wheeze and stridor pearls Flashcards
Stridor is often a sign of impending…/emergency?
airway obstruction/ yes!! Emergency
common cause of wheezing?
no wheezing => no Asthma?
no wheezing => no COPD?
intermittent respiratory sx/ diff dx should alw include….
asthma exacerbation/ one critical step to take in addition to rx
control diseases and factors precipitating asthma
*risk factors for asthma-related death?
Previous severe exacerbations/Multiple, recent ED visits or hospitalizations/ there are several others /hint: asthma
Any patient with risk factors for asthma-related death who presents with an asthma exacerbation requires…
serious consideration for hospitalization.
decreased wheezing=> improved airflow obstruction?
it depends !!whether or not it is is accompanied by worsening distress or decreased mental status OR contrary
is it ok to alw treat if asthma is suspected?
yes, because asthma is very common and the initial treatment is benign
nl lateral neck film rules out epiglottitis?
other test to do to rule out epiglottitis,
pt w a smoking hx + cc of chronic cough, sputum production, or dyspnea should be considered
COPD if no other diagnosis can be made
patients with COPD/ ++ effective than rx…
Smoking cessation
sx diagnostic of asthma
Wheezing + dyspnea at REST + nocturnal dyspnea (at night cold air)+ nocturnal chest tightness + recurrence of the sx/hint: asthma/perfume+ accomplice whose nail decr w expir wheezing/who loves nachos but has to run to eat them, at rest can’t breath, lay down at night= nuke=> SOB at night=>knife, cut chest> chest not tight anymore, like to turn knobs over and ove again
sx + signs diagnostic of COPD
Any unforced wheeze/Early inspiratory crackles/Diaphragmatic excursion expiration wheezing; accomplice+ nacho: cracks==crackles, accomplice start a nuck but nuck is restrained=> barrel chest