Communications Flashcards
When to utilize a command channel
The incident expands requiring the use of groups and/or divisions
If a second tactical channel is needed, where can the channel come from?
- Same zone
- Different zone
- ICS channel in RMA zone after contacting Sheriff Comm Center
When to use XSD 8DIR
- Direct channel that is non-repeated (such as technical rescue call)
- Communications failure during an incident
What is station M
Sheriff’s Communication Center - Northcomm can contact SO on Station M’s dispatch channel to advise of their status (I.e. staging). The patrol Sheriff can direct and engine on a TAC or CARS1
Code Three Cover Now
- Expedites requests of additional resources
- Used when a crew finds themselves in a situation on an incident where their general safety is being threatened by member of the public.
- “Cover Now” should be followed you with a brief report including unit number and location
Routine traffic to any law enforcement dispatch center
- Utilize County Call
- Utilize tactical channel to go direct with PD officer if necessary
- RMA zone is programmed into PD radios. Utilize County TAC 1 - 4 for less urgent traffic.
Station letter designators for County Communications Centers
Station C - Carlsbad
Station M - SD Sheriff’s
Station H - Escondido
Station O - Oceanside
Emergency Traffic (ET) for LE
- Used when potentially dangerous situation exists. Dispatch announces “Emergency Traffic Only” every 30 seconds
- Utilize “County Call” only to contact LE during ET status
800 mHz scan list (11 total)
Most talkgroups in the RCS radio system are repeated and ….
…record. Except direct only channels.
Direct RCS channels
Work off of line of sight
2-5 mile range
Do not utilize a repeater
Ideal for TACTICAL conversations
Are not located near normal operation zones
Escondido, Northcomm, and Monte Vista dispatch channel
5A, 3, 4A, 10A
North Zone specific area radio channels
Coastal: 3C-3H
Central: 3I-3N
East: 4C - 4H
Escondido: Zone 5
- Conventional frequency in zones 1-6 and 10/11 while SND 8DIR is in zone 7-9
- non-trunked and used for a radio system failure
- only used in SD and Imperial counties
Camp Pendleton Radio System
Utilizes 400 MHz system
Not compliant with SD RCS system
Utilize VHF
“XSD N CMD” for routine traffic
11A channel
Travel Channel
Utilized for strike teams county-wide
Used until meeting at the rendezvous point
Travel Frequency Options (such as during a strike team)
8M1 Zone: CARS A thru D (IN COUNTY ONLY)
8M1 Zone: 8TAC91 thru 8TAC94 (used nationwide.c utilize direct mode, do not use in SD County)
10 K channel
County wide permitted talk group assigned to Monte Vista ECC.
Supplemental frequency for wildland incidents when VHF is not functioning during IA
Medical: request for medical air made through dispatch then can use to communicate with air ambulance
Fire: 800 MHz channel for rotary wing resources such as SD County Copter 10 and 12 or SD City Copter 1 and 2. Should establish VHF A/G quickly for vegetation Fire.
Law Enforcement: hail LE resources such as ASTREA or ABLE.
North Zone NZT1 thru NZT4
Utilized for training or non-emergency coordination
NZT1 and 2 are digital
NZT3 and 4 are analog
*4I thru 4N can be used as alternate talkgroups
Regional Mutual Aid Talkgroups
16 county wide permitted 800 MHz talkgroups.
Is common to all portable and mobile radios in the RCS.
RMA Zone 1 - San Diego County Call (SDCo Call)
Hailing channel used to communicate with any other RCS user such as CHP, Sheriff, CalTrans, etc.
Move to County TAC 1 for extended conversation
RMA zone, mode 2 thru 5 (SDCo TAC 1 thru SDCo TAC 4)
Used for mutual aid conversations
Initiated on County Call then moved to these tactical channels
RMA zone, modes 6 thru 16 (San Diego Incident Command System SD ICS1 thru SD ICS11)
Can be assigned by an IC to facilitate mutual aid communications
Request is made through SD Sheriff’s communication center before use
Can be reserved for special events (fair, parades, etc)
Zone that is to NOT be used and should be removed from the RCS radios in the future
Conventional Zone (CNV)
Mutual Aid Zone (8M1)
Utilized for communicating in or outside the confines of the RCS.
Only use 8CALL90, 8TAC 91-94 in SD County in DIRECT mode
** other channels in this zone cannot be used in SD County until further notice.
8M1 8CALL90
Conventional channel similar to County Call
Mutual aid hailing systems monitored by many comm centers. Works in repeat and direct mode
8M1 zone, 8TAC91 thru 8TAC94
Can be used for incident communications when more than one agency is involved
Can be used as a travel channel in direct mode outside of SD County
8M1 Zone, mode 6 and 7 (CALAW8 and CAFIRE1)
Common LE and Fire frequency throughout California
CAFIRE can be used as a direct channel
8M1 zone, mode 8-11 (CARS A - CARS D)
Line of sight communications within SD County only
Used for IN-COUNTY travel use after meeting at rendevous
8M1 zone, mode 13 San Diego County Air-to-Ground
Site Trunking
A single site (Simulcast Cell or Intell-Repeater) loses connection to the Primary System Center.
Trunking still occurs
Users are isolated to their geographic site
EMER button does not activate an alarm in dispatch rather Comm Center and others using the site will see “EMER Rcvd” with no idea who pressed the button
Still get tall permit tones
Failsoft Defined
Radio site cannot perform trunking from computer failure within the system.
Talkgroups preprogrammed to switch to the like-discipline frequencies (Failsoft assignments) has
May share talkgroups with other agencies
FAILSOFT displayed on radio with beep every 10 seconds
Radio Operations during Failsoft
Trunking stops
EMER does not work
May or may not receive permit to talk tones
May hear other agency transmissions
Talkgroups become analog
No radio alias displays
Grouped onto a conventional channel based on talkgroups user was on at time of Failsoft
Alternate Contact Methods for dispatch during Failsoft
XSD CMD 5 (group 1 channel 1)
XSD ESC DISP V (group 1 channel 8)
FIREMARS (CNV) in repeater mode
ICALL (CNV) in repeater mode
Users can use _______ cell but not _______ cell during Site Trunking
North Simulcast
East or South Simulcast
Radios in _________ mode cannot communicate with radios affiliated with an __________
Alternate communication plan for a Failsoft during a fire event
Utilize XSD 8DIR
Remove from IDLH environment
Conduct a PAR
IC can use CNZ FIREMARS-Repeat to talk to dispatch
During a Failsoft Escondido users should ________
Stay on current channel and go to VHF to monitor ESC DISP V
RCS communication Failure Declaration
- No RCS coverage available
- RCS is degraded enough to not provide sustainable and functional Zone-Wide coverage (extended Failsoft or Site Trunking)
- Determined by Zone Coordination Group, Duty Chiefs, and Communication Centers
- require use of VHF radios
800 MHz Channels to scan during a RCS Communication Failure Declaration
Helicopter landing selection
100’ x 100’
Less than 8 degree slope
No overhead wires
Avoid dust if possible
Code Guard
Squelch is completely off.
Will only allow preprogrammed tone to be received. For example, is MVU 1 tone 4 is the pre- programmed tone, tone 4 will be the only one heard. If you have code guard off you will here other tones but may not be able to transmit
This is the “MON” button of the portable Tk790