Good conduct and key moral principles Flashcards
human power over the rest of world
responsible care for world created by God humans are Gods agents
Belief Christians have dominion over animals
- some have unlimited power over animals and environment
environmental damage, intensive faming
- Anthropocentric view Belief Christians have dominion over animals
- aquinas animals have no soul
opposed being cruel - humans cruel
simple form of property - after flood god gave Noah new covenant
everything that lives and moves will be food for you
psalm quote dominion
you made them rulers over the works of your hands
humans described little less than angels with control over all living things
stewardship of animals and natural environment
guardians of creation caring for god
responsibility rather than privilege
emphasis on intrinsic value ‘god saw it was good’ genesis 1
implications of global environment
action must take place, churches being told promote eco theology
predestination biblical roots
literal roots humans can’t attain righteousness needed for heaven by own good works
salvation gift of faith, Jesus sacrifice
2 biblical quotes predestination
they are justified by his grace as a gift through the redemption which is in christ Jesus - romans 2
in love he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ - Ephesians 1
augustine predestination
still believes free will but due to fallen nature we only make bad choices
chooses the elect rest remain unaffected the remnant
double predestination as he’s choosing
his focus defend original sin throughs unaffected hell
Calvin predestination
greater emphasis Gods omnipotence
no thing humans choice will bring salvation
God must intervene to save - unconditional election
most damned
minority elect - given grace for salvation Gods love
no one knows which should try to live
all humans pre destined
impossible to reject
strengths of predestinatio n
- Calvin necessary part of commitment theological determinism needed
- our reliance is absolute on God as corrupted since fall
has Paul been interpreted correctly
would Paul agree to remove human free will
1. god is neither just nor omnibenevolent
2. does predestination make God responsible for evil?
concept of sanity of life
central to christian belief about ethical issues
refers human life give intrinsic value
same value as God
based genesis 1 and 2
humans created in image of God
strong sanity of life
all humans have right to live
personhood begins at conception
absolute right to life
embryo research sinful - can’t give consent disobeys protecyomh ommpcemy
strength and weakness to strong sanity of life
odders guidelines
can be inflexiable
Jeremiah 1 strong sanity
before I formed you in the womb I knew you
weak sancity of life
human life sacred but not absolutely so
strict rules 14 day cut of
abortion lesser two evils
strength and weakness to weak sanity of life
too much responsibility
two types of just war
ius ad bellum
ius in bello
ius ad bellum
when going to war might be justifiable
rules for ius ad bellum
- just - maintain ordered society
- legitimate authority - Romans 13 - authorities instructed by God to create law
- right intention - not territorial gain
- probability of success
- proportionality expected benefits myst be proportitant to expect palm
ius in bello
addresses the way in which a war must be fought
rules for ius in bello
- discrimination non us combinations
- proportionality of means to ends. means used must be proportionate to ends required
weapons of mass destruction
1945 bombing Hiroshima
assumes moral ingreitary of government war complex especially when carries on
christian views on just war
weapons = evil
sometimes most loving
by faith
protestant martin Luther
Paul letter how humans can be justified before God
Abraham - prepared kill baby
Martin - selling of indulgences - payment made church. time off puragorty allows good works
relatively literalistic good works come through faith
romans 3
this rightenoess given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe
conclusion of by faith
god steps back from creation to give free will
evolution of by faith
its gives christs sacrifice importance through biblical texts
protestsants justification by faith represents useful timely correction
I will give the keys of the kingdom of heaven
Mathew 16
I will give the keys of the kingdom of heaven
two types of by works
works required to demonstrate a real living faith
christian pluralism the insist focus on works alone
works required to demonstrate a real living faith
catholic justification was by faith and works
rejects Luther literalistic
allows believers to develop faith and good works
is a process which infidels are purified from sin over time only venial sins require purgatory
by works quotes
James 2 - in the same way faith by itself if no and accompanied by action is dead
1 John - whoever believer in him must live as Jesus did
weaknesses of sola fide
suggests only need to believe get away with sin
catholics say denies mystery
christian pluralism the insist focus on works alone
parable of the sheep and goat
then they will go away to eternal punishment righteous to eternal life
sheep and goats call lord
goats have normal faith
sheep = real faith accompanied by works
weaknesses to christian pluralism the insist focus on works alone
much more significant texts on salvation
fails understand how salvation works
catholics add sacraments salvation requires purifying interaction with god