Deep Source Nasal Congestion ( Bi Yuan) Flashcards
Lung Wind Heat
manifest: fever, aversion to tcold, h/a, stuffy nose, turbid yellow fishy-smelling nasal discharge, coughin in come cases
T: red tip w/ thin yellow coat
P: rapid, floating
Tx: dispel wind, clear heat, diffuse the lung, free the orifice
Pts: LU7, LI4, BiTong, LI20, YinTang, GB20
px of superciliar arch: BL2
Gallbladder Heat
manifest: heavy discharge of thick turbid yellow foul-smelling mucus from nose, w/ severe h/a and marked px on external pressure in the area between the eyebrows or in the zygomatic region, accompanied by symptoms of fever, bitter taste in mouth, dry throat, tinnitus, deafness, insomnia, dream-troubled sleep, restlessness, irascibility
T: red with yellow coat
P: radpid, wiry
Tx: draingallbladder heat, dispel turbidty, free the orifice
pts: GB20, Gb43, YinTang, LI20, BiTong, Gv23
h/a add: GV20, TaiYang
SP and ST Damp-Heat
manifest: heavy turbid yellow nasal discharge, severe contiuous nasal congestion, loss of the sense of smell, redness and swelling within the nasal cavity and distending px within the nose (swelling and distention being especially marked). general symptoms: include heaviness and aching of the head, fatigue, epigastric discomfort and fullness, loss of appetite, dark yellow urine
T: red w/ slimy yellow coat
P: rapid, slippery or soft, rapid
Tx: clear heat, drain damp, dispel turbidity, open orifice
pts: LI20, BiTong, GV23, SP9, SP6, St36
h/a add: LI4, Yin Tang
Lung Vacuity Cold
manifest: clear sticky nasal discharge, nasal congestion intermittenly mild or severe, impairment of sense of smell w/ increase of discharge and congestion upon exposure to wind or cold; accompanying symptoms SOB, loss of strength, sluggish speech, weak voice, spontaneous sweat, aversion to draughts and coughing w/ expectoration of phlegm
T: pale w/ thin white coat
P: weak
Tx: warm and supplement lung qi, dissipate cold, clear the orific
Pts: LI20, GV23, GB20, LI4, GV20, St36
extreme vacuity lung qi: UB13, CV6
Spleen Qi Vacuity
manifest: heavy thick milky sticky nasal discharge w/o fout odor, severe nasal congestion and impairment or complete loss of the sense of smell, accompanied by heaviness of the limbs, loss of strenght, poor appetite, loose stools, sallow withered complexion, heavy sensation of head, dizziness and vertigo T: pale w/ white coat P: weak, tardy Tx: supplement spleen qi, drain damp, clear orifice Pts: GV20, LI20, GV23, ST36 SP9, BiTong severe SP qi vacuity add: CV4, UB20 h/a add: UB2, Yin Tang
Alternate therapeutic methods
auricular: inner nose, adrenal, lung, forehead,; allergic rhinitis: anti-asthma, endocrine