Who is the Client? Flashcards
What are the elements of a paralegal’s duty of quality of service?
- competence
- maintain client confidentiality
- avoid conflicts of interest
- continue to represent the client unless there is good cause to withdraw
- handling the client;s fees, billing, handling money and property.
Which bylaw requires that paralegals obtain identifying information from clients?
By-Law 7.1
who is a prospective client?
anyone seeking advice or assistance on a matter invoking the paralegal’s professional knowledge, even though the paralegal has not prepared a retainer agt, or rendered an account for fees, or agreed to represent that person
when do paralegals owe a person the duty of confidentiality?
When the prospective client discloses any confidential information. These duties arise when the prospective client first contacts the paralegal or firm and continue indefinitely.
who is a client?
A person who
- consults a paralegal and on whose behalf the paralegal provides/agrees to provide legal services
- having consulted with the paralegal, reasonably concludes that the paralegal has agreed to provide legal services on the person’s behalf.
What consitutes the rendering of legal services?
the provision of legal services, in both formal and informal settings
what is the test for examination when considering whether a rep-client relationship exist?
whether it is reasonable for a person to conclude that the paralegal has agreed to provide legal services on that person’s behalf.
Paralegals should be cautious when dealing with people who:
1/ consult w paralegal but do not clearly indicate whether they want to hire the paralegal or pursue the matter
2/ are third parties who accompany the client and are present during client consultations w paralegal
3/ speak to the paralegal casually or socially about the legal issue/matter outside the paralegals place of business or business hours
what is a firm client?
a client of the firm of which a paralegal is a partner or associate, whether or not the paralegal handles the client’s work.
what is a joint retainer?
when a paralegal has been retained to represent two or more clients in the same matter
What must a paralegal do before accepting joint clients?
- ensure there are no conflicts of interest
- advise each client that the paralegal has been asked to act for both or all parties
- advise each client that no information received about the matter from one joint client can be treated as confidential where the other joint clients are concerned
- if a conflict develops between or amongst the joint clients that cannot be resolved, the paralegal cannot continue to act for both or all of them and may have to withdraw completely
- obtain separaet consent from each client
How can consent be communicated by joint clients?
in writing or recorded in a separate written communication to each client.
What duty does the paralegal owe the joint clients?
The duty of undivided loyalty, must not favour one over the other.
what if the paralegal has a continuing relationship with one of the joint clients?
The paralegal must advise the other joint client(s) of the relationship, and advise them to obtain independent legal advice about the joint retainer
What if one of the joint clients is of different knowledge/capacity/vulnerability/authority?
The paralegal should consider suggesting that they obtain independent legal advice before agreeing to the joint retainer to ensure that the client’s consent is informed, genuine and uncoerced
How should a paralegal proceed if they feel conflict between joint clients is likely?
They should NOT act for more than one of the clients.
What if a contentious issue arises between the joint clients?
The paralegal may not advise either client on the issue, and must refer them to other paralegals/lawyers on this issue. The paralegal may not participate in any negotiation between the clients to settle the issue
what is an authorized legal representative?
A person who acts as authorized representative of a person with diminished capacity/ lacks legal capacity. this person must be lawfully appointed.
What information must be included in a retainer agreement between paralegal and organization?
Which officers/directors/shareholders may properly give instructions on the organization’s behalf. Any instructions should be confirmed in writing to avoid future confusion
Can a paralegal act for both an officer/shareholder and the organization?
Only in those situations where the paralegal has determined that no conflict of interest would arise from doing so.
What is a limited scope retainer?
A retainer where the paralegal and client agree that the paralegal will provide legal services for PART, but NOT ALL of a client’s legal matter, or to perform a specific legal task in relation to the client’s matter
What steps should a paralegal follow when preparing and executing a limited scope retainer?
1/ prior to agreeing to assist the client, the paralegal should carefully assess whether it is possible to render the services competently in the circumstances
2/ where appropriate, consider whether the services can be provided within the financial means of the client.
3/ COnfirm the limited terms of engagement in writing, and give a copy of the written document to the client.