Migration and religious pluralism Flashcards
salvation belongs exclusively to christians no other way to God
John 14
who is the 3rd century theological and what do they say
cyprian of Carthage
outside the church there is no salvation
Vatican 2
Catholic Church regarded it as the Catholic Church alone, all other christians to hell
greater stress what Christians have in common
weakness to exclusivism
undermines God is love
rob bell - if God loves us he will save all
Christs works brings salvation to all whatever their faith
salvation open to all basics of adherence to or rejection of a natural sense of morality inbuilt feature of this world.
Karl barth inclusivism
all humans are fallen in nature all dependent Gods grace, regardless of profession of belief
Karl Rahner - 4
anonymous christians
1. possible combine modern philosophy with traditional church doctrine
2.all humans have awareness for something beyond realm have innate yearning for reaching out to infinite reality that is God
3. some have implicit awareness of God without recognising it
4. anonymous christian = non Christian. people could reposed to God without realising without recognising christ
Rahners argument - 4
- prior o revelation of God in Jesus, God didn’t want assent to Christainity other ways to God
- any religion provide ways to find a right relationship with God
- becoming christian final stage - everyone started anonymous. church respect this some will become for higher stage of development of their faith accept christ
- Church is not sole
acts 17
Paul referred positively to Pagans he recognised Athenians devotion to unknown God revealed been praying to right one
Rahners answer to acts 17
God reaches out to those desiring to be saved. every person possible relationship with God
God may use other religions to reach out uses them in his plan of salvation
2 criticisms of inclusivism
fundamentalists - ignore biblical texts
offensive other faiths calling them flawed
religous pluralism views Christanity as one way to know God amongst others. valid paths to God conversion is unnecessary
contribution of Hick
for centuries church believed christ as centre all world religions circling Christianity
Christianity and other faiths circling ultimate reality we need to move to theocentric universe
all loving God would not send one to heaven others hell
pluralistic universalism
hick discovered common experience of the heart being drawn higher reality
used analogy of refracted light from sun, universal divine refracted by different cultures into spectrum of different faiths
used Buddhist parable of blind man feeling elephant describing it in different ways
different religions different accounts of God, reflection into ultimate reality which can never be known
pluralistic universalism conclusion
influenced Irenaeus theodicy all could be saved be with God for eternity
soul making development in afterlife
everyone fulfil potential
religious experience more important
Christian Universalism
belief through christ all is saved. God can’t fail, god must be able accomplish saving all
Hicks universalism pluralism
different as does not depend on Christ all major religions paths to God. Not mere relativism religions help people become less self centred more reality centred
Rob bell
argues God’s love always reaches all people. must be offered beyond moment of death. overcomes universalism denies free will
for rob bell all must have choice to reject Gods love but Gods nature always forgiving salvation never closed
1 Corth 15
for as in Adam all die so in christ all will be made alive
cristism of pluralism
promotes healthy relationship between different faiths
some religions incompatible, Hindu belief in Karma and reincarnation incompatible with resurrection
presence of or support for the presence of several distinct cultural or ethnic groups within society
movement of large numbers of people from one place to another
religious diversity
fact there are significant differences in religious beliefs and practises within a society
religious pluralism
situation where people of different faiths live in same society without conflict show respect
British society
multiracial - result of succassive invasions and jeswish communities and overseas trades
second ww brought migrants over
21st century - Europen migration increased with expansion of the EU along mass migrations from countries on basis of war corruption poverty and climate change
what are 3 problems which may arise from pluralism
conflict, religious festival and clothings
secular state
country where government and society are indepedant of teaching of religion
social cohesion
situation where different cultures work together forging national identity
when one culture or religious system totally absorbed by another losing its distinctive quality
what are some problems with religious pluralism
certain teachings incompatible in different religions
Catholic church
founded on apostolic succession
as Jesus passed on his authority to Peter same authority passed onto successors
authority of pope comes from christ
apostolic tradition
catholic - one true church
prior to Vatican 2 catholic exclusivist
now inclusivity
Church of England
range of traditions
evangelics object homosexual relations whilst liberals don’t
most part inclusivist seen in accept differences in own community - emphasis salvation through death of christ
evangelical portestsant church
adopt exclusivist position
those who get personal commitment get salvation
ecumenical movement
movement aimed promoting christian unity
ecumenical movement positives
recognises all
love thy neighbour
Jesus dies for all
ecumenical movement negatives
John 14 - I a the way truth and life
salvation only through Jesus