Why Whiston? Flashcards


Why do you want to work in Whiston?

  1. It represents an ethos and values that I feel I represent. More importantly than these stated values I feel like it lives it. It is a well run and stable trust which is continually looking to improve and move forward and will be a fantastic place to work and develop professionally.
  2. I have spent quite a lot of time studying and working here and have found it to be a hard working, friendly place to work with caring attitude and excellent services.
  3. The considerable time I have spent during my training in Critical Care in Whiston has allowed me to build up a real affection and admiration for the excellent staff there. I feels like I am part of the team.
  4. All of the above points are inspiration for me to want to contribute to the Critical Care department, but also to the rest of the trust. To invest in the unit, collaboration with other department and delivering care centred around the needs and expectations of our community.
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What will you bring to the trust?


1) General:
Motivated, enthusiastic, hard working team player who is keen to embrace the excellent standards and continual improvement that the Trust expects.

2) Clinically:
- Strong skills practically and brilliant communication skills and teamwork.
- Comfortable making important decision and taking responsibility for these as I have an ethos of patient and family inclusion to understand what is important for them.

3) Education:
1. Keen on education and building upon the excellent trajectory whist has for developing intensive care trainees, core trainees and foundation doctors. Educational supervision and clinically teaching and pastoral support.

4) QI/audit:
1. Strong background in QI with specific interest in patient reported outcomes to improve process and outcomes in critical care.

5) Leadership:
1. In its infancy, but currently engaged in QI projects with the CMCCN, within the trust, and nationally with ICS guidance for inadvertent arterial injury.

6) Research:
Strong prior background and engaged with research during training. Keen to continue with research in post-ICU rehabilitation (previously PIM-COVID, soon iRehab).

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