Gender and sexuality Flashcards
from Jesus’ lifetime attitude to celibacy has changed
Matthew 19 - celibacy was a choice- there has been acceptance of celibacy being a calling
1 corthians Paul - celibacy unless sexual urges were too strong and then marry. Paul believed end of world was near and people should concentrate on Gods word
New Testament marriage should be taken. celibacy brings you closer to God
clergies are prohibited to marriage.
Orthodox Church always married man but not after ordination
Anglican and protestsnat churches clergies often married some churches oppose - goes against 1 Tim
‘bishops are the husband of one wife’
catholic - if couple divorce can’t remarry annulment = remarriage
protestsant view - marriage is ordinance, divorce and remarriage is allowed
should admit failure and how they will improve
2 biblical quotes about marriage
gen 2 - one flesh one bond marriage is heterosexual
Matthew 5 - divorce permitted if women commits adultery
what are some western society challenges on traditional view on marriage
- no more about relationship
- many are civil ceremonies with no religion
- divorce much more common
- same sex can marry
changing views in society been reflected in law official position of church is clear but some don’t agree
biblical teacheings on homosexuality
OT - people should be punished by death
NT - Paul wrote in lists that is antisocial
‘Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a women that is detestable’ - Leviticus
‘Neither the sexually immoral nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy will inherit the kingdom of God’ - 1 corthians
contemporary christian views on homosexuality
Evangelical protestants - Bible is inspired and infallible word of God - so detestable
Protestsant Churches - take into account insight of Biblical criticism. fully support changes in law seek to follow example of Jesus and gave equal value
catholic - distinguishes between orientation and practise accepts his but must remain celibate
Church of England - torn between liberal and progressive views on its members with knowledge that many of its members are gay clergy in homosexual relations should remain celibate
fundamentalists protestsants - God alone decides gender - since he doesn’t make mistakes any attempt to change act of rebellion against God
Liberal protestsants - accept
Church of England - accept
catholics - reject - surgery doesn’t change identity
Jesus’ views on women - 3
- Regarded women highly
- Spoke to samartin women at well
- Been accompanied by women at burial
feminists object as they were caring for
Views on women in NT
- Paul told people to respect Phoebe - deacon
- ‘women should remain silent in the church
- ‘There is neither Jew nor Gentile neither slave nor free no is there male and female for you are are all one in Christ Jesus - Galatians
Pre 19th century views on women
Augustine of Hippo blamed eve for the fall
role of women restricted to marriage and motherhood
Post 19th century views on women
- little change due to revolution
- women gradually became accepted into jobs
- First World War
- equal employment rights- some churches didn’t accept
what do liberal theologians think about bible
should be studied like literature
looks at bible as whole
looks at different language used
looks at type of book - historical accounts
looks at cultural change
what are the 2 negative attitudes to use of Bible
- Karl Barth - rejected liberal approach - Boble should be allowed to challenge secular views
- fundamentalists reject anything but literal interpretation of Bible so women not allowed
1 Timothy
‘I want the women to dress modestly’
‘A women should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a women to teach or to assume authority over a man needs she must be quiet.’ ‘It was a women who became a sinner’ ‘women will be saved through childbearing’
catholic view on ordination of women
complementation approach
apostolic succession can only be passed on from men to men
Jesus choice only male disciples only men can be priests men can be in persona christi
what is a crtisim of catholic view of women
if equal doesn’t mean equal access to leadership roles many would say its empty
Protestant view on women
believe in priesthood of all believers do not believe in ordination to priesthood all roles have equal value
the authority of scripture changes with cultural change
what are the 3 strands of feminist theology?
- liberal approach - patriarchal beliefs are problematic
- female may ascribe to God - he qualities associated with women - draw out importance of women in gospel
- Radical approach - speak about God in gender inclusive terms
what was Hampsons view
post christian theological - rejects christianity
1. based on belief that there was a uniqueness to the person of Christ
2. christians look at past - literature with patriarchal imagery
argues that christians look to literature from a past age in which paryoarchal outlook taken for granted.
God is seen as transcendent
gender hierarchy
father son imagery dominant
No special revelation in Jesus no reason to look yp to him didn’t see sexism in society
what is a criticism of Hampson’s view
has she assumed too much
what is Ruethers view
denounces traditional theology as patriarchal and sexist - condeames it due to society at time
- replaces term God with Godess
- Jesus embodied masculine and feline aspects of human nature
what is the Hampson ruether debate
- Hampson - could be religious and feminist christianity is a historical religion
- Ruether - Christianity is an eschatological faith focused on future - always reintrepating itself
- Hampson - not a political/ social message
- Ruether - accesses of beaning to fundamentalist - language is symbolic
- Hampson - Christainity must reference past revaltaion
- Ruether - concerned about the Biblical message of liberation points to gospel with him siding with vulnerable - mostly women
For women in church - 4
- sometimes one branch go alone to do what is right
- Jesus decision was pragmatic. the role of women in those times could not leave children alone, ordination today reflects todays society
- gender should have nothing to do with apostolic succession. no reason why ordination of female bishops should break it.
- many bible verses show equality
Against women in church
- decision lacks catholic consent been made without the consent of the universal church
- Jesus could of fought this should not be dictated by culture
- threatens apostolic succession - validity of many sacraments
- the bible is revealed word if it says women should teach then they shouldn’t