Wk 5 - Attention and Memory Pt. 1 Flashcards
What are the three basic processes of memory
- Encoding
- Storage
- Retrieval
What is the encoding process of memory
Encoding transforms sensory stimuli into a form that can be placed in memory.
What is Storage in regards to memory
Storage is effectively retaining information for later use
What is the retrieval process of memory
Retrieval is the process of locating the item and using it (recall vs recognition.)
What is attentions role in encoding and what determines its quality
Attention acts as a ‘filter’.
Amount/type of attention determines quality of encoding.
(eg. Maintenance rehearsal vs Elaborative Rehearsal)
What is maintenance rehearsal
Mechanical repetition of information. Doesn’t transform it into a deeper, more meaningful code.
What are Craik and Tulving’s 3 levels of processing? How do they differ and which is creates the deepest level of learning
- Superficial: When encode only the physical qualities of something. i.e Whether or not a word is capitalised or how they look (height, colour etc.)
- Phonological: When encode information by sound. i.e Does X word rhyme with Y word.
- Semantic: When encode the meaning of information and relate it to other things with similar meaning. I.e Does X word fit into a sentence. Or what are some similes for ‘Rug’. It is the best
What is elaborative rehearsal
meaningful processing of information. Thinking about the information while simultaneously trying to memorise. ie. What the poem is about.
What does Visual imagery encoding store better?
Tangible or concrete objects are recalled better than abstract items.
Self referent encoding
Applying the information to oneself
What are the stages of the multiple trace hypothesis of memory
Stimuli > Sensory Register > Short Term Memory > Long Term memory > (If rehearsed Short term memory)
What is the first stage of memory storage and what are its two components
The Sensory Register: A storage system that intakes, register and briefly holds information from the senses.
It consists of:
- Iconic Memory
- Echoic Memory.
How long is information stored in Iconic memory and how many items. What system is it related to
Iconic memory is related to the visual system holds information for up to 0.5 seconds.
It can hold 9 to 10 items.
How long is information stored in Echoic memory and how many items. What system is connected to.
Echoic memory is connected to the auditory system.
- It holds information for around 2 seconds.
- It can hold 5 items of information.
Who conducted the whole and partial report tasks, as well as the partial category report and what were they on
The whole and partial report tasks were conducted by Sterling (1960). They deduced the information we know about echoic and iconic memory.
What is the intermediate storage system that briefly holds information prior to consolidation
Short term memory (STM)
What is Short term memory (STM)
STM is an intermediary system that holds information for a brief period, prior to consolidation.
What are the characteristics of STM
Short term memory’s characteristics are:
It has a 20 second duration.
Recall for lists of digits is around 7 (+ or - 2)
How can you extend STM 20 second duration? What happens to information in STM when this is not done? How else can information be lost?
You can extend the 20 second duration of STM using rehearsal. When rehearsal is not done the information can be lost or “Decay”. Information can also be lost through interference.
What are the 4 components of Working memory
- The central executive
- The visuospatial sketchpad
- The Phonological buffer
- The episodic buffer
What is the phonological (articulatory) loop/buffer
It is a component of Working memory.
- It is responsible for information to do with speech and writing.
- It holds information in a speech based form.
What is the visuospatial sketchpad?
- It is the aspect of working memory that deals with visual and spatial information.
- It keeps track of where one is in relation to world and objects around.
What is the episodic buffer?
It is the intermediary between the two ‘slave’ systems (The phonological loop and visuospatial sketch pad) and LTM.
- It stores information in a multi-faceted/dimensional code.
- Controlled by the central executive.
- Important for long term episodic learning
What is the Central Executive?
- The central executive is the attentional system within working memory that supervises and controls the slave systems. (What are these?)
-In charge of controlled processing. This includes, directing attention, maintaining task goals, decision making and memory retrieval. “head boss”c
What is LTM
Long term memory is the system that stores and retains information for a long period of time.
- It has large capacity.
- long duration.
there are different types.
What are the primacy and recency effects
- The primacy effect is seen when we remember best the first things
- the recency effect is when remember the las information best (mainly due to STM though)
What are two factors that improve LTM
- Context: Memory is better when in the context that learned material in.
- Internal state: memory is best when in same internal state that learned info in.