PRI "Highrise" Study Material Flashcards
What are the Incident Priorities for High-rise Fires?
Incident stabilization through fire control
Property & environment protection and conservation
What are the Strategic Objectives for High-rise Fires?
Rescue and Evacuate
Control the floors above and below the fire
What are the Tactical Objectives for High-rise Fires?
Investigate, Rescue, Fire Attack, Property Conservation
Ensure Adequate Water Supply
Gain Control of Building Systems (Lobby Control, HVAC, Elevators, Alarm)
Control Floors Above and Below the Fire Floor
What is the 1st alarm response on a high rise fire?
5 Engines 2 Trucks 1 EST 1 Squad 2 BC's
What is the 2nd alarm response on a high rise fire?
4 Engines 2 Trucks 1 Heavy Squad 1 HMTF 1 USAR 1 MAU 1 Helicopter 1 BC 1 AC
What is the 3rd alarm response on a high rise fire?
4 Engines 2 Trucks 1 HMTF 2 BC's 1 AC 1 DC
What is contained in the High Rise Size Up?
Location of fire by address
Products of combustion
Numerical floor by height and type of occupancy
Special Instructions
What is contained in the High Rise Follow Up?
Name the Incident Identify the ICP Location Request for additional resources Identify Staging/Check in Location Provide Situation, Progress, and Needs Report to FCCF every 30-45 minutes
What is contained in the Transfer of command?
IAP (ICS Organization, Goals, Objectives)
Location of Resources
Specific safety hazards, Life and Property loss potentials
Additional Resources needed/ordered to complete the IAP
How should the IAP be established?
Goals for the incident
Objectives for the incident (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Reasonable)
Time Limits
What are the general High Rise Fire Tactical Assignment?s
A - Attack
L - Lobby
S - Staging
1st Engine on High Rise Assignment?
Size up Investigate/Initial Action/ Rescue/Fire Attack Pass Command to Second Engine Water Supply Report Condition, Location, and needs
2nd Engine on High Rise Assignment?
Assume Command
Follow Up Report
Establish Lobby Control
Support the investigation rescue/fire attack teams as requested
3rd Engine on High Rise Assignment?
Water Supply
4th Engine on High Rise Assignment?
Base Operations
Additional Companies on High Rise shall be assigned?
1st Arriving Squad?
Medical Group/Branch as needed
What are the staging managers responsibilities?
Stage 2 floors below the fire floor
Maintain accountability of personnel
Coordinate with base to maintain personnel and equipment pool.
Monitor work and rehab cycles
Base Responsibilities on High Rise?
Establish 200’ away from structure. Establish from IC a minimum equipment pool, and maintain adequate resources.
Fire Attack Responsibilities on High Rise?
Consider Building Construction (Center Hallway, or Center core).
Adjust tactics for effective and coordinated attack.
Initial Attack crew - minimum 4 personnel (2 for attack / 2 for RIC)
Consideration for HVAC is what?
Can it run in reverse to eject the smoke?
RIC assignment and consideration on High Rise?
IC Shall assign minimum of 1 RIC company on the staging floor or 1 floor below fire floor, separate from all others.
IC should consider Roof Top RIC, in the event personnel become trapped on floors above the fire.
Phase 1 Recalls elevators where?
Ground floor. Done by 1st in Engine Company prior to making their accent up stairs.
Phase 2 Recalls elevators where?
Manual override so elevators can be used for logistical support during incident. MUST get approval from IC to use elevators.
Evacuation of civilians consider what?
The preplanned evacuation plan
Contingency evacuation plan
Shelter in place
Roof Top Evacs - Use USAR and Air OPS
Chief Officer Assignments on High Rise Assignments?
1st in BC: Assume Duties of IC
2nd in BC: May be assigned Div Supervisor on fire floor.
1st in AC: Assume Duties of IC. 1st in BC should remain at command post and be utilized at the AC discretion, i.e, Deputy IC, Plans Chief, Operations Chief, etc…
3rd in BC: May be assigned Logistics Chief
4th in BC: May be assigned as a Division Supervisor on the floor above the fire.
Additional Officers assigned as needed.
What information gets passed to the second arriving officer on a high rise incident?
Annunciator panel information
Elevator Status
Route of Accent
Any other pertinent information.
What are the Specific Assignments on High Rise Fires?
Incident Command Initial Investigation/Rescue/Fire Attack Water Supply Operations Lobby Control Base Operations Greater Alarm Assignment Resources
What are IC Assignments?
Establish a Command Post in a safe location
Determine the adequacy of resources
Communicate the follow up and status reports with C&C
Order additional resources as needed
Gain control of building systems including, standpipes, sprinklers, HVAC, elevators ect…
Maintain necessary Re-Stat/Sit-Stat records
Provide for ICS Positions, including Operations, Plans, Logistics, Divisions, and Groups as needed.
What are the Initial Investigation/Rescue/Fire Attack Assignments & Duties?
Communicate Radio Size up
Gain entry into Fire Control Room and or Lobby area and perform the following:
1. Obtain master and elevator keys from lock box
2. Call elevators into phase I
3. Check enunciato panel for fire signal/locations
4. Quickly ascertain any pertinent inform building engineer
Pass Command to second in company officer
Check conditions 2 floors below the fire floor for possible staging area. Check conditions on fire floor, and floors above and below the fire, and communicate that info to the IC.
Take all necessary actions and communicate needs to the IC.
What are the Water Supply Operations Necessary on High Rise?
A minimum of 2 engine Company apparatus with engineers dedicated (Usually 1st & 3rd)
Class I (Dry) may need additional engine companies assigned to supply.
1st in Engineer spot engine within 100’ of the FD standpipe connection (Only use 2 1/2 hose, make attempt for hydrant that is within 100’ of building)
3rd in company Engineer shall assist the 1st in engineer securing primary or secondary water supply.
What are the Lobby Control Operations?
Establish Lobby Control and assign a Lobby Control Manager.
Maintain control of the building systems including fire water supply, elevators, etc…
Check in arriving personnel and maintain Re-Stat records
Recall and maintain FD Control of elevators.
Establish control of HVAC systems and shut down as necessary.
Establish comms with IC and landlines telephone capabilities with C&C
Establish comms with (Public Address) within the building and give direction
Direct fire personnel to proper stairwell for accent to incident location.
Maintain liaison with building engineer and building security.
What are Base Operations on a high rise fire?
Locate base at a safe location, optimum distance of 200’ preferred
Establish Base and Base Manager
Initiate Diagonal Parking
Establish Coms with IC
Check-in arriving personnel and keep Re-stat records
Establish equipment pools.
What are Operations, Greater Alarm Assignment Resources?
Reinforce Fire Attack companies needs in staffing and equipment, and provide relief/rehab of personnel.
Reinforce previously assigned command assignments in staffing and equipment as needed, i.e., IC/Command Post, Lobby Control, Base, Divisions, and Groups.
Initiate Staging within the fire building and designate a Staging Manager as needed.
In a safe location, set up Rehab as needed.
Initiate Air Ops Branch and designate a Branch Director as Needed.
Initiate Branches Divisions, and Groups as needed i.e., Elevator Rescue, Salvage, Ventilation, eat…
Support Demobilization with adequate staffing as needed.