Wheezing Flashcards
Wheezing Deficiency (Xu) Patterns
- LU Qi Xu
- KD Yang Xu
- LU Qi and Yin Xu
- LU and KD Yin Xu
- Collapse of Yang Qi
Wheezing Excess (Shi) Patterns
- Invasion of LUs by W-Cold
- Invasion of LUs by W-Heat or Heat
- Accumulation of Phlegm-Heat in the LUs
- Accumulation of Turbid Phlegm in the LUs
- LV Qi Stag Damaging the LUs
Common Ingredients to calm wheezing:
Ma Huang, Xing Ren, Chen Xiang, Sang Bai Pi, Su Zi, Ting Li Zi, Bai Guo, Di Long, Ge Jie, Dong Chong Xia Cao, He Tao Ren
Ma Huang
very efficient, dispel W-Cold, or W-C turning to heat, w/ heat add Shi Gao
induce sweating, release the ext., fascilitate LU qi movm’t, controls wheezing and stops coughing, promotes urination and reduces edema, warms and disperses cold pathogens
Chen Xiang
promote qi flow downward, best w/ LV qi stagnation, promote movm’t of qi, can also be used elsewhere
Su Zi
wide use, ext./int., xu/shi, guide the qi down, transform phlegm
Sang Bai Pi
heat or water retention
Xing Ren
good in combo w/ Ma Huang, wide use, no limits, good to loosen up and moisten, good w/ constipation
Ting Li Zi
water accumulation in the LU, person cannot lie down
Bai Guo
if constrained, prevent leakage of LU Qi, chronic cough
Di Long
earthworm, directly reduce spasm, transform phlegm
Ge Jie
Tonify LU Qi and KD Yang, grasp Qi, KD too weak-> “old people” 60s/70s common in China as a gift
-Assists KD Yang and Augments the Essence and Blood
Dong Chong Xia Cao
tonify LU, boost urinary output
augments KD and tonifies yang, augments LU Yin, Transform phlegm, Stops bleeding
-wheezing from xu or consumptive cough with blood-streaked sputum, it is safe and can be take for long periods because it tonifies yin and yang
He Tao Ren
walnuts, Warms the LUs and helps KDs to grasp qi- xu LU chronic cough & wheezing worse with exertion d/t LU and KD xu
- tonify KDs, strengthen back and knees
- moisten INTs and unblocks bowels
Wheezing-Xu-LU and KD Yin Xu
Nourish LU and KD yin, clear heat, assist the KDs to grasp the qi, stop wheezing Bai He Gu Jin Tang or Yue Huan Wan + Mai Wei Di Huang Wan or Du Qi Wan + Sheng Mai San
Wheezing-Xu-KD Yang Xu
Tonify KD Yang, assist the KDs to grasp the qi
Shen Qi Wan + Shen Ge San
Wheezing- Xu- LU Qi and Yin Xu
Augment the LU Qi, nourish LU Yin
Sheng Mai San +Sha Shen, Yu Zhu, Bai He
Wheezing- Xu- LU Qi Xu
Supplement the LUs, Boost Qi
Bu Fei Tang + Yu Ping Feng San
for Lu and SP qi xu + Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang
Wheezing- Shi-LV Qi Stagnation
Regulate LV Qi, redirect LU qi down, stop wheezing
Wu Mo Yin Zi
Wheezing- Xu- Accumulation of Turbid Phlegm in the LUs
Transform Phlegm, direct LU qi down, calm wheezing
Er Chen Tang + San Zi Yang Qin Tang
Wheezing- Xu- Accumulation of Phlegm-Heat in the LUs
Clear LUs, Transform phlegm, regulate LU qi, calm wheezing
Sang Bai Pi Tang
Wheezing- Shi- Invasion of LUs by Heat or W-Heat
Clear heat, expel wind, facilitate flow of LU Qi and calm wheezing
Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang or Sang Ju Yin
Wheezing- Shi- Invasion of LUs by W-Cold
Disperse W-Cold, release the exterior, disseminate LU qi, calm wheezing
Ma Huang Tang
Wheezing- E & P
Failure of LU Qi to descend d/t External (W-C, W-H) and Internal (LV qi stag, turbid phelgm, prolonged dz, stress & over strain) causes