Tax 7: Stamp Duty Tax Flashcards
When is stamp duty tax due?
- due 14 calendar days after completion
- still necessary if payment is not due
- due 14 calendar days after completion
Is stamp duty only due if property was paid for in money?
No. Tax is based on consideration exchanged for property (including VAT if applicable)
Can include
- value of work given in consideration
- value of other property given as consideration
- amount left on a mortgage taken over by transferee
Consideration in Shares
- if land/building are transferred to company in exchange for shares (eg. incorporation)
- transaction deemed to be made at market value
What are exempt transactions for Stamp Duty Land Tax?
- property transferred as gift
- property transferred to a spouse/former spouse under divorce proceedings
- property under assent
- property transferred under a variation of a will changing the beneficiary entitled to the property within 2 years of death
What are the penalties of late payment of SDLT or late return form?
- interest may be charged on SDLT
Late land transaction form
- up to 3 months late = £100 penalty automatically imposed
- over 3 months late = £200 penalty automatically
How much is SDLT?
Exact figures given in exam
- uses bracket system
Additional Residential Purchases
- if second+ home or buy to let is bought
- additional 3% charged on each band (including nil rate bracket)
- only if transaction is over £40k
How is SDLT taxed on leases?
Only on new leases
Two calculations
- one for lease premium
- one for net present value (given in exam)
What reliefs are there for SDLT?
Relief for Purchase of first residence
Linked Transactions Relief
How does SDLT Relief for Purchase of first residence work?
Applies if buying first property as main or only residence for consideration up to £500k
- 0% tax on first £300k
- 5% tax on remainder
How does SDLT Relief for linked transactions work?
For when purchaser of residential property acquires more than one dwelling via linked transactions (for example a building with multiple flats)
- remember the additional 3% increase on each level as buying additional residential homes
Paying Tax on each unit
- can pay tax on each unit separately using the mean consideration (total consideration divided by number of dwellings)
- plus the 3% on each as buying additional residential transactions
Non-Residential Property Tax
- if buying 6+ residential properties as linked transactions can choose to apply non-residential property rates
- will not pay the 3% for buying additional residential transactions
- cannot apply above rule of paying tax on units separately