Wk6 Pre-recorded Flashcards
What different parts do emotions consist of?
Neural responses, physiological responses, desires to act
What methods are used to identify children’s emotional expressions?
Observations, creation of coding schemes
What behaviour do you code to identify emotions?
Facial cues such as eye gaze, mouth movements
What is a problem when identifying what emotions children are experiencing?
Ambiguous. It is hard to tell what negative emotion a child is experiencing. Different cries may be due to the head position of the child.
The same child in the same situation might express different emotions.
Babies might show mixed emotions rather than differentiated emotions.
What coding scheme is used for infants emotions and what does it do?
AFFEX - looks at the link between particular facial expression and facial muscle movements (eyes, lips etc.)
What is a limitation of AFFEX?
Takes hours to identify the facial muscles that are being moved. Very complex.
What 4 emotions do adults talk about babies having?
Happiness, sadness, fear, anger
Explain the stages of smiling
1-4 weeks = smiling is physiological
4-8 weeks = babies smile in response to a stimulus
3-4 months = babies smile at familiar people
1 year + = infants express happiness to more objects and events
What are social smiles?
Smiles directed at people (e.g., smiles between the baby and caregiver)
Why are social smiles important?
The child can connect with people. Social smiles can promote a bond between the baby and caregiver.
When do babies develop fear?
First signs of fear appear around 6-7 months. This is the same stage that babies smiles at familiar people and start being wary of unfamiliar people.
What do we know about infants and emergence of anger?
Infants tend to express anger and sadness at the same time to indicate distress but they cannot distinguish between the 2 emotions
What age do infants express anger?
At 12 months children clearly express anger
18-24 months toddlers express more anger
3-6 years toddlers express less anger
Why do children experience less anger later on?
They can express themselves using language instead. They can distinguish between intentional and non-intentional acts.
Do children show more sadness when older or younger?
When older - when they are separated from caregivers and nobody pays attention to them
When do more complex emotions appear (guilt, shame, jealousy)?
After 2 years, as the child develops a sense of self and how people react to the self.
What age does separation anxiety appear?
8 months