Wildland Flashcards
4 Structure Triage Types (IRPG)
- Defensible-Prep and Hold
- Defensible-Standalone
- Non-Defensible-Prep and Leave
- Non-Defensible-Rescue Drive By
Rates of Spread
Slow (very little)
Moderate (< 1 MPH)
Dangerous (1-3 MPH)
Critical (> 3 MPH)
3 structure triage categories
Not Threatened
Threatened Defensible
Threatened Non-Defensible
5 Assessment Items for the Vegetation Management Survey
- Access
- Weeds
- Trees
- Dead Palm Fronds
- Combustibles on Property
Structure Defense Tactical Actions
Check and Go Prep and Go Prep and Defend Fire Front Following Bump and Run Anchor and Hold Tactical Patrol
Primary Plan (offensive)
Alternate Plan (offensive)
Contingency Plan (defensive)
Emergency Plan (defensive)
DRAW-D (levels of engagement for wildland firefighting)
Levels of engagement in wildland firefighting
D-Defense: holding actions, defending priority areas
R-Reinforce: bring more resources to bear. Add more resources to defend or advance.
A-Advance: Anchor and Flank. Direct or Indirect attack. Burnout operations.
W-Withdraw: cease current activities until conditions modify
D-Delay: wait until the situation has modified sufficiently to allow a different level of engagement. Wait for conditions to meet identified triggers
Wildland Fire Size Up
Unit Location Vegetation fire size Fuel type Rate of spread Direction of spread Potential size Life or structure threat Actions taken (progressive hoselay) Identify divisions Additional resource request Establish IC
- BR133 is onscene at 1234 Main Street of an approximate 1 acre vegetation fire in medium fuels with a moderate rate of spread to the south-southeast with a potential for 5-10 acres. We currently have structures immediately threatened, BR133 is anchoring and starting a progressive hoselay along the hot flank which will be division Alpha. Start me a full Calfire Response including air and BR133 is establishing Main IC
Tactical Objectives for Wildland Fire
Life Safety
Structure Defense
Perimeter Control
Tactical objectives on a wildland Fire
Fire Environment
Time Constraints
Stay or Go
Vegetation Fire - Normal
1 BC 4 Engines (1 type 1/3 type 3)
Vegetation Fire - High
1 BC 5 Engines (2 type 1/3 type 3) 1 Water Tender 1 Utility 1 County Copter (when requested)
Vegetation Fire - Red Flag
2 BC 7 Engines (2 type 1/5 type 3) 1 Water Tender 1 utility 1 County Cooter when requested
Parameters for Vegetation Fire Response - Normal
Temperatures 80-90
RH 40%-60%
GACC (Geographic Area Coordination Centers) 7 Day Fire Potential - Green (moist) or yellow (dry)
Parameters for Vegetation Fire response - High
Temperatures > 90
Wind > 15 mph
RH 15% - 40%
GACC 7 day fire potential - orange or red
Parameters for vegetation Fire response - red flag
RH < 15
Sustained winds > 25 mph
Wind gusts > 35 mph for > 6 hours
Existing dry lightning activity
What to base IAP off of as an IC -Wildland
Fuel type
Rate of spread
Resource availability
On high or red flag days the company officer can…
- limit outside activities
- defer routine vehicle/equipment maintenance
- pay attention to hydration and fatigue factors
2 slope aspects that have higher fuel temps
Fire attack strategies
Combination of any of these
Fire attack tactics
Wet line
Hand line
Back burning
Burning out
Guidelines using wet line
More water needed for heavier fuels
Minimum 1.5” hose with 50 GPM nozzle for fast moving, high intensity, and/or threatening high-dollar exposures
Progressive hoselay require 1.5” hose
Never rely on hose line for FF safety
Burning out
Clean up a line with fire of residual fuel between control line and fire’s edge
Fire set to consume fuel in the path of a free burning wildfire
Public Resources Code 4426
A person shall not set a backfire, or cause it backfire to be set, except under the direct supervision or permission of a state or federal Forest officer, unless it can be established that the setting of such a backfire was necessary for the purpose of saving life or valuable property.
CalFire Wildland Aircraft Response
1 Air TAC Grp Sup
2 type 3 air tankers
1 type 2 Copter
L.A.N.D. Pneumonic
Location: geographic division and position
Actions: what actions are you taking to mitigate the entrapment?
Needs: what do you need to mitigate the entrapment
Designator: include number of people trapped
***Mayday for wildland Fire
GPS Coordinates format
Degrees Decimal Minutes
33 8.977
“33 degrees 8 decimal 977”
117 8.485
“117 8 decimal 485
Requirements for air response to be reimbursed
Threat to SRA
Imminent threat to life/structures
Information required before requesting aircraft
Incident location
Air to ground radio frequency
Ground contact
Initial Attack VHF channels for North Zone
Group 2
MVU1 or 2
CDF CMD 1, 2, or 3
2 frequencies for fire aircraft that can be used on IA
County Red
Cal-Fire Air to Ground
Criteria for Red Flag Warning
RH < 15%
Wind > 25 mph
Burning index > 81
4 actions to consider during a Red Flag warning
Limit details of fire units away from quarters
Cancel routine service/maintenance and put apparatus back in service if possible
Assess available staffing
Cancel all burn permits
Information to give medical helicopter during IWI
- Known hazards
- Terrain
- Wind speed/direction
- Patient update
IWI Components (AKA 9-Line)
- Contact Communications/Dispatch
- Incident status/summary
- Initial patient assessment
- Transport plan
- Additional resources/equipment needed
- Communications
- Contingency plan
- Additional information
ICS form 214
Activity Log
ICS Form 213
General Message
ICS form 201
Incident Briefing
ICS Form 204
Assignment List
ICS form 205
Communications Plan
ICS form 206
Medical Plan
ICS form 220
Air Ops Summary
Air to Ground channel for San a diego Area Local Government
Group 2 channel 11
What to base an IDP off of for a wildland Fire
Fuel type
Resource availability
Rate of spread
Time of day weather is taken (what 3 things are measured?)
0930 and 1430
Wind speed
Weather zone number for Valley Center/Escondido
Zone 250
10 miles inland to 3000’ elevation
Primary and secondary websites to check for weather conditions
Primary: mesowest.utah.edu
Secondary: weather.com
Vegetation Fire Dispatch level for LRA - low level
3 type 3
1 type 1
1 BC
Vegetation Fire Dispatch level for LRA - high level
3 type 3 2 type 1 1 water tender 1 BC 1 Copter on request
Vegetation Fire Dispatch level for LRA - red flag
5 type 3 2 type 1 1 water tender 2 Chief Officer 1 count Copter on request
3 options for ordering additional resources on IN ZONE immediate needs
- Request number of specific type of single increment units
- Request striker teams including amount and type
- Request a task force
In County Immediate Need should….
Respond directly to the scene and report to STEN the strike team assignment
Out of county immediate need must reach incident/rendezvous within ____minutes
Rendezvous point north I15
Park and ride I15 and 76
Rendezvous N I5
Cristianitos and I5
Rendezvous E78
San Pasqual Academy
Rendezvous south I15
16881 West Bernardo Drive (RB Transit Center)
Rendezvous East 76
CAL Fire station 70-Rincon
South I5 Rendevous
12971 Sorrento Valley Rd (Park-N-Ride)
Minimum drawdown for engines
Two type 1’s and/or two type 3’s
*Goes to 1 and 1 for San Marcos or RSF
Drawdown for ambulances
2…3 can go to mutual aid
Max auto aid
1 engine (either type), 1 truck, 1 ambulance
***2 engines for San Marcos it RSF
Minimum ICS forms needed for strike team
Minimum amount of days personnel must pack for on a strike team
5 days
Three numbers to get for a strike team
Strike team number
Order number
Request number
Places you can check into upon arrival to an incident
Division/group supervisor
Give the following to your crews on a strike team
Incident objectives
Safety information and hazards
Communication plan
Travel plan
Weather forecast
Predicted fire behavior
How to submit 214 and F42 and S number
214: original to the STEN and copy for your records
F42: retain copy for your agency
Obtain S number/form for any items damaged and not recovered at incident
What does ATGS stand for and what is their role?
Air Tactical Group Supervisor
-coordinates fixed and rotary wing aircraft assigned to the fire
Air Attack uses on an incident
Coordinate air attack both rotary and fixed wing
Arias photography
Lightning detection
USFS lead plane
VLAT Air Tanker capacity and hourly cost
12,000 gallons
Type 1 fixed wing capacity
One example
3000+ gallons of retardant
Lockheed C-130
Type 2 fixed wing capacity
One example
1800 to 2999 gallons
Douglas DC-4 airliner
Type 3 fixed wing capacity
One example
600 to 1799 gallons
S-2 air tanker
When are air tanks most effective
Initial attack
Followed up with ground forces
Type 1 rotary wing capacity
700 gallon bucket
S-64 hello-tanker 2000+ gallons
16 seats
Type 2 rotary wing
300 gallons bucket or tank
Bell 212
10 seats
Type 3 rotary wing
100 gallons
8 seats
6 parts to a briefing checklist
Situation Mission/Execution Communications Service/Support Risk Management Questions or Concerns?
6 things a good operational leader will do
Take Charge Assess situation Motivate Demonstrate initiative Communicate Supervise
3 values of a leader (IRPG)
5 IRPG Communication responsibilities
Brief others as needed
Debrief you’re actions
Communicate hazards to others
Acknowledge messages
Ask if you don’t know
5 barriers to decreased situational awareness (IRPG)
Low experience level
Distraction from primary task
Stress reactions
Hazardous attitudes
Reporting aviation accident prevention/near miss incidents
5 parts of risk management plan (IRPG)
Identify hazards
Assess hazards
Develop controls to make risk decisions
Implement controls
Supervise and evaluate
5 common denominators of tragedy fires
- Relatively small fires or a quite part of Fire
- Light fuels
- Unexpected wind shift
- Topographic changes
- Critical burn time 1400-1700
Calculating safety zone
4 times the maximum continuous flame height.
Does not consider wind or slope
Define a “turn down”
Situation where an indivisible has determined they cannot undertake an assignment as given and they are unable to negotiate an alternative solution.
4 reasons you can turn down an assignment
- There is a violation of safe work practices
- Environmental claims dictions make the work unsafe
- They lack the necessary experience or qualifications
- Defective equipment is being used
Who is notified after a turn down?
Safety officer
If no safety officer: section chief and/or IC
Document a ground level safety hazard
Distance to disengage from direct attack when power lines are involved
100 feet
Minimum distance to stay from unexploded ordinance (UXO)
4 categories of 704 NFPA System
Fire hazard
Health hazard
Reactivity hazard
Specific hazard
Type 1 Copter Landing requirements
110’ x 110’ safety circle
30’x30’ Touchdown pad
Type 2 Copter landing requirements
90’ x 90’ safety circle
Touchdown pad 20’x20’
Type 3 Copter landing requirements
75’ safety circle
15’x15’ touchdown pad
VLAT capability
> 8000 gallons
Weather watch versus weather warning
Risk of hazardous weather event has increased but I still uncertain is a “watch” while it becomes certain and imminent and poses a threat to life or property is a “warning”
Medium wildland response from calfire
7 engines 2 WT 2 fire crews 2 dozers 2 copters 1 air attack 2 tankers 2 BC
High wildland Fire response from calfire
10 engines 2 WT 4 fire crews 2 dozers 2 cooters 1 air attack 2 tankers 1 helitanker 2 BC 1 DC
What VHF channel to anticipate of command channel isn’t immediately available
What channel will initial communications from aircraft occurs on?
The command net so all responding can hear confirmation of size up/priorities
VHF group for IA
Group 2
VHF group for North Zone back up
Zone 1
Local Government A/G frequency
How often will acreage be assessed
12 hours
3 statuses of an incident
Life Hazard Taping/Marking
Red and white or red and black
3 horizontal strips 18-24 inches apart
Non-life hazard marking/taping
Black and yellow
Examples: trip hazard, septic, snags, low head clearance