WOD 200-220 (5/14 - 6/2) Flashcards
- engender
to produce, to cause to exist or to develop
- maudlin
someone or something that expresses sadness or sentimentality in an exaggerated way
- disapprobation
the act or state of disapproving or being disproved of
- rarefied
understood or appreciated by only a small or select group of people; being less dense
- zephyr
a breeze blowing from the west; any gentle breeze
- censure
to formally criticize or reprimand someone for an act or failure, especially from a position of authority
- telegenic
someone or something well-suited to the medium of television; people whose appearance or manners are particularly attractive to viewers
- gamut
a range or series of related things
- officious
a person who tends to offer unwanted advice in a way that annoys the advice recipients
- bower
a garden shelter made with tree boughs or vines twined together
- adumbrate
to foreshadow vaguely; to suggest or outline partially; to overshadow or obscure
- hobbyhorse
a topic that someone dwells on, returning to again and again, especially in conversation
- sapient
possessing or expressing great wisdom
- interpolate
interjecting or inserting something, especially words or a musical element; to make insertions
- flavedo
the colored outer layer of the rind of a citrus fruit
- sacrosanct
things too important and respected to be changed or criticized
- nemesis
a formidable foe; an opponent or enemy who is very difficult to defeat
- enthrall
to hold the attention of someone by being very exciting, interesting, or beautiful
- gist
the general or basic meaning of something
- obstinate