Test #1- Actions Flashcards
Chapter 1- Common Cold and Epidemic Cold
Excess patterns
General Tx Principles:
diaphoresis, expel external evil qi, disseminate the LU qi, regulate & facilitate the interaction b/w the nutritive and protective qi
Chapter 1- Common Cold and Epidemic Cold
Excess patterns
Dispel wind, dissipate cold, resolve the exterior
Chapter 1- Common Cold and Epidemic Cold
Excess patterns
Disperse wind, clear heat, resolve the exterior
Chapter 1- Common Cold and Epidemic Cold
Excess patterns
Disperse cool-dryness & disseminate the LU qi, or
Disperse warm-dryness, moisten dryness, soothe the LU qi
Chapter 1- Common Cold and Epidemic Cold
Excess patterns
Clear Summerheat, transform dampness, and release the exterior
Exterior Wind-Cold with Interior Heat
Chapter 1- Common Cold and Epidemic Cold
Excess patterns
Release the exterior wind-cold and clear internal heat
Chapter 1- Common Cold and Epidemic Cold
Deficiency patterns
General Tx Principles:
disperse evil qi, disseminate the LU qi, release the exterior, and tonify the deficiency in the interior
Exterior with Qi Deficiency
Chapter 1- Common Cold and Epidemic Cold
Deficiency patterns
Tonify qi, dispel wind, dissipate cold, and resolve the exterior
Exterior with Yang Deficiency
Chapter 1- Common Cold and Epidemic Cold
Deficiency patterns
Assist the yang, release the exterior
Exterior with Blood Deficiency
Chapter 1- Common Cold and Epidemic Cold
Deficiency patterns
Nourish the blood, release the exterior
Exterior with Yin Deficiency
Chapter 1- Common Cold and Epidemic Cold
Deficiency patterns
Nourish the yin, clear heat, release the exterior
Chapter 2- Cough
External Cough
General Tx Principles:
dispel evils and diffuse the LU (regulate LU qi)
Invasion of the LUs by Wind-Cold
Chapter 2- Cough
External Cough
Expel wind, scatter cold, release the exterior, disseminate the LU qi, and stop cough
Invasion of the LUs by Wind-Heat
Chapter 2- Cough
External Cough
Dispel wind, clear heat, diffuse the LUs (regulate LU qi), and relieve coughing
Invasion of the LUs by Wind-Dryness (Warm Dryness)
Chapter 2- Cough
External Cough
Disperse wind, clear heat, moisten dryness, disseminate the LUs, and stop cough
Invasion of the LUs by Wind-Dryness (Cool-Dryness)
Chapter 2- Cough
External Cough
Disperses cool-dryness, moisten dryness, disseminate the LUs, and stop cough
Chapter 2- Cough
Internal Cough
General Tx Principles:
restore to proper functions of organs, tonify the deficiency, eliminate the evil qi
Damp-phlegm in the LUs
Chapter 2- Cough
Internal Cough
Dry dampness, transform phlegm, regulate qi, and stop cough
Heat-phlegm in the LUs
Chapter 2- Cough
Internal Cough
Clear heat, resolve phlegm, restore the descending function of the LU qi, and stop cough
LV-Fire Insulting the LUs
Chapter 2- Cough
Internal Cough
Clear the LV, drain the LUs, transforms phlegm, and stops cough
LU Yin deficiency
Chapter 2- Cough
Internal Cough
Nourish the yin, moisten the LUs, transform phlegm, and stop cough
LU Qi deficiency from Cold
Chapter 2- Cough
Internal Cough
Tonify qi, warm the LUs, transform phlegm, and resolve coughing
Chapter 3- Wheezing
Excess patterns
General Tx Principles:
eliminate the evil qi (wind, heat, cold, phlegm) from the LUs, redirect LU qi downward, and calm the wheezing
Invasion of LUs by Wind-Cold
Chapter 3- Wheezing
Excess patterns
Disperse the Wind-cold, release the exterior, disseminate the LU qi, and calm the wheezing
Invasion of the LUs by Heat or Wind-Heat
Chapter 3- Wheezing
Excess patterns
Clear heat, expel wind, facilitate the flow of LU qi, and calm wheezing
Accumulation of Phlegm-Heat in the LUs
Chapter 3- Wheezing
Excess patterns
Clear the LUs, transform phlegm, regulate LU qi, and calm wheezing
Accumulation of Turbid Phlegm in the LUs
Chapter 3- Wheezing
Excess patterns
Transform phlegm, direct the LU qi downward, and calm wheezing
LV Qi stagnation damaging the LU
Chapter 3- Wheezing
Excess patterns
Regulates the LV qi, redirects LU qi downward, stops wheezing
Chapter 3- Wheezing
Deficiency patterns
General Tx Principles:
supplement LU, KD, SP, and stop wheezing
LU qi deficiency
Chapter 3- Wheezing
Deficiency patterns
Supplement the LUs, boost qi
LU qi and yin deficiency
Chapter 3- Wheezing
Deficiency patterns
Augment the LU qi, nourish the LU yin
KD Yang deficiency
Chapter 3- Wheezing
Deficiency patterns
Tonify the KD yang, and assist the KDs to grasp the qi
LU & KD yin deficiency
Chapter 3- Wheezing
Deficiency patterns
Nourish the LU & KD yin, clear heat, assist the KDs to grasp the qi, and stop wheezing
Collapse of Yang Qi
Chapter 3- Wheezing
Deficiency patterns
Restore the yang, rescue the yang qi from collapse, calm the wheezing, and grasp the qi
Chapter 4- Sinusitis and Nasal Congestion
Excess patterns
General Tx Principles:
disperse evil qi, regulate LU qi, and open the nasal orifice
Wind-Cold invasion
Chapter 4- Sinusitis and Nasal Congestion
Excess patterns
Disperse wind-cold, diffuse LU qi, unblock the nasal passages
Wind-Heat invasion
Chapter 4- Sinusitis and Nasal Congestion
Excess patterns
Disperse wind, clear heat, open the nasal orifices
Phlegm-heat accumulation
Chapter 4- Sinusitis and Nasal Congestion
Excess patterns
Clear heat, transform heat phlegm, and open the nasal passages
Chapter 4- Sinusitis and Nasal Congestion
Deficiency patterns
General Tx Principles:
tonify LU, SP, and KD, transform phlegm, and open the nasal orifice
LU Qi deficiency
Chapter 4- Sinusitis and Nasal Congestion
Deficiency patterns
Warm & supplement LU qi, dissipate cold, open the nasal orifice