly all trace, indication, or significance of
- substantive
important, real, or meaningful
- invective
insulting or abusive language
- titivate
to make (someone or something) neater or more attractive
- broadside
a very strong and harsh spoken or written attack; an attack by a ship in which all the guns on one side are fired together
- rancid
having an unpleasant smell or taste
- coalesce
to come together to form one group or mass
- laconic
the use of few words; brevity to point of seeming rude, indifferent, or mysterious
- exponent
someone who supports a particular cause or belief; someone known for a particular method or style
- haywire
being out of order of having gone wrong
- verdigris
green or blueish deposit
- perspicacious
possessing acute mental vision or discernment
- defer
to choose to do something at a later time
- misnomer
an incorrect name or designation
- anthropomorphic
described or thought of as being like human beings in appearance, behavior, etc
- caucus
a meeting of members of a political party for the purpose of choosing candidates for an election; a group of people who meet to discuss a particular issue or to work together for a shared, usually political goal
- sporadic
occasionally, irregularly, or randomly across time or space
- fructify
to make fruitful or productive; to bear fruit or profit