WHO Flashcards
‘health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity’
When established
Why established
Specialist UN public health organisation to lead initiatives
CD e.g. UN General Assembly decades Roll Back Malaria, substance abuse, NCD effect mitigation, nutrition and food security, aging, advice, occupational health
How many member countries
International Classification of Disease; advising national health ministries on standards of practice; working with other UN agencies, NGOs and international partners e.g. UNAID, UNICEF
Smallpox success
1980 eradicated, only CD
Partnership with UNFPA
2010 Strategy for Women’s and Children’s health
How do they adapt responses
In HIV treatment e.g. SSA, EE
Polio success
99% reduction in 2006, 1988 Global polio Eradication Initiative
Overbureaucratic, slow, limited frontline application, relies on advice being followed