HAZMAT Flashcards
Three zones in HAZMAT (old hot, warm, cold)
Exclusion Zone (hot)
Contamination Reduction Zone (warm)
Support Zone (cold)
HAZMAT positions
HAZMAT group supervisor
Safety Officer
Entry Leader
Decon Leader
Site Access Control Leader
Refuge Area Manger
Safe Refuge Area Manager
Technical Specialist
Refuge Area
Adjacent to the Contamination Reduction Zone, adjacent to Contamination Reduction Corridor, within the Exclusion Control Line.
HAZMAT definition - OSHA
Any substance to which exposure “results or may result in adverse affects on the health and safety if employees”
HAZMAT definition - DOT
Substance or material, which has be determined by the Secretary of Transportation to be capable of posing an unreasonable risk to health, safety, and property when transported in commerce. This includes hazardous substances, hazard wastes, marine pollutants, and elevated temperature materials as defined in this section”.
Safety Isolate Notify Command Identify Action Planning Protective Equipment Containment and Control Protective Actions Decontaminate and cleanup Disposal Documentation
HAZMAT objectives listed in EOM 502 (CIAPAN)
Protect life, property, environment
Assess degree of the hazard
Identify material
Contain the material
Notify Appropriate agencies
Assure proper documentation and scene management
Required position during a HAZMAT response
Safety Officer
How many references are needed to aid a material
3 minimum.
Container type Labels/Placards Shipping manifests Billing if Lading Shipping Papers DOT Guidebook
Agencies/People to consult with on a HAZMAT
Hazardous Materials Team (HIRT)
County Department of Environmental Health
Company Representative
Who to contact if HAZMAT is within 1/2 mile of a school
School Suoerintendent
Who to notify for HAZMAT on freeway
Four Objectives for evacuations (TRIN)
Four instances to evacuate
- leak with unknown gas from large capacity storage containers
- explosives or large quantities of materials that could detonate or explode
- Leak that cannot be controlled and expected to continually leak
- Leak that cannot be controller involved in fire
Basic spill guidelines
- don’t wash a spill down a drain
- dike with dirt or sand
- city and County Public Works for sand/absorbent
- hydrocarbon based product spill less than 20 gallons, utilize dirt/sphagsorb and sweep to the side of the road
- flammable liquid spill should consider health concerns over fire problems