Wills: Duty, Powers and Protection of PRs Flashcards
What are the duties of PRs?
- Duty to take reasonable steps to preserve deceased’s estate and realise on any investments which are not proper for them to retain
- Must pay off the estates debts from estate funds and distribute assets as set out in the will / intestacy rules
Under Trustee Act
- Duty to act reasonable care and skill, taking into account any specialist knowledge or experience
- fundamental duty to act in best interest of beneficiaries
What is the liability of PRs for duty of care? Can they get relief?
- Can be excluded by will
- If not excluded PR’s may be liable to beneficiaries or creditors for losses arising from breach
Court has discretion to relieve PR if they Acted honestly and reasonably and ought fairly to be excused for the breach
Are PRs liable for breach of another PR?
- PR not liable for breach of another PR unless they were negligent
What are the powers of PRs?
- Power to Sell, Mortgage or Lease
- Power of Appropriate
- Power to accept receipts for a minor’s property
- Power to Insure
- Power to Delegate
- Power to Indemnify for Expenses
- Power to run deceased’s business (if given in will)
- Power to invest (standard investment criteria applies)
- Power to Maintain a Minor
- Power to Advance Capital
When can a PR use appropriation? When can it be used in theri own favour?
Appropriation is the use of an assets to satisfy a legacy or interest in estate
- Only if beneficiary consents (unless will provides otherwise) and no specific beneficiary is effected
PR cannot make an appropriation in own favour to satisfy a pecuniary legacy unless asset used is cash or equivalent (government stocks or quoted shares)
- Unless permitted by will
How can PRs get valid receipt from minor?
-pay into court
- hold themselves
- appoint trustee
Other Options (maybe - yes if in will)
- reciept by anyone with partental responciblity
- minor can give valid reciept if over 16
What requirements are there for PRs to delegate powers? what is their liability?
- PR ca delegate functions to agents on terms they determine
- Must review arrangements with agents (unless covered in will)
- Only liable for act of agent if they failed to consider duty of care in appointing or reviewing agent
When can PR use power to run deceased’s business?
Sole Trader
- Can only carry on if they do so to sell it as going concern
- Or if will gives them power to run it
Partnership or Company
- PA or Articles to be consulted
What can PRs not invest in under power to invest?
Can invest estate property in anything except
- Land abroad
- An interest in land with someone else
- Can be further restricted by will
Investment must be
- Suitable for the trust
- Diversified
How is the power of maintenance of minor used?
Where gift which includes income is held for minor
- Trustee may apply this for maintenance, education or benefit of minor
- Otherwise income is accumulated
- Accumulated income added to capital once they reach 18
Contingent Interest
- Income paid even after 18, until contingent interest is satisfied
- They then receive capital and accumulated income
How can power of advancement be used by PR?
PRs have discretion to advance capital to beneficiary (minor or not) who has vested or contingent interest in capital
- May be for entire presumptive share of beneficiary
- Anyone with prior life interest in funds must consent
- If advance is made on contingent gift and contingency fails, beneficiary need not pay it back
How is PRs power exercised if there are multiple?
- have joint and several authority to act of one binds the other
Land / shares
- if there are multiple PR’s all must join for transfer of land and shares
How can PRs protect themselves against unknown beneficiaries?
Place advers in, requesting any beneficiary makes themselves known in min of 2 months:
- London Gazette
- Newspapers local to area in which estate land is
- Any other appropriate newspaper (trade journals where deceased ran business)
- Should also conduct searches of land held for creditors; and
- bankruptcy declarations against testutor or beneficiaries
How can PRs protect themselves against claims for financial provision
- should wait 6 months before distributing
How can PRs protect themselves against future and contingent liabilities?
these include
- deceased acted as guarantor
- possible legal proceedings against estate
Protection options
- Estimate and set aside appropriate amount,
- Seek indemnity from beneficiaries
- Arrange insurance and distribute estate
- Apply to court for directions
How can PRs protect themselves against claims of missing beneficiary’s or creditors?
If PR cannot find known beneficiary/creditor they can:
- Make payment owed into court and distribute the rest of the estate;
- Distribute everything with an indemnity from the beneficiaries;
- Seek Benjamin order (court order that missing beneficiary is presumed dead). Requires full enquiries at first and gives full protection to PRs; or
- Purchase insurance against risk of missing claimant (full enquiry may be required first).
How can PRs protect themselves against claims unpaid inheritance tax after 12 months?
- HMRC will not pursue if it remains unpaid by recipients, if PRs have made full inquiries and obtained certificate of discharge