Self death and afterlife Flashcards
3 types of resurrection
- Dualism and the resurrection of the souls
- Monism and the resurections of the body
- spiritual resurrection
dualism and the resurrection of the soul
Some reject debasement of material body as a Greek heresy
soul - Genesis 2 - God brings Adam to life with his breath nephesh
Associated with ruach means both breath and spirit
Traditionally seen as spirit or soul - septete identity
Life after death - non one existent view in passage early Juadiasim. Only passage Daniel spoke about it
Plato - spiritual realm more real than material world. Humans having dual identities. Body and soul, believed in reincarnation, true identity.
monism and the resurrection of the body
Augustine - original sin passed on, causing stain of sin on both body and soul
Catholic - still recommend to have a burial over cremation
resurrection - Jesus was bodily as salvation of body and soul for complete salvation of what had been corrupted
fusion of ideas - body dies soul goes judgement. combination of monism and dualism
spiritual resurrection body and soul
what sort of body a resurrected body might be - no explanation how or when the new body will come - speaks of spiritual body
adamant bodily resurrection
writes about 500 seeing Jesus resurrected - both bodies will be linked to soul - analogy of seed. Paul can’t guess plant from seed can’t understand rest body
mimics gosspels of Jesus resurrected body in which there are both continuity and change. some reject dualism arguing for survival of soul alone
1 corthians 15
and if christ has not been raised your faith is futile if only for this life we have hope in christ we are of all people most to be pitied.
meaning and purpose of life - 3
- glorify god and have a personal relationship with him
- prepare for judgment
- bring about God’s kingdom and earth
in the same way let your light shine before others that they may see your good deeds and glorify your father in heaven
how is glory used
throughout out testament christians devote lives glorifying God
glorify god and have a personal relationship with him - genesis Texts
Genesis one humans are made in the image of God after created God declares very good be fruitful and multiply
Genesis 2 to betrays more intimate personal God Jesus prays for his disciples and not betrayal
interpreted as a model of a close relationship with God - Gods original intention and desire for us
where is there a strong presence in Jesus teachings
Parable of the sheep and the goat Catholics put emphasis on this to do good works
‘then they will go away to eternal punishment but the righteousness to eternal life’
Protestants emphasise Pauls teachings
‘for it is by grace you have been saved through faith and this is not from yourselves it is a gift of God not by works so that no one can boast’
genesis 3 preparing for judgment
Fall on humanity Adam and Eve banished from the garden due to sin
Now know pain and death
rest of Bible is referred to as salvation history God’s plan to allow humans back into close relationship
John ‘for God so loved the world he gave his only son Jesus Christ’
2 places in bible shows kingdom of God
Matthew - refers to rule of God - Gods value being established as fully on earth as in heaven
lords prayer
Mark - Jesus spoke of the kingdom of God both as present and to come
qualities of kingdom of God
peace, justice and freedom
revelation 21
idea of realisation of the kingdom
imagery is of eden restored
christian church teaching of different interpretations of judgement- catholic
saints heave parable of sheep and goat
many references to judgement in NT
mortal sin no forgivnesss = hell
committed lesser sins - purgatory
two types of judgement particular takes place after death
general whole of humanity after second coming of christ
christian church teaching of different interpretations of judgement orthodox
orthodox christians - where soul will wait until 2nd coming
particular judgment 40 day after death.
at end of time all rise from graves see christ return in glory
christian church teaching of different interpretations of judgement - protestants n
no belief in purgatory as it isn’t mentioned
emphasis on justification by faith alone
object immortality in process thought
- both god and universe are external and uncreated
- god is not the creator but will order and complexity out of chaos
- god is not omnipotent but can only persuade the universe
- god and universe exist as a mind and body meaning 5. god experiences every process in universe
- those who believe this = non traditional view on life after death. all individuals remain eternal objects in mind of God
- reject subject immortality
self continue to live on as same subjects with continues experiences
object immortality in process thought - Mathew 16
whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. whoever wants to save their life will lose it but whoever loses their life for me will find it
response to Matthew 16
regard incompatible with anthropocentrism of a desire for personal survival of death
negative to object immortality in process thought
doesn’t provide comfort in death
linked ti buddhist teachings
contradicts traditional biblical teachings
physical realities
traditional understands heaven, hell
purgatory temporary pain fitted with idea of resurrection
karl marx physical realities
denounce religion as opium of the people. images to control masses
spiritual realities
modern view
have more of understand of the world now
modern catholics - there existence isn’t above or below
spiritual states - purgatory is a process not place
liberal christianS
may speak of it as experiences in life which can lead to oneness in God
Rob Bell
eternal life refers to a quality of life here and now
births, deaths act part of eternity ultimately bring heaven to earth
we can bring heave to earth everyday - love others
retains belief in spiritual reality after death
Gods love always forgive continuation of choices in this life