Russia up to WW1 Flashcards
What was the name of the secret police under the Tsar?
The Okhrana
What was the name of the Tsarina?
What was the Duma?
The Russian parliament
Who was Father Gapon?
The leader of the Bloody Sunday march
What was the exact date of Bloody Sunday?
22 January 1905
What were the four main demands of the Bloody Sunday marchers?
An eight hour working day, pay of one rouble a day, the vote, lower taxes.
To what did the the Tsar agree in the October Manifesto of 1905?
Civil rights, extending the franchise and that all laws had to be agreed by the newly established Duma
When was the Russo-Japanese war, who won, and why was it important?
1904-5; Japan; weakened people’s belief in the Tsarist regime.
What was the name of the Tsar’s ruthless prime minister between 1906 and 1911?
Petr Stolypin
What item of clothing might Stolypin have been likely to wear?
A necktie: “Stolypin’s necktie” was the nickname given to the hangman’s noose, a reference to Stolypin’s ruthlessness in the face of opposition.
What was the ratio of representatives to a) nobles and b) peasants in the first Duma?
One representative for every 2000 nobles, and one for every 90,000 peasants.
What could the first Duma not do?
Pass laws, appoint ministers or control finance in key areas such as defence. Also, the Tsar could dissolve it whenever he wished.
Who were the kulaks?
Wealthier peasants who were encouraged by Stolypin to buy up neighbouring strips of land.
What happened at the Lena goldfields in Siberia, in 1912?
A major strike lead to troops killing 170 workers and injuring 373.
There were 13,995 strikes in 1905. How many in 1910?
Who were the Bolsheviks?
A political party formed after the SDLP split, led by Lenin. Believed a small, elite group should spearhead the revolution.
Who were the Mensheviks?
A political party formed after the SDLP split, led by Trotsky. Believed in a mass membership party and prepared for slow change.
Ra-ra-Rasputin was, of course, Russia’s greatest love machine but, more importantly for the Tsar and his wife, he claimed he could:
Cure the Tsar’s son’s haemophilia.