Who to Notify Flashcards
No unauthorized changes, additions or alterations in quarters, or to any equipment thereof shall be permitted without the written approval
of the Chief of Department.
Company commanders shall, upon notice being received of proposed demolition work adjacent to adjoining quarters, forward a report to
the Fire Commissioner with full particulars.
When private contractors commence repairs or other work in or about company quarters, the officer on duty shall telephone all related information
to the Fire Department Buildings Unit
Quarters shall be used only for Department business. Visitors shall not be permitted to remain in quarters after 2200 hours. Social assemblages shall be prohibited at all times. Any type of sales promotions or private business activity shall be prohibited at all times unless .
permitted by the Chief of Department
Departmental organizations. Uniformed commanders and civilian managers shall ensure that copies of the _______are posted permanently
Equal Employment Policy Statement,
Sexual Harassment Policy Statement and Diversity
Inclusion Mission Statement
Privately owned automobiles or vehicles shall not be stored in quarters without approval of
the Fire Commissioner.
Officers on duty shall not permit photographs to be taken in department buildings under their jurisdiction without approval of
the Fire Commissioner.
Company Commanders shall notify who of any demo / construction adjacent to quarters
Fire Commissioner
Who makes the final desicision on EEO matters
Fire commissioner
Hazing and Bullying report thru the chain of command to who
Chief of Dept
Workplace Violence goes to ___with a copy to whom ?
Division Workplace Violence Coordinator and a copy to Chief of OPERATIONS
If the INvestigating officer orders testing, he or she shall document the reasons for the
determination in a report ______
If the Investigation officer determines that there is no reason to believe that this policy has been
violated, he or she shall not order testing and shall document the reasons for his or her
determination in a report ______
to the Chief of Department via the Chain of Command.
to the Chief of Department via the Chain of Command
If any member is permitted to leave premises during an investigation, the
investigating officer shall document the reason for the release in a report to be sent
to the Chief of Department via the chain of command.
the Chief of Department via the chain of command.
Every member who has operated a Department vehicle that has been involved in a
major accident The highest ranking officer (or where applicable, the
Medical Officer), shall document the reasons for the failure to test a member
via the
chain of command in a written report to
Fire Commissioner AND
Chief of Department.
When reserve apparatus is fully staffed and ready for fire duty the Officer on Duty shall
Dispatcher, Battalion Chief, Deputy Chief and Tour Command Chief
AUC 259
Upon return of a reserve apparatus to storage the officer on duty, in unit at which
the apparatus is stored, must compare the outstanding RT-2 with the tools and
equipment being returned with the apparatus. If any item is found to be missing the
officer shall:
A. Immediately notify, by telephone, the administrative battalion chief.
B. Record the particulars in the company journal.
C. Prepare and forward a report, to the Chief of Department
Who shall prepare and be responsible for the rapid provision of handitalkies
and masks upon activation of reserve apparatus, as such items are not included
among regular equipment for these units.
Division Commanders
Therefore, the officer in charge of a firehouse where the IPS alarm is going off must notify
the Supervising Fire Alarm Dispatcher of the condition.
When the PC/ATS is on line, the red border surrounding the CLR/TEST button will be flickering on and off. If the red border remains steady the PC/ATS is out of service and
Starfire Control Center should be notified by phone
Excemption from yearly limit of OT
approval of Chief of Dept
When a Metrocard is reported lost, stolen or damaged, the officer on duty shall
notify the FDNY Resource Center
File a police report and a Lost Property Report ensuring that the MTA NYC Transit
identification number is included on all reports. forwarded to the
FDNY Resource Center,
Any unit that finds a HEET gate at one of these entrances without a Fire Department 1620 lock shall
forward a report through the chain of command to the
PTSU, Bureau of Operations.
Station Info will be in a see-through protective folder, which will be readily
available at the full time token booth of every station Any unit finding this folder not readily available at full time token booth shall immediately upon returning to quarters, call
the Public Transportation Safety Unit (PTSU)
begun installing 1620 locks on elevator
and escalator machine room doors throughout the NYCT system for FDNY use in an
emergency. If a door equipped with a 1620 lock is forced, units are to forward a report to the
Chief of Operations and notify PTSU via email at PTSU@fdny.nyc.gov with the Box
Number, Station Name and Room Number a
all request for drills, training and familiarization tours must be requested (as per the protocol) through the Bureau of Operations, Public Transportation Safety Unit.
Chief and Company Officers shall forward all requests via the chain of command, to the Commanding Officer of the Public Transportation Safety Unit.
Any firefighter who recognizes that the
involved station is served by a dry standpipe system shall relay this information back to
the engine officer and chauffeur.
During the semi-annual subway emergency inspection period, administrative units shall
inspect the subway dry standpipe systems and test the sound-powered telephones. Units
shall not charge the standpipe system during inspection periods
If defects are noted during semi-annual inspections, multi-unit drills, or at operations, an
A-8 Referral Report shall be forwarded to the Public Transportation Safety Unit, Bureau
of Operations. For immediate notification to PTSU, telephone (718) 281-8397, or fax
(718) 281-8459.
Any unit that forces a NYCHA building entry door or elevator machinery room door
shall notify NYC Housing Authority via Borough Dispatcher that a door has been forced,
even if the door is able to be secured.
NYC Housing Authority via Borough Dispatcher that a door has been forced,
even if the door is able to be secured. In addition, the unit shall forward a letterhead
report through the chain of command to the Chief of Operations with full particulars
Each key FOB has an individual serial number assigned to it. This allows NYCHA to
track key FOB usage. When an FDNY unit receives the key FOB, the OOD shall record
the serial number
in the Office Record Journal. The key FOB and elevator machinery room key shall be labeled and stored in a secure place in the apparatus cab.
In the event a unit does not perform hydrant inspection duty in accordance with
the schedule, the officer on duty shall promptly notify .
Deputy Chief,
Battalion Chief and the dispatcher by telephone.
Hydrants found unserviceable at fire operations shall immediately be the cause
for the proper placement of discs. The officer who orders the disc placed shall
forward a report
to the Deputy Chief in whose administrative district the
hydrant or system is located.
If Hydrant found Frozen place disc and notify admin company
Auxiliary fire protection equipment in tunnels and on bridges, also towers,
shafts and approaches thereto, shall be inspected semi-annually during the
months of
April and October by the Public Transportation Safety Unit. In the
event that these inspections cannot be completed by the Public Transportation
Safety Unit, the administrative Division and unit will be notified to assist with
the completion of these inspections.
The Fire Department unit experiencing a problem with the NYC Transit repeater
system shall notify
the Borough Communications Office via Department radio and
advise the Dispatcher of the problem, including the exact location or station.
A lost or stolen wrench or key requires immediate notification to
issued to first due units in these areas at the direction of the Public Transportation Safety Unit (PTSU).
the PTSU via email
or telephone notification. A lost property report
and a police report are also required and will be forwarded through the chain of
command, with a copy to the PTSU.
Members must have three (3) years experience in the Fire Department to be considered for Chauffeur Training School. In unusual circumstances, exceptions to this policy will be granted with the approval of the
Chief of Operations
When, in the opinion of the Company Commander, a member’s performance as a chauffeur is less than satisfactory, the Company Commandeer may recommend, by written report with all relevant facts to the Chief of Operations, that the member’s designation as chauffeur be revoked
the Chief of Operations, that the member’s designation as chauffeur be revoked
Any requests for the rescinding of chauffeur status will be directed through the chain of command to the
Chief of Operations, with endorsements. Requests shall also include the number of chauffeurs presently assigned to the unit.
While on medical leave, members are prohibited from engaging in any EDE, profession, occupation or business.
1.4 While on light duty or limited service, members may engage in EDE only with the approval of the
the Fire Commissioner or the Commissioner’s designee
Testing, selling, installing or repairing fire alarm, fire extinguishing, fire protection or fire prevention equipment or processes. Members are also prohibited from any affiliation with corporations, partnerships, firms, individuals or professions that engage in such activities, except with the approval of
the Fire Commissioner
Members in charge of Department vehicles shall permit only on-duty members as recorded on unit’s riding list (BF-4) to ride upon such vehicles. Variations of this section are permitted only with the advanced approval
of the Chief of Operations.
13.3.18 Spare apparatus shall not be used for any service other than fire duty, except with the approval of the Chief of Department or the Chief of Support Services
Chief of Department or the Chief of Support Services
Leaves exceeding the amount of accrued credits shall not be granted; except that, in unusual circumstances, the ________ may permit use of annual leave allowance before earned, not to exceed four 9-hour and three 15-hour tours.
Fire Commissioner
The minimum deduction from annual leave credits shall be one-half work day
When repairs to apparatus are needed, and the Department mechanic determines that unit cannot respond, the officer must promptly notify
the dispatcher, Battalion Chief, and Deputy Chief.
not returned to service within two hours notify the Battalion and Deputy Chief.
When the unit is returned to service, promptly notify the Dispatcher, Battalion Chief, and Deputy Chief.