WOD 41-60 (10/18-11/6) Flashcards
- bespoke
- writhe
to twist, especially in pain
- interlocutor
one who takes part in dialogue or conversation
- cloying
excessively sweet or sentimental
- abide
to remain or continue; to accept without objection
- volition
the power of choosing or determining
- genteel
elegant or graceful in manner, appearance, or shape; marked by false delicacy, prudery, or affectation
- sepulchre
tomb or other place of burial
- peculiar
different from the usual or normal; characteristic of only one person, group, or thing
- defile
to make (something) dirty; to take away or ruin the purity, honor, or goodness of (something or someone important)
- utopia
a place of ideal perfection
- notorious
people and things that are famously known, especially for something unfavorable
- scour
to search (something) carefully and thoroughly
- lycanthropy
the power or ability to take the shape and characteristics of a wolf through witchcraft or magic
- sallow
of a grayish greenish yellow color
- fustigate
to criticize severely; to beat with or as if with a short heavy club
- rapscallion
someone who causes trouble, often in a mischievous way
- catercorner
describe things that are situated in a diagonal or oblique position
- abandon
a feeling or attitude of wild or complete freedom
- gauche
“having or showing a lack of awareness about the proper way to behave; socially awkward