Tax 3: Inheritance Tax Flashcards
What is the bill-rate band for IHT? How does this effect the tax payable?
This amount will be subject to 0% tax.
What is the effect on IHT payable for UK domiciles and non-UK domiciles?
UK Doms
- liable for IHT on transfers of all worldwide assets
- liable only on transfers on UK assets
Are transfers for less than market value taxable for IHT?
Only if they have gratuitous intent
- so not if with unconnected person
- only liable if they intended to make a gift
What are expenditures on family maintenance and how are they taxed for IHT?
- school fees for children
- provisions to look after dependant relative or former spouse
These are not treated as gift and are not subject to IHT
How are transfers/gifts valued for IHT?
Using loss to donor principle
- measure size of gift by how much it reduces the donors estate
Related Property
- means similar property held by spouse
- if an asset has a higher value taking into account related property owned by spouse then the asset is valued at that higher amount (eg the amount each share is worth due to partner holding some as well)
How might you value shares in small/unlisted company for IHT purposes?
Using loss to donor principle
- but value of shares is likely dependant on how much the shares (control) you own
Value of shares before giving them away (likely more per share) ((minus)) value of shares remaining after transfer (likely less per share)
How can transfers be categorised for IHT purposes?
- Chargeable lifetime transfers
- Potentially Exempt Transfers (PET)
- Exempt Transfers
What are the exempt transfers (generally)?
- gifts to spouse
- gifts to charities
- small gifts
- gifts on marriage
- normal expenditure out of income
- ((an annual exemption))
How are gifts to spouses taxed for IHT?
Gifts on death or during lifetime are generally exempt from IHT.
- if donor spouse UK-Dom and recipient spouse is NON-Dom
- here only first £325,000 of transfer is exempt
How are gifts to charities taxed for IHT?
Fully exempt if charity is in UK or European Economic Area
When might a small gift be exempt from IHT? What are the rules?
Can make 1 gift of up to £250 to any donee per tax year.
- does not apply if gift exceeds £250
How are gifts on marriage taxed for IHT?
Applies to wedding presents and apply to gifts to couple
- cannot get two exemptions for 1 gift to groom and 1 to bride
- not all or nothing so can give gift exceeding limit where only excess will be taxed
Exempt Amounts
- a parent - up to £5k
- grandparent - up to £2.5k
- between bride and groom (before wedding) - up to £2.5k
- all others - up to £1k
How are normal expenditures out of income taxed for IHT?
Must be:
- habitual (year after year)
- made out of donor’s income
- donor must have sufficient income to maintain their normal standard of living (no limit)
- life assurance policy or personal pension premiums paid out by donors in respect of another
- regular cash gifts (Christmas or b-days)
What is the annual exempt amount? How is it applied?
£3k per year and applies outside other exemptions.
Unused annual exemptions can be carried forward 1 year
Applies to gifts in chronological order
What is a potentially exempt transfer for IHT (general)?
Is a gift by one individual to another that is not covered by an exemption (in full or part)
Treated as exempt whilst donor is alive and will only become taxable if the donor dies within 7 years of making gift.
Tax is then payable by the recipient
Who has pay IHT on a PET and when?
Only if donor dies within 7 years of making gift.
Recipient then has to pay gift.
How is a PET valued for IHT?
The value of the gift (minus) any exemptions available to donor at time of making.
What are chargeable lifetime transfers and list them?
Transfers that not exempt of potentially exempt and immediately liable for IHT
- gifts to trusts (excluding charitable and bare trusts)
- gifts to companies
What may reduce the amount of IHT for CLTs?
- CLTs can be reduced by any available annual exemptions (left over after other CLTs or PETs)
- nil rate band for CLTs (£325k) but this applies to all CLTs made in a 7 year period. So must reduce the nil rate band by earlier CLTs made within 7 years of the one in question.
What is the IHT tax rate on CLTs?
If trustee is paying 20%
If donor is paying 25%
How to calculate the gross amount transferred for CLTs over 7 year period to calculate nil rate band?
- must include the value transferred plus any tax paid on the transfer by the donor (loss to the donor principle)
This is unless trustees pay the tax
How to calculate IHT on PETs on death?
Use nil rate band and tax rate on date of death.
- work out nil rate band remaining
- deduct any gross transfers made 7 years before Transfer of PET (not death) - tax due on amount of PET exceeding remaining bill rate band (40%)
- If there is more than 3 years between PET and death taper relief may apply to reduce the tax payable
How much is taper relief for IHT on PETs/CLTs on death?
0-3 years = 0
3-4 = 20%
4-5 = 40%
5-6 = 60%
6-7 = 90%
This reduces the tax payable by X%
Does NOT reduce amount taxable
How to calculate IHT on CLTs on death?
If donor dies within 7 years of making CLT the recipient has to pay additional inheritance tax.
- Calculate amount of nil rate band remaining
- deduct any gross transfers made 7 years before CLT (not death)
- use fresh nil rate band (forget about lifetime tax) (so minus £325k or less if other subtractions) - 40% due on amount exceeding nil rate band
- taxable amount reduced by taper relief
- taxable amount reduced by life time tax paid when CLT was originally made
- does not matter who paid the tax
- if life time tax exceeds inheritance tax then 0% due but no refunds