Wisdom and authority Flashcards
what are the 3 different types of authority
- bible
- Jesus
- church
Catholic Church and the authority on church
teaches church and bible equal authority
both inspired by holy sporty
both emphasis apostolic tradition and succession
the one true church
Key passage for the authority of the church
what is Matthews passage
therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit teaching everything I have commanded you
what does Matthew mean
traces the authority of the church back to Jesus confers the leadership of the church to Peter and apostles
what does protestantism mean
different denominations will hold their interpretation of doctrine to be true and of great significance
what do protestants think to the authority of the church
place far less emphasis on the authority of their church tradition but preach salvation sola scripture
what does Martin Luther think to the authority of the church
The church was subject to the authority of scripture places emphasis on Ephesians 2
salvation was through faith not priests or church
conservatism authority of the bible
evangelical tradition - places emphasis on personal salvation from sin through faith in death of Jesus
inspired greek word - god breathed bible sources is God himself
fundamentalist - bible must be inerrant
verbal plenary inspiration - gods inspiration of all scripture is complete
what is 2 Tim
all scripture inspired by God and profitable for teaching for reproof and for correction in righteousness that man of God may be complete equipped for every good work
who was Henry Morris
a creationist god is omniscient and therefore ‘to be trusted to say exactly and only what he means’
Catholicism and the authority of the bible
bible seen as inspired by seen within context of apostolic tradition and succession
neo orthodoxy authority of the bible
- karl Barth reject the concept of bible as inherent
point to scientific errors/ contradictions they conclude it is inspired - bible is fallible - important or people would worship Bible over God. Allowed to be a personal encounter with God.
- other evangelics take view of J I Packer -modern conservative - scripture combines the personality of its authority with their human limitations with divine authority
liberalism - authority of the bible
reject Bible is inspired word of God
the social gospel movement
emphasised importance of addressing social justice rather than focussing on biblical commands
process theology - understand the differences between science and Bible.
questions God omnipotence ect. Bible is seen as inspiring - find certain passages inspiring/ uplifting
apostolic tradition
teaching that came from Jesus to the apostles which has been passed on into writings
apostolic succession
appointing of apostles by Jesus that authority being passed onto their successors.
Catholic Church and the authority of the bible
Holy Spirit inspired biblical writings
Biblical text need to br interpreted within the context of the church understanding of Tradition
the emphasis has been placed on members of the church receiving biblical teaching from trained priests rather than being encouraged to read the Bibles for themselves
where in the bible is seen as evidence of Jesus as God
before Abraham was born I am - John 8
All authority on heaven and earth has been given to me - Matthew 28
hypostatic union
Jesus is fully god as he existed from the beginning of time as God
Used to state that Jesus was fully human and fully divine
From the beginning of time
what are the two terms relating to Jesus identity
son of god- second person of trinity
Jesus baptism ‘This is my beloved son with whom I am well pleased
son of man - preferred title
old testament
some liberals view it as Jesus’ rejection to claims of deity
Jesus was entirely human who become the son of God only at his baptism
liberal christians - Jesus
place emphasis on Jesus’ humanity
tend to reject facts that aren’t possible - virgin birth
no concept of bible being inerrant
try to adopt ethics of Jesus
what do all christians try to do
all will see him as a role model for living
Matthew 5
sermon of the mount
Jesus is presented by Matthew as second mosses addressing laws and reinterpreting them to emphasis the spirit
he stresses role of motivation and of inner thoughts
conservatives response to Jesus teaching
who hold that Jesus was god incarnated follows his teaching has divine authority for all time
some would take Matthew literally
resist using violence
be generous
lend things
love their enemies
liberals response to Jesus teaching
hold Jesus was an inspiring human
always words to be reinterpreted words don’t hold authority or truth for all time
they point to contradictions in bible and choose what to emphasise
command to be perfect is impossible - argue that teachings are exaggerated to make a point
a liberal reading Matthew will emphasis love over hate - striving to be best person possible