Why start a course of the Eastern Question in 1768? Flashcards
When did Europe start becoming more hegemonic in comparison to the Ottoman Empire?
Around 1850
Why was this?
Europe was developing faster in both economic and military terms
How did this great military might of Europe develop?
1) From experience gained from prolonged wars across most of Europe since 17th century: led to elaboration of new strategies and tactics, armies became much more
disciplined, etc.;
2) The development of science and its application to military engineering, artillery, and navy. In the Ottoman Empire, in contrast, scientific progress had stalled: there was no
university and development of printing press was extremely slow
3) political development: wars required increasing resources and led to development of the state.
Why did the Ottoman Empire not develop their military in the same way?
The Ottoman Empire had been at peace since 1747, when five-year long war with Persia ended and had not been facing European army since war against Austria and Russia of 1736
39. During that period, Ottoman Empire failed to modernise its army in line with those of European powers,
So why start a course here.