Who was to blame for Cold War? (Inc the Berlin Blockade) Flashcards
Which of the USA and USSR was communist?
USSR (please say you got that one right)
Give four features of Soviet communism.
State control of the economy, one party state, lack of free speech, equality
Give four features of capitalism
Individual ownership of businesses and land, ability to make profit, free speech, democratic elections.
Why did the end of the war make a deterioration in East-West relations more likely?
Because there was no longer a common enemy.
When was Yalta, and who were the Big Three?
Feb 1945; Roosevelt (FDR), Churchill, Stalin
When was Potsdam and what had finished by then?
July 1945; the war in Europe
Who were the Big Three at Potsdam?
Churchill (replaced by Attlee), Truman, Stalin
What were the main issues to be addressed at Yalta and Potsdam?
- What to do with a defeated Germany and its leaders.
- What to do with countries formerly occupied by Germany, many of which were in eastern Europe.
- To decide the future of Poland.
- How war with Japan could be ended as soon as possible.
- To discuss how a lasting peace was to be maintained.
What was agreed at the Yalta conference about what to do with a defeated Germany?
- Split Germany and Berlin into four zones.
- War criminals were to be hunted down and punished.
- Germany had surrender unconditionally and pay reparations.
What cracks in the alliance appeared at Potsdam?
- No agreement was reached over the future government of Poland.
- There was disagreement over Germany. Stalin wanted Germany crippled to prevent future threat.
- The USSR wished to intervene in the war against Japan but this was refused by Truman.
What development encouraged Truman to take a harder line with Stalin than had FDR?
The atomic bomb.
Who coined the phrase the “iron curtain”, when, and what did it mean?
Churchill;1946; described the division between eastern and western Europe along ideological lines.
Which communist country lay outside the Iron Curtain?
Who fell out of a window?
Czech foreign minister Jan Masaryk.
What techniques did the USSR use to establish control over Eastern Europe?
The presence of the Red Army; control of police, armed forces and civil service; abolition of opposition; rigged elections.
What was the name given to the type of rule the USSR set up in Eastern European countries?
People’s democracies.
What phrase means an area over which you have control, but is not part of your country or empire?
Sphere of influence
Name five countries that were with the Soviet sphere of influence.
Romania, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, East Germany. (Yugoslavia was communist too but a little more independent.)
What and when was the Truman doctrine?
- A plan to send money, equipment and advice to any country which was, in the American view, threatened by a Communist take-over.
Who wrote a Long Telegram and what, broadly, did it say?
George Kennan, an American diplomat in Moscow. It said that the Soviet empire was determined to expand and must be stopped.
What and when was the Marshall Plan?
- US Secretary of State George Marshall announced that the US would provide money, machinery, food and technology to help rebuild Europe.
If the US had the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan, what did the USSR have?
Cominform and Comecon.
What was Cominform?
The Communist Information Bureau. Set up in 1947 to co-ordinate and control communist parties throughout Europe.
Which country was thrown out of Cominform when its leader refused to obey Stalin? (And who was the leader?)
Yugoslavia; Tito.
What was Comecon?
The Council for Mutual Assistance, 1949. Offered financial support to Eastern Europe but effectively controlled their economies and forced them to produce certain goods.
What name is given to the US approach towards Communism after WW2, and what does it mean?
Containment. It means that the US would not try to drive communism out of the countries in which it had already taken hold, but would try to stop it spreading any further (i.e. “contain” it).
The Western zones of Berlin could be likened to…
…a capitalist island in a sea of communism.
What was Bizonia?
A merger of the US and British zones of Germany in 1947.
Why did Stalin decide to cut off West Berlin in the Berlin Blockade?
West Germany and West Berlin were starting to recover as a result of their new currency and Marshall Aid. In the East there was poverty and hunger which was making communism look bad.
When did the Berlin Airlift start and end?
June 1948 - May 1949.
Approximately how frequent were US flights into Berlin during the blockade?
Three per minute. The airlift involved nearly 300,000 flights in total.
Define the term ‘satellite state’.
State which is controlled by a larger state e.g. Eastern European states controlled by the USSR after WWII.
Define the term ‘Communist bloc’.
Eastern European states controlled by Communist governments from end of WWII to 1989.
What were three key consequences of the Berlin Blockade?
- Very soon after, the western allies formally joined their zones into the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG, or West Germany).
Stalin responded by turning the Soviet zone into the German Democratic Republic (GDR, or DDR; East Germany. - In April 1949 NATO was formed, followed by the Warsaw Pact in 1955.
- The arms race began in earnest.
What does NATO stand for and what is it?
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. Countries in NATO (broadly, the USA and western Europe) agreed to come to each other’s aid if any of them were attacked.
What was the east European version of NATO?
The Warsaw Pact.
How did the USA and USSR view NATO?
The USA saw it as a defensive alliance against the Soviets, in line with containment. The USSR saw it as an aggressive move designed to secure and promote capitalism.