Wk9 Pre-recorded Flashcards
What are 4 types of families?
Same-sex families
Maternal employment
What are 3 changes in UK families since 1999?
% of married partners have decreased
% cohabiting couples have increased
% families with only one child have increased
How can divorce affect a child’s mental health?
Cause mental health problems
Cause low self-esteem
What are social/academic child outcomes related to divorce?
Decline in academic
Aggression and antisocial behaviour
Difficulties forming and sustaining relationships
What other factors affect children’s outcomes after divorce?
Factors that were present before the divorce such as characteristics of the parents behaviours, parent mental health, and parent beliefs about relationships
Factors that were prompted by the divorce (money problems, parental mental health)
How can factors prompted by the divorce affect a child’s outcomes/mental health?
The family may develop money problems and have to move to a smaller house in a poorer area which could affect the child’s mental health
Does divorce have bad outcomes for most children?
No. There are risks of bad outcomes however the outcomes for most children are good.
If families have high conflict before a divorce, is it better or worse for the parents to divorce?
Better. Outcomes will be better for the child if parents resolve the conflict through divorce.
What attachment type do high conflict families lead to?
Insecure attachment relationships with parents
How can parental stress influence their relationship with children?
Stressed parents cause parents to be more distant and show less emotional warmth. Less authoritative parenting.
How can the age of the child affect the impact of divorce?
Younger children find it hard to understand. They may develop anxiety and blame themselves.
Do younger or older children adjust better to stepfamilies?
Younger children have better adjustment.
Can be unsettling for older children who are used to things being a certain way.
Do children adjust better with or without stepsiblings?
Children adjust better without stepsiblings (less competition for attention, less conflict)
What type of parenting style helps children to adjust in stepfamilies?
Authoritative parenting style (warm but firm) leads to better adjustment
Can the attitude of the noncustodial parent towards the step-parent affect the child?
Yes. If the non-custodial parent is hostile, the child may develop psychological and behavioural problems