Wind Stroke Flashcards
Channel-Connection Stroke
Depleted Channels & Connections allowing Wind Invasion
manifest: numbness of extremities, abrupt onset of facial paralysis, slurred speech, drooling from the corner of the mouth on the affected side, hemiplegia (severe cases), aversion to cold, fever, muscle spasms in limbs and some cases sore, aching joints
T: thin white coat
P: floating
Tx: dispel wind, nourish the blood, clear the channels and connections
Main Pts: GV20, GB20, GV14, LI4
hemiplegia upper limb: LI15, LI11, SJ5
hemiplegia lower limb: Gb30, Gb34, ST36, ST41, UB60
slurred speech: CV23, HT5
facial paralysis: ST4, ST5, GB14, LI20, UB2, ST1, UB60
drooling: CV24
Channel-Connection Stroke
Vacuity of LV & KD YIn w/ Disturbance by Ascendant Wind-Yang
manifest: prior history of vertigo or dizzy spells, h/a, tinnitus, numbess of extremeities, irribablility, insomnia or dream disturbed sleep, weak aching lower back and knees, hot flashes; abrupt onset of facial paralysis, slurred speech, sluggish movements and in severe cases, hemiplegia
T: red w/ little coating
P: thready, rapid, wiry
Tx: nourish LV & KD yin, subdue yang, eradicate internal wind, clear the channels and connections
Main Pts: UB18, UB23, KD3, Gb20, LV3, LI4
hemiplegia upper limb: LI15, LI11, SJ5
hemiplegia lower limb: GB30, Gb34, ST36, ST41, UB60
slurred speech: CV23, HT5
facial paralysis: ST4, ST5, GB14, LI20, UB2, ST1, UB60
drooling CV24
Viscera-Bowel Stroke
Tension Pattern
Yang Tension Stroke
manifest: sudden loss of consciousness, muscular spasm of jow, hands clenched tightly into fists, wheezing respiration, retention of urine and stool, muscular spasms and rigidity of limbs. yang symptoms: flushed complexion, fever, heavy breathing, halitosis, red lips, agiation and restlessness
T: red or yellow slimy coating
P: rapid, wiry, slippery
Tx: open orifices w/ cool pungeant medicines, clear liver, extinguish wind
main pts: GV26, ST40, KD3, LV3
yang: PC8, bleed Jing Wells of the hands
spasm of jaw: ST7, ST6, LI4
Viscera-Bowel Stroke
Tension Pattern
Yin Tension Stroke
manifest: sudden loss of consciousness, muscular spasm of jow, hands clenched tightly into fists, wheezing respiration, retention of urine and stool, muscular spasms and rigidity of limbs. Yin symptoms: pale complexion, greyish lips, tranquil state w/o restlessness and cold extremities
T: white slimy coating
P: deep, tardy, slippery
Tx: open the orifices w/ warm pungent medicines, expel phlegm extinguish wind
main pts: GV26, ST40, KD3, LV3
yin: GV20
spasm of jaw: ST7, ST6, LI4
Viscera-Bowel Stroke
Desertion Pattern
manifest: sudden loss of consciousness, closed eyes and open mouth, snoring, shallow breathing, relaxed hangs, cold extremities, copious persistant sweat, incontinence of stool and urine, flaccid paralysis of limbs
T: flaccid
P: thready, faint, barely palpable
Tx: boost qi, revitalize yang, secure yang desertion
main pts: moxa CV4, CV8, CV6, GV20; indirect salt moxa CV8, CV6
persistant sweat: moxa HT6
snoring & somnolence: moxa UB62
incontinece of stool & urine: ST28, SP6, ST36
Hemiplegia from Qi Vacuity & Blood Stasis Obstruction of the Channels & Connections
manifest: loss of conscious control of one side of body; numbness of affected side in some cases, complete loss of sensation of the affected side in the more severe cases; sallow complexion, weakness and flaccidity of affected limbs
T: pruple, sometimes stasis macules
P: thready, rough, forceless
Tx: boost qi, quicken the blood, clear channels & connections
main pts: GV20, CV6, SP10, SP6, LI15, LI11, SJ5, LI4, GB30, GB34, ST36, ST41, UB60
upper limb: SJ14, SJ4, SI3
lower limb: GB31, ST33, GB39
prolonged upper: UB11, SI14
prolonged lower: GV3, UB30
Hemipligia from Ascendant Hyperactvity of LV Yang w/ Obstruction of Channels & Connections
manifest: spastic paralysis of affected side w/ rigidity of limbs & difficulty in flexion & extension, accompanied by h/a, dizziness, vertigo, flushed complexion, tinnitus
T: red or crimson w/ thin yellow coat
P: wiry, forceful
Tx: settle the liver, subdue yang, extinguish wind, clear channel & connections
main pts: UB18, UB23, LV3, KD3, LI15, LI11, SJ5, LI4, GB30, GB34, ST36, ST41, UB60
elbow spasm: PC3
wrist spasm: PC7
ankle spasm: KD3
finger spasm: ba feng
upper limb: SJ14, SJ4, SI3 prolonged: UB11, SI14
lower limb: GB31 ST33, GB39 prolonged: GV3, UB30
Slurred Speech from Obstruction of the Connections by Wind-Phlegm
manifest: stiffness of tongue, difficulty speaking, numbness of limbs
T: white slimy coat
P: slippery, wiry
Tx: dispel wind, expel phlegm, clear the orifices and connections
main pts: GB20, ST40, CV23, HT5, GV15, SJ1, bleed: yu ye & jin jin
w/ LVyang rising w/ h/a, dizzy & vertigo add: tai yang
Slurred Speechfrom Depletion of KD Essence
manifest: slurred speech or aphasia, weak aching lower back and legs, palpitations, SOB
T: thin coat
P: weak, thready
Tx: supplement KD essence, nourish yin, open orifices
main pts: UB23, KD3, CV23, HT5, GV15, SJ1
bleed: yu ye & jin jin
Facial Paralysis
manifest: affectedside presents numbness, flaccidity & weakness of muscles, slanting of features toward unaffected side and drooling from corner of the mouth; inability to wrinkle forehead, knit the brow, expose teeth or bulge cheek; inablitisy to fully close eyelid, w/ tearing of eye; disappearance of forehead wrinkles, shallowness or even disappearence of nasolabial groove; difficulty in speech and in severe cases, wekening or loss of the sense of taste on anterior 2/3 of tongue
Tx: dispel wind, transform phlegm, quicken blood & free connections
main pts: ST4, ST6, GB14, ST1, LI20, LI4, UB2, ST44, SI6, UB60
auxiliary: SI18, GB1, ST7
drooling: CV24
irritability: LV3
px in region posterior ears: SJ17
alternative therapeutic methods
auricular: adrenal, shen men, kd, sp, ht, lv, eye, gb, brain, auricular apex, hypotensive groove, pts corresponding to paralyzed areas
scalp: motor region, moto-sensory region of lower limb, speech region unaffected side
moxa: ST36, GB31, GB39