Lesson 4 - The Consequences of the Greek War of Independence Flashcards
What did the outcome of the Greek War of Independence show about the principle of Nationality?
For 1st time, principle of nationality had triumphed and led to creation of new independent state, in spite of original opposition of Great Powers, who feared any challenge to order
established at 1815 Congress of Vienna. Independence of Greece showed people acrossEurope that status quo could be successfully challenged.
Was the independence of Greece completely successful?
1) However, Greece:
◦ was deeply divided between different factions vying for power;
◦ after years of war, country was incredibly poor;
◦ was governed by largely incompetent politicians.
2) Additionally, only minority of people (around 800,000) considering themselves as Greeks lived within her borders. More than 2.5 m in Epirus, Macedonia, Thrace, Constantinople, Asia Minor, Crete, Dodecanese Islands, Eastern Aegean Islands, Ionian Islands, Cyprus,
etc. were still living under foreign rule.
Actually, this desire of nationalists to include all their nationals within their borders has been source of instability across Balkans for nearly two centuries
What happened to the Greeks living in the Ottoman Empire?
Those living within Ottoman Empire were main losers. From then on, they were seen with certain degree of suspicion by Muslims. If Sultan still appointed a few Phanariots in diplomacy, many Phanariots, who until then occupied prestigious positions in Ottoman government, were now replaced by Armenians, “the most faithful people”
according to Sultan. Therefore, even if community remained prosperous, it lost part of its influence over politics.
What did Greek independence show about the role of Public opinion?
For 1st time, public opinion played major role. People across Europe supported cause of Greek independence against enemy portrayed as barbarian (even though massacres were perpetrated by both sides). This was especially case in Britain, where elections were more
open than anywhere else and politicians could not ignore their electorate.
Under pressure from British public opinion, London tried to find diplomatic solution to crisis. As that failed, there was little option but to intervene militarily in order to find political solution.
What difference did Greek Independence make for the Ottoman Empire?
Independence of Greece was new humiliation for Ottoman Empire. It strengthened determination of Sultan Mahmud to introduce reforms to modernise his empire with view to consolidating its social and political foundations, and improving its military capacity; ultimate
objective being to prevent rise of nationalist feelings among minorities of empire and further secessions.
In Nov. 1839, Abdulmejid issued Gülhane Hatt-ı Şerif (Edict of
Gülhane), first of long series of reforms that culminated with liberal constitution of 1876. Edict marked beginning of period known as Tanzimat (lit. “Reorganisation”) era.
How did the Greek War of Independence influence Britain and Russia’s relations?
Obviously, geopolitics also explain British intervention. Once Russia was about to intervene on side of Greek nationalists against Ottoman Empire, London had little choice but to follow in order to control and limit gains of Saint Petersburg. London estimated that Russian
victory could lead to drastic redrawing of borders between Mediterranean and India, and that would endanger sea route to India.
Aware that Britain would oppose any major changes to international system agreed in Vienna, Russia only sought to extend her control over Danubian Principalities and Black Sea, even if tutelage over Ottoman Balkans remained her mid-term ambition.
Growing rivalry between Britain and Russia became key feature of international relations during rest of 19th and early 20th centuries.
Contrary to what might have been expected, end of war with Russia and settlement of Greek Question did not put end to war or territorial losses.
Indeed, on 14 June 1830, French troops landed in Sidi-Ferruch, near Algiers. It marked beginning of French conquest of Regency of Algiers, autonomous eyalet (province) of Ottoman Empire (in 1519, Sultan of Algiers, Hayreddin Barbarossa, had placed himself
under protection of Ottoman Empire). As such, Dey of Algiers was supposed to pay yearly tribute to Sultan. De facto though, since 17th century relations with Constantinople had been been broken. Still, conquest of land populated by Muslims in Mediterranean basin was blow for Ottomans.
- In Aug. 1830, Serbian prince Miloš Obrenović I took advantage of Sultan’s weak position to get him
1) to extend privileges granted to Serbia;
2) to transfer to Principality of Serbia six districts from provinces of Vidin (in present daynorth-western Bulgaria) and Bosnia;
3) To recognise hereditary rule of Obrenović.