Telford Flashcards
2021 186,000
Population density in Telford
Over 80%
% increase in population
11.4% from 2011, 35.7% of 65+ (second highest rate in any UK borough)
What % disabled
20% higher than English rate
What % live in 20% most deprived nationally
Female and male life expectancy
81.9 and 78.2, both worse than rest of England
How many provide unpaid care
18,000, 10th highest rate of all UK boroughs
Location relative to larger towns
13 miles E of Shrewsbury, 30 miles NW of Birmingham, M54 connects since 1983, hub and spoke mechanism connects healthcare as Birmingham consultancy
How large
7803 ha, town put together in 1960s from smaller towns e.g. Dawley, leapfrogging, population pressure
Industrial sites
East Shropshire coalfield, “Birthplace of Industry” as coalfield
On a watershed and Wrekin
Asthma statistics
7.2% in Telford, 6.5% nationally
Ironbridge significance
On the South boundary, Ironbridge Gorge a scenic tourist area and UNESCO World Heritage Site
Self harm statistics
1/10 10-24 hospital admissions, worse than national average
Health services available
1 acute hospital (PRH, no A&E), 51 GP surgeries, public health services
Sutton Hill education deprivation statistics
In top 5% nationally
Unemployment statistics
3.2%, higher than Shropshire, lower than UK
Unemployment solution
£250m Southwater Shopping Complex and investment e.g. Ricoh helped
NEF economic performance grading
Average 2014-2024
Mental health and wealth correlation
Poorest 20% of households 4x more likely to have serious mental health issues than wealthiest
What fraction of the country have a worsening rank of deprivation
2/3 since 2015
What was the main issue in the Make your Mark UK Youth Parliament Ballot
Health and wellbeing main issue
What strategy aims to close the economic inequality gap
2023-7 Health and Wellbeing Strategy
Mental health issues
Few qualified staff and increased waiting times
Bee U
Mental health service for those aged 0-25
Effect of COVID
2x number of people referred to mental health services run by Midlands Partnership NHS Trust
Future in Mind
For school mental health CPDs
What % of those who completed a course of talking therapy recovered
50%, issue is access
What % classified as having a mental health issue
Calm Cafes
For 18+, open 5-8pm Mon-Thu
65+ loneliness stats
2.7% severely depressed, in part due to crime so 2021 Safe Streets Brookside reduced 54% robberies
What % children aged 4-5 are an unhealthy weight
25%, least deprived areas e.g. Priorslee having lowest obesity levels
Why is obesity so prevalent in children
25% don’t believe healthy cooking is an important skill, lack of education, crime, a lack of green space e.g. Brookside, ineffective support e.g. 25% have 5 a day, smoking, alcohol, high fast food chain density e.g. Madeley, 25% less than 30 mins/week, deindustrialisation income and activity, -26.1C
What % adults overweight
Effect of obesity
14.1% diagnosed hypertension, 1/3 felt discriminated against
What is the obesity mitigation
2024-9 Healthy Weight Strategy, whole systems approach, 10 by 10, NHS Digital Weight Management Programme, Green Spaces Are Go, Healthy Schools Rating Scheme
How many admitted to hospital with alcohol related conditions
3700 2015-16
Alcohol response
Training, healthy Telford information on empty calories, how to use screening tools like FAST
What % smoke (whilst pregnant)
17%, higher than average
Effect of smoking
10y life expectancy reduction, more Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy
Programme to stop smoking
Help Stop Smoking highlights external positive effects of stopping
Drug crisis
Increases in narcotic abuse and a growing opioid crisis, also fentanyl
Effect of drugs
Pressure on organisations like Telford Stars, Narcotics Anonymous, etc.
Strategy for ageing well
Celebrating Later Life builds on existing initiatives
How many older people live alone
What is the gap between pensions and living cost
How many rooms available in care homes, how many need them
1280, over 30,000
How many aged 65+ affected by income deprivation
6500, overlaps with POC communities
How many aged 65+ have daily activities very limited
9000, reflects needs for more long term care
How many young carers, what % from minority ethnic backgrounds
600, 22.1%, may affect access
What system was created in response to England’s Better Birth Policy
Local Maternity and Neonatal System
What are the strategies to improve care for the elderly
Allowing telephone appointments
Start For Life family hubs aim
To improve development (below average), enhance breastfeeding rates (2/3), support maternal health (17%) under 2023-7 Health and Wellbeing Strategy
Start For Life family hubs services offered
Triple P initiative, perinatal support, Tots Talking to boost communication
Start For Life family hubs effect
Positive feedback, 200% registration increase since family hub rebrand
Rates of secondary school suspension compared to nationally
Higher, leads to poorer health outcomes
Rates of SEND children compared to nationally
2% higher
Response to SEND children rates
SEND Working Together Charter
SEND response successes
Effective early literacy interventions as 2% greater rate of passing phonics screening
SEND response issues
Rise in demand for special school placements, parents dissatisfied with mental health and ASD support