wk 1 Flashcards
what is empiricism?
the belief that valid knowledge is based on observation as opposed to intuition. also about scientific thinking
what is the Availability heuristic
biased by things that easily pop into our mind such as recent events or memories
what is the theory-data cycle?
questions -> claims -> evidence/data -> evaluation -> questions
What are the six principles of scientific thinking
ruling out rival hypotheses/ correlation versus causation / falsifiability replicability/ extraordinary claims/ Occam‘s razor
What is falsifiability
can the claim be disproved
what is replicability
Can the results be duplicated in other studies
What is Occam’s razor
Does a simpler Explanation fit the data just as well (does the theory show parsimony)
what is theory?
a set of assumptions and principles about a broad phenomenon
what is hypothesis
systematically test theory in various conditions to determine its utility
qualities of a good theory
supported by data / falsifiable/ parsimonious
what is parsimony
simple and accurate
innductive research = hypothesis building
data -> evaluation -> hypotheses -> theory
hypothetical deductive research = hypothesis testing
theory-> hypothesis-> data-> evaluation
what is epistemology?
the theory of knowledge and the nature of knowledge. (forms of knowledge, access to knowledge, ways of acquiring and gathering knowledge)
what is positivism?
emphasises empirical study of phenomena and seeks objectivity.
explains observed phenomena using general statements (cause + effect)
what is quantitative data?
data that can be measured, put into categories or in rank order. in numerical form.
criteria for good research questions (FINER)
Feasible Interesting Novel Ethical Relevant