Lesson 1 - France Flashcards
Which were more important to France in relation to the Ottoman Empire - Political or Economic interests?
When did the Ottoman Empire grant specific
rights and privileges to French traders under Capitulation treaties
1st half of
16th century.
What did these Capitulation treaties lead to?
Marseilles had developed into France’s most important
harbour, largely thanks to trade with Ottoman-ruled Eastern Mediterranean.By 2nd half of 19th century, French investors and bankers came to play vital role in the Ottoman Empire.
List some of the ways that French investors and bankers came to play a vital role in the Ottoman empire
creation of whole network of banks. Actually, development of banking sector controlled by foreigners was facilitated by fact that Muslims were not allowed to charge interests on loans;
Their role increased following crisis of 1875-78, triggered partly by costs of war against Russia: Ottoman Empire was virtually bankrupt and default would have meant massive losses for French investors. Thus French finance came to rescue of
Sublime Porte but in return, demanded control of newly created Ottoman Public Debt Administration to ensure repayment of foreign debt;
▪ by late 19th century, they also invested heavily in railways (in particular in Lebanon and Syria), telegraphs, post, etc.
What state did the French want the Ottoman Empire to be in?
From an economic point of view, it was important that Ottoman Empire remained stable but at same time, was weakened, in order to extract more advantageous terms of trade. It meant that France had to follow a fine line.
Did France ever back national movements within the Ottoman Empire?
Yes, if it was in her economic interests.
Politically who did France back?
France backed the Catholics in the region This explains historically strong links with Catholic communities in Levant.
What other political links did France have with the Ottoman Empire?
France had historical alliance with Ottoman Empire, dating back to the reigns of Suleiman the Magnificent and François I. This alliance, designed to counter their common enemy Austria, was maintained by successive rulers until Napoleon during 19th century,
What national interests in the Ottoman Empire did France support?
Greece and Rumania, and later new states that emerged in
What happened after the Franco-Russian alliance of 1892
French policy in Balkans became
more aligned with Russia
How did the alliance between France and Russia help the increasing threat from Germany?
It made support from Russia vital (to open the eastern front in case of war);
Russian allies in Balkans could play important role in conflict in which Austro Hungarian Empire was likely to fight alongside Germany.