USAR Flashcards
Entry Team Manager, who Supervises: The Attendant, Who Supervises: The Entry Teams Entry Team Manager also supervises: Rigging & Litter Teams
Air Supply Manager, Supervises:
Air Supply Manager reports to who?
Line Tenders
Mobile Air
ASM reports to Entry Group Supervisor
Who regulates the management of confined space incidents?
The First in company is responsible for:
Size Up
Initiating the IC Procedures
Taking appropriate action
The Confined Space Safety Officer is responsible for the area that the Confined Space team is working in, and reports to?
The Entry Group Supervisor
Confined Space Entry Level Personnel are responsible for conducting entry and rescue in a confined space. These trained personnel are required to fill the following positions: (6)
- Entry Group Supervisor
- Air Supply Manager
- Entry Team Manager
- Attendant
- Entrants
- Back up Entrants
Who are the only people that can make entry into a confined space?
Confined Space Rescue Entry Trained Personnel
_______ shall be responsible for the overall operations conducted in the operational area, authorizing the rescue ______ permit, ensuring that a written log is maintained, securing operational area to prevent unauthorized persons entering, ensuring and verify that all tests and procedures are performed and that equipment required is used.
Entry Group Supervisor
entry permit
Who can cancel the entry permit, or stop the operation if a problem or safety concern becomes apparent?
Entry Group Supervisor
Who is responsible for operating the breathing air systems for Entry Teams, and coordinates Line Tenders?
Air Supply Manager
Who shall be responsible for managing the Entry Point, and assuring that ______ is correct?
Entry Team Manager
The _____ shall be responsible for the welfare of the Entrants while they are in the confined space. The _____ will be the only person making contact with the Entrants.
______ shall be responsible for the “primary entry”, and conduct search and rescue for the victims.
____________ shall be responsible for the emergency assistance to the Entrants in the confined space. No other responsibilities shall be assigned to this position unless they are to relieve the primary entrants upon exiting the space.
Backup Entrants
Another Backup Entrant(s) must be ready to assume the responsibility of emergency assistance. The first Entrant(s) do not qualify, as they shall report to rehab a minimum of __________
30 Minutes
All uniformed personnel shall have a minimum _ hours Confined Space Awareness training.
The strategic priorities of this department in dealing with Confined Space Incidents in order of importance are?
- Protection of Life
- Protection of Property
- Protection of Property and Equipment
All confined spaces shall be considered Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH) until proven otherwise with a calibrated direct-reading instrument (Atmospheric Monitor), for the following conditions, in the order given: (3)
- Oxygen
- Flammable Gases and Vapors
- Potential Toxic Air Contaminants
Who will be making entry or functioning in designated confined space positions. Personnel may also obtain this training by completing the California State Fire Marshal Confined Space Operational Class.
Personnel who have completed the LACoFD Confined Space Rescue Course
When will atmospheric testing be done?
Prior to entry, Throughout entry, and a written record maintained and kept until the incident is complete.
An effective means of communication between personnel inside the space and back up personnel shall be maintained throughout the incident. The primary means of communication will be __________ communication system, then hand held radio.
Hard Wire
Command Post location shall be outside the immediate operational area, yet within ______________ to the area.
line of sight
Who shall determine the appropriate command post and staging locations and have Command and Control Dispatch relay that information to all responding Department Companies?
First arriving officer
Standard Response to a Confined Space Incident is:
2 Engines 1 Truck 1 Squad 1 USAR Unit 1 Haz Mat Task Force 1 Mobile Air Unit 1 BC
Name the 6 phases of a Confined Space Incident:
- Scene Preparation
- Entry Preparation
- Atmospheric Monitoring
- Entry
- Victim Removal
- Termination
SCENE PREPARATION (PHASE 1) What are the three steps to scene preparation (Phase 1)?
- Assessment
a. Size up
b. Exclusion Zone
c. Support Zone - Staffing and Equipment
- Make the General Area Safe
Exclusion Zone: An Exclusion Zone should be identified and isolated by the use of yellow fire line tape, rope or other suitable barrier. A ___ foot perimeter is preferred for a Confined Space Exclusion Zone.
50 foot perimeter
Support Zone: The Support Zone shall be identified by the use of Fire Line Tape to a ____ foot perimeter beyond the Exclusion Zone.
_____________ will contain within its boundaries: Incident Command Post, Medical Group, Equipment Cache, Air Supply Vehicle, Rehab, Support Personnel, and Equipment.
Support Zone
A Confined Space Rescue Team consist of a minimum of:
1 Entry Group Supervisor 1 Entry Team Manager 1 Attendant 1 Confined Space Safety Officer 1 Supply Manager 4 Entrants (2 primary and 2 backups) Total 9 Personnel
What is the primary hazard to consider in a confined space?
The potential for a hazardous, or an oxygen deficient atmosphere.
A Safety Officer shall be assigned early in the incident. The onsite Safety Officer shall be FD personnel who have previously received?
Confined Space Rescue Training
ENTRY PREPARATION (PHASE 2) Assure Lock out, Tag out, and \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Procedures are complete.
Blank out
During Entry Preparation, all fixed mechanical devices and equipment capable of causing injury shall be placed in a _______________ State.
Zero Mechanical State (ZMS)
During the entry phase all electrical equipment shall be locked out in the ____ (off) position with a key type pad lock.
The keys to the lock out lock shall remain with the _______________________
Confined Space Safety Officer
If lockout is not possible, equipment shall be properly tagged, and physical __________ provided. FF stands guard.
If you must remove your SCBA to fit in the opening, or move in the space, ________________!!!! At no time shall a SCBA be removed from ones back to make entry into a confined space.
Ensure _____ backup team of equal number and level of personnel protection for every entry team.
No Confined Space Rescue personnel shall enter a confined space alone. Always work in teams (___ to a maximum of ____ per team)
Each Entry Team member shall be equipped with the following items among them: (3)
- A minimum of one member shall have a hard wire communications system or radio in place and worn with SABA and/or SCBA
- One member shall have an atmospheric monitor
- A tag line shall accompany the first entry team and be anchored at their furthest point of penetration
Every Entrant of each Entry Team shall be equipped with a minimum of ____ light sources of intrinsically safe lighting.
At the very least each member shall wear nomex brush coat and pants, or nomex jumpsuit, boots, gloves, and a confined space type helmet, and have a _______ Device
If the Entry Team is Entering from a vertical position, each member shall wear a personal harness (Class 3) and be attached to a fall arresting/retrieval system
FYI Info
ATMOSPHERIC MONITORING (PHASE 3) All Atmospheres shall be tested in the following order: (3)
- Oxygen Content
- Flammable Gases and Vapors
- Potential Toxic Air Contaminants
The following shall be considered IDLH: (4)
- Oxygen deficiency ___%
- Flammability at ____ of Low Explosive Limit (LEL)
- Toxicity shall be at any limit which exceeds Permissable Exposure Limits in accordance with State Regulations. i.e.. C0 25ppm or Higher
All atmospheric monitoring shall be recorded on the ______________ and the Attendant’s Worksheet.
Rescue Entry Permit
Prior to entry, each member shall be logged on the _________ with their time of entry. This function shall be assigned to the Attendant, who shall keep the Operations Officer or IC appraised of the status of the team via the __________________
Rescue Entry Permit
Entry Group Supervisor
General guidelines recommend that entry teams be limited to ____ minutes in most spaces.
30 Minutes
Upon removal from the space, each team shall be assigned to rehab for a minimum of ____ and until rehydrated and vital signs are within normal limits.
30 Minutes
Atmospheric Monitoring must be done at high and low areas of the space and every ____ feet vertically.
Nothing on this.
All Confined Space Rescue Entry Permits, Forms, etc shall be sent to the _____ for filling per CAL OSHA regulations
Technical Operations Section
The _______________ operates the air supply manifold system. Manages the Ventilation Team, Line Tenders, Mobile Air Unit Attendant, and logs air supplies of personnel entering a space.
Air Supply Manager
The _________ is an individual stationed outside the confined space, at the point of entry, who monitors and maintains communications with the Entrants
_________ and __________ is the absolute closure of a pipe, line, or duct by the fastening of a solid plane that completelycovers the bore and that is capable of withstanding the maximum pressure of the pipe, line, or duct with no leakage beyond the plate.
Blanking and Blinding
Confined Space: Must consist of all three of the following:
- Is large enough and so configured that a person can enter and perform work
- Has limited or restricted means of entry/exit (i.e. tanks, vessels, etc)
- Is not designed for continuous occupancy
Confined Space Awareness Level: Sworn personnel who have attended the LACoFD ____ hour “First Responders” course in Confined Space Entry and Rescue. Awareness level personnel are prohibited from entering ANY permit required confined space for ANY reason. True or False
Confined Space, Permit Required: Must meet the definition of a confined space and have one or more of the following characteristics: (4)
- Contains or has the potential to contain a hazardous atmosphere.
- Contains material that has the potential for engulfing an entrant.
- Has an internal configuration such that an entrant could be trapped or asphyxiated by inwardly converging walls or by a floor that slopes downward and tapers to a smaller cross section.
- Contains any other recognized serious safety or health hazard
_______________: A permit required for entry into a confined space.
Entry Permit
No entry can be made until the confined space entry permit has been completed and approved.
Line Tenders shall consist of a minimum of ___ personnel. They will tend air lines and communication cables under direct supervision of the _______.
Air Supply Manager
The litter team reports to the __________.
Entry Team Manager
The Litter Team consists of ___ personnel.
The Litter team at no time shall come within ___ feet of the space until they are signaled by the ____________.
Entry Team Manager
Oxygen depleted: An Atmosphere which contains less than ____ oxygen. Normal air contains ____ % oxygen.
Oxygen Enriched: Any air concentration which contains greater than _____% oxygen.
The Rigging team reports to who?
Entry Team Manager