Wildland Senarios Flashcards
Company officers and unit supervisors are to report holding how far out on wildland fires?
1/4 mile holding on wildland fires.
The first arriving Captain to a wild fire is responsible for what 6 things?
- Initial Size Up
- Initiate ICS
- Take action
- Request additional resources
- provide for personnel safety
- making the helispot assignment
What are the three wildland incident priorities?
- Protection of life
- Incident stabilization
- Property & environment stabilization
On wildland incidents, who shall carry both tactical and command handie talkies with them?
- All single resource supervisors
- Personnel with assignments
- Operations Overhead
With regard to indirect lines, a 1 1/2” progressive hose lay shall be deployed on all constructed indirect and direct fire lines over how many feet or more?
300’ or more on all brush fires
The IC shall assign a safety officer when?
Follow-up reports to command and control will include the fire’s relation to what?
SRA (State Responsibility Area/Lands)
With regard to Interagency Fires, all Initial Action Zone (IAZ) and Mutual Aid fires will require the use of what radio frequencies?
Command and Air to Ground radio frequencies.
After an Emergency Traffic request, what command needs to be given to release the priority of communication?
“All Clear”
IMT (Incident Management Teams) will be activated when?
3 Times
- According to current department policy
- If ordered by the duty Chief
- If ordered by the IMT I.C.
Jurisdictional or first in Captain will designate a helispot location and helispot engin company to C & C within how long?
2 Minutes of dispatch
Who develops the evacuation plan on all wildfires that threaten inhabited areas?
Unless there is an immediate need for exposure protection, first attack on wildfires will be _____ Operations on the fires _____.
Perimeter Control Operation on the fires Flanks.
A 1 1/2” Progressive Hose Lay will be deployed for the entire perimeter on both flanks of a wildland fire over ____’ in diameter.
Who gives the approval of “Burning Out” operations?
Division/Group supervisor
“Backfiring Operations” requires the approval of the _____ or ____.
OSC or I.C.
Who protects the fire origin and insures its protection for cause investigation?
The first engine at the fire origin site.
A _____ is required around all wildland fires.
Cold Trail
What 3 things is the I.C. responsible for declaring?
Knockdown - Containment - Control
When requesting additional resources, the I.C. will request by Strike Team increments or _______.
“Immediate need for closest engines”
The ultimate responsibility of hand crews is to construct a _________ completely around the fire.
Control Line
A minimum safety briefing will discuss: (3)
- Fire Orders
- Watch out situations.
* In addition, personnel shall be provided with briefing on Downhill-Indirect Line Construction when relevant to their operation.
All Supervising personnel shall carry written copies of the: (4)
- “Fire Orders”
- “LCES”
- “Watch out Situations”
- “Downhill Indirect Line Construction”
BC’s shall have spare copies of these
All single resource supervisors shall have copies of the _______ plan.
If no safety zone exist, or, the black, is not a safe location, a ________ safety zone will be created.
Fly crews will report “staged” in the air above the fire and request an assignment from the I.C. Fly crews may suggest a starting point on the line and will indicate they have a ______ ______.
Safety Zone
The pilot or fly crew supervisor shall notify the ____ when the crew is staged in the air above the fire, and the proposed work location of the crew before the crew is positioned.
Fly crews will not be landed in the safety zone until approval is given by the ____.
The IC and fly crew supervisor will discuss the proposed location to deploy the fly crew, direction of travel, safety zones, and the I.C., and tactical radio frequencies.
Fly crews will not begin work until they have the following: (2)
- An approved assignment from the I.C.
2. Received communications briefing.
When the fly crew is deployed, the I.C. records Crew Location, and Working Direction on the ?
“Brush Incident Command Worksheet”
When the fly crews supervisor decides it is safe and necessary to construct undercut line, the decision shall be reported to the _____ _______ for evaluation, and concurrence.
Immediate Supervisor
What three things need to be done when the decision is made to construct an undercut line?
- Identify the location of the indirect line. Identify a starting and stopping point for the indirect line.
- Order adequate resources to support the operation.
- Deploy a 1 1/2 Progressive Hose Lay on the indirect line.
The I.C. may utilize a qualified engine ______ or _______ as a safety officer.
Camp Superintendent
The ______ ______ shall record information, and provide the safety message for the IAP
Safety Officer
The ____ or the _____ shall analyze obtained weather information.
IC or Plans Section Chief
C & C will contact the _______ (OCC), Riverside, to obtain weather information and any necessary forcasts.
South Operations Coordination Center
The IC may consider moving the ICP to a location that provides? (5)
- An Area away from tactical activities.
- Better communications.
- A safe location.
- Easy Access.
- A better view of the incident
Fuel Size up: Grass - Light - Medium - Heavy -
Grass (Inc. tall grass) Light Fuel (grass of brush up to 2 feet) Medium Fuel (Fuel 2-6ft high) Heavy Fuel (Fuel over 6ft in height)
Reg. SRA Lands, The Battalion Chief shall determine the exact fire location, during briefing by the district Captain, and shall check the?
BC shall report to C&C when fire is on or threatening SRA lands. He is also to notify C&C when?
Follow up report
Who should be requested if the fire involves SRA lands?
Agency representative
When the BC returns command to the jurisdictional Captain, that Captain shall retain command until ________ is complete, and all personnel have left the scene.
The first arriving superintendent will become ______. The second arriving, and any additional Superintendents should be given line assignments so an assessment of tactical operations, crew safety, and fire activity can be made. Also assist IC with IAP.
Crew Coordinator
Superintendents assist the IC with developing the IAP after?
Current tactical operations, and fire activity.
Group Supervisor for defensive needs should be given a _____ or _______ designator.
Street Name
Unified Command:
- Determine jurisdictional boundaries to ascertain if fire is or may soon become a multi jurisdictional fire.
- IC request C&C to notify threatening or involved jurisdiction agency to have an agency representative to report to the command post.
- IC’s establish Unified Command and co locate Command Post as situation dictates.
Once Unified Command is established, IC’s will then: (7)
- Brief each other on agency missions, objectives, priorities, limitations, and resource levels.
- IC’s establish prioritized list of incident objectives.
- IC’s agree on a strategy, appoint one OSC and provide briefing.
- IC’s develop a single IAP
- IC’s establish a single point ordering system.
- IC’s stay together and jointly evaluate plan and need to change objectives and strategy.
- IC’s work together to solve problems.
Who establishes a single point ordering system?
- IC forecasts fire direction, rate of speed, threat, objectives, and resources required.
- IC refers to “Battalion Wildland Fire Pre Attack Plans” of jurisdiction involved, to identify planning information
- If the IC or Plans Section Chief are not familiar with local factors, local officers should be reassigned to the Command Post to assist planning (Operational Technical Specialist position)
- IC develops incident action plan based on conditions and information.
If the IC and or, Plans Section Chief are not familiar with local factors, ________ should be reassigned to the command post, to assist planning.
Local officers
Brief Staging Managers (4)
- Include organization
- Travel routes to all divisions
- Resource Assignment Record
- Establish Minimum resource level at staging
Normal Minimal level is:
One Engine and One Crew
_______ or _______ establishes staging areas as needed.
Initial Action / Mutual Aid: Resources will be assigned a common ______ and ________. Non Mutual Aid fires: All resources will operate on assigned tactical frequency until a com plan is announced.
Command and Air to Ground radio frequency
All companies communicate with their supervisors on?
Tactical frequency
The IC monitors ____ and _____ frequencies.
TRO and Command
If crews are assigned to separate tactical frequency, _____ and _____ will also be assigned to that same frequency.
Helicopters and Dozers
A second alarm wildland fire with all units assigned, and working on the incident, or a wildland fire incident where resource requests exceed a second alarm incident, requires C&C notify the_________.
Incident Management Team IC
Tactical Guidelines:
Captain shall contact C&C to announce helispot and engine location within ____ minutes of dispatch.
2 minutes
C&C shall repeat helispot assignments over _____ repeater, obtain verbal acknowledgement from affected helispot engine and send ______ to the affected helispot engine.
MDT message
Assigned helispot engine: (4) things
- Acknowledge Helispot Assignment
- Verify Helispot location
- Procede and set up for FF
- Transmit information via tactical radio to the pilot
Company officers shall transmit the following to the pilot of the first in helicopter (3).
- Wind direction and speed
- Wire Hazards
- Location of any other aircraft in the immediate area, and any other flight hazards
What agency will implement the evacuation plan?
Law enforcement
Fire department personnel may only _______ that residents evacuate their property.
IC requests local law enforcement agency to implement either “______” road closure or “_________” road closure, as needed.
Residents Only or Complete
Perimeter Control:
If there are structures threatened, assign equipment to a __________ with a Group Supervisor to work on structure protection.
Structure Protection Group
If structure protection needs have been met, assign the first, _________ supervisor to begin attack on the flank with the most potential for fire spread /damage
________ crews should be considered for use with Structure Protection Groups.
Wind driven fires (Offensive Attack) (3)
- All resources check in
- Receive assignment
- Stage in the direction of fire movement and attempt to extinguish spot fires at the head of the fire when there are safety zones
Structure Protection:
If the fire blows over, ______ the structure is probably the safest place.
If the structure becomes involved with fire, ______ fire fighting clothing shall be worn to fight fire.
Deploy Hose:
____ Lateral Hose Line is primarily for spot fires, mop up overhaul, and safety zone protection, not fire attack.
Water Supply: When a supply lay is used for a Progressive Hose Lay, utilize ____ hose, not ____.
2 1/2” not 4”
Utilize roof ladder to access the top of private water tanks and remove the top access hatch cover of lid to prevent tank ______ during hard suction drafting operations.
When flame lengths hit a ridge top, the flames will generally _____ or _____ and may quadruple.
Double or Triple
Apparatus Operator’s Parking
Back into location if possible, park for immediate egress, and park so other equipment may pass.
Apparatus shall be on the opposite side of the roadway, away from the fire, chutes, chimneys, and mid slope roads where fire is below the location.
Head lights, and warning lights shall be “on”.
Apparatus Operators:
Which pump shall be used on wildland fires?
Engine Auxiliary Pump, not the main pump
Patrol Operators shall engage _______ switch before leaving the patrol pump unattended to operate nozzle.
Automatic Pump Shutoff
Burning Out/Firing Out:
Notify the ________ of the intent to Burn Out/ Fire Out. Division/Group Supervisor shall in turn notify ________.
Division/Group Supervisor
Burning out for Immediate Defensive Need (9)
- Identify Area to Burnout
- Make sure no one is in that area
- Anticipate direction of spread and spotting potential
- Ensure enough resources available to handle spot fires
- Ensure adjacent resources are aware of spread potential and are prepared for safety, and structure protection.
- Have hose line in place around defensive need object
- Plan and establish escape routes
- Ladder the roof, if a structure
- When approaching fire is in close proximity and in sight, begin the defensive firing operation.
Backfiring Operations: Request approval from the _____ or ____
Backfiring Operations require a Backfiring Operations ______
Camp Crew Superintendent/Supervisor may perform burning out operations during line construction, using either ______ or _______.
2’ Method or Parallel Method (5-50’)
Backfiring Operations:
Notify affected personnel by tactical radio and Crew Net frequency and obtain acknowledgement.
That is just a note.
Fires of __ Acres or less will be 100% mopped up with water.
> __ will have wet mop up at least 50’ in from perimeter.
5,5, 50’
If the decision is made to remove personnel before mop up is completed: (2)
- Hose is to be left in place until mop up is completed.
2. Patrols or lookouts shall be assigned to monitor fire, until mop up is completed.
Cold Trails:
Crews shall construct cold trails around all wild fires. If crews and dozers are cancelled enroute, engine company personnel will assume responsibility for constructing __________.
Cold Trail
IC shall declare containment through?
C & C
___________ Supervisor shall be responsible for inspecting and declaring “containment” of their assigned division.
IC will request Communications Unit Leader on campaign type fires over a ____ alarm.
Crews shall construct a _____ _____ around the entire perimeter of the fire.
Control Line
One helicopter shall remain at the scene until the IC determines there is no potential for _____ ______ outside the control line.
Spot Fires
Fly crews shall go available __________ after knockdown.
As soon as practical
Each engine in a given battalion shall carry a complete set of their entire Battalion Wildland Pre Attack Plans, in their?
Emergency Information File
Who carries Pre Attack Plans for the entire County (3)
- Strike Team Leaders
- BC’s
- AC’s
Blue Radio Range:
Direct Mode : ___ Mile(s)
Repeater Mode: ____ to _____ Miles
- 1 Mile
2. 5 to 10 Miles
Setting fire inside a control line to consume fuel between the edge of the fire and the control line is?
Burning out / Firing Out
An indirect method of attack in which the fuels between the control line or natural barrier, and the main fire are intentionally burned to control a rapidly spreading fire is called?
A period of time when the fire starts and ending at 10am the following day is called?
Burning period
A control line completely around the fire and any spot fires, with a high probability that these lines can be held through the next burning period is called?
When there is no chance of escape once the fire is out: This is usually given when the last member leaves the fire. This is called?
The Superintendent or BC of the camps, assigned to OSC or IC, to assist in crew operations is called?
Crew Coordinator
What does a Fly Crew consist of?
Its a paid crew, made up of 10 members plus a crew supervisor.
What mode are we in when the fire is dictating the action, and no containment is possible?
Defensive Mode
Safe cleared parking area, for a pre designated number of engines with personnel inside the cab (2-5 engines)
Engine Safety Zone
Is an ESZ also a deployment zone?
ESZ are identified on what maps?
Battalion Wildland Pre Attack Plan Safety Maps
Flanks: Describe them from the point of origin towards the head of the fire.
Left Flank is Div A.
Right Flank is Div B.
Top Div. C
A method of suppression in which the control line is located along natural firebreaks or at a considered distance from the fire line, and the intervening fuel is burned out. Called?
Indirect Line
When all open flame has been eliminated, is the first report that fire is being brought under control. No visible flames on the perimeter. Called?
Knock Down
Lateral Hose Line:
1” Hose Lay installed at a minimum of every ___ on main 1 1/2” hose. With a minimum length of ____’. Not intended as primary attack line. Use for mop up, spot fires, and safety zone protector line.
100’ of 1” line
IC should consider a Plans Team or Short Team Support for wildland fires of working ___ alarm and larger.
_______, is a safe, cleared parking area/holding area for a large number of civilian vehicles, with family members and pets inside vehicles.
Public Refuge Area
Public refuge areas should be staffed with at least _____ engine, and several law enforcement units.
Areas pre designated on Bn. Wildland Pre Attack Plans and Safety Maps, that will have high probability of civilian or firefighter loss is a?
Safety Hazard Area
An area either in the burned / black area, or an area void of fuel, large enough for personnel to evacuate and not have to deploy fire shelters, is?
Safety Zone
A Safety Zone is not a deployment area.
A Major Incident Support Team is for large scaled extended attack wildfire, requiring suppression action for a minimum of how many hours?
Areas within the state of California that are under contract with counties for the fire protection of State Property are?
SRA - State Responsibility Area
Downhill/Indirect line construction in steep terrain and fast burning fuels should be done with extreme caution. _____ attack methods should be used when possible.
Who is responsible for inspecting Wildland Pre Attack Plans for quality control and Annual verification of engine safety zones.
With regard to Wildland Pre Attack Plans, BC’s are responsible for:
- Evaluating Proposed Target Areas
- Assisting in Development of Resource Estimates for Target Areas
- Inspecting Wildland Pre-Attack Plns for Quality Control
- Annual Verification of Engine Safety Zones (ESZ)
Station Captains shall be responsible for: (5)
- Surveying their district to identify areas requiring W.L. Pre Attack Plans
- Developing the W.L. Pre Attack Plans
- The annual evaluation of their existing W.L. Pre Attack Plans and the recommendations of additions, revisions, or deletions
- Maintaining their Stations WLPAP
- Annual onsite inspections of Engine Safety Zones (ESZ)
An Annual review of all wildland areas and Wildland Pre Attack Plans shall be conducted during the month of:
Wildland target areas consists of:
20 or more structures, with a density of,1 structure per acre.
Wildland Pre Attack Plans are comprised of three components:
Quad Map
Strip Map
Target area Information
A large Base for a major wild fire should be an area approximately____X____, with enough room to hold over _____ firefighters.
1000X1000, 500
Small Base:can hold for how many operational periods?
One or Two
What are the mandatory characteristics for a small base? (4)
- Parking for (10) vehicles
- Toilets
- Easily located
- Defensible
ESZ (Engine Safety Zone): A location where FF’s could survive being overrun by a worse case wildfire situation. The minimum criteria is:
- Free of any flammable material or vegetation for at least 30’ in all directions.
- Free of heavy (Fuel mode 4) fuel for at least 200’ in all directions.
- Allows engines to turn around and park without blocking the road.
- Is not located on a mid slope road or fuel break, in a chimney, or saddle.
Isolated Structures are:
Outside the boundaries of the Target Area but potentially in the path of the fire or having a direct exposure to radiant heat from the fire. These structures may not be defensible.
ESZ-Engine Safety Zone
PSR- Public Safe Refuge Area = Set Refuge within the target area where egress is marginal.
ESZ - Yellow diamond with the number of engines that can park inside the diamond.
PSR - Yellow Diamond with the letters “PSR” inside the diamond
Symbols: Hazardous Areas
- Target Area or Segment of Target Area Boundary
- Evacuation Area Boundary
- Safety Hazard Area
- Vulnerable Boundary Area
- Sensitive (ecologically) Area Boundary
- Solid Red Line
- Dashed Red Line
- Shaded Pink or Pink Hexagon for more than one safety hzrd. in the target area.
- Solid Yellow Line
- A dashed Green line
Evacuation Route Shall be indicated by?
A solid green shading of the street with arrows indicating the direction of travel
ICS Facilities Symbols:
- Incident Base
- Staging Area
- Helispot
- RAP - Residential Assembly Point
- Blue Circle with a “B” inside.
- Blue Circle with a “S” inside
- Blue Circle with a “H” inside Print Eng. Co Adjacent to circle
- Blue Circle with a “RAP” inside.
Safety Hazard Areas are considered _______ Areas.
Myers Rule: Target area Resource Estimate
No. of homes in a target area divided by 4. Add one additional strike team for reserve. If the target area has combustible roofs, add 2 additional strike teams for reserve.
Note: If total Engines >30, split into 2 segments
Evacuation Rule: List __ safe routes of evacuation from identified problem areas that will not interfere with F.D. vehicles or emergency operations if possible.
There should be a minimum of ___ engine safety zones within or around the perimeter of the target area.
Sensitive Areas are?
Areas where the use of dozers is prohibited or may cause damage to environmentally sensitive areas.
Who is responsible for developing and implementing a medical evacuation plan on all wildland fire incidents?
It is the policy of this department that a written medical evacuation plan be developed on any _____ wildland incident.
Medical Evacuation Plan should consider? (6)
- Injury Types
- Number of Patients
- Where Pt should be sent
- Where and how pt can be treated prior to evacuation
- Radio Frequencies
- Resources available to the IC